Sunday 6 March 2016

If I were a bear.

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has gone by very quickly. On Saturday I had a pyjama rest day, and today I got dressed and went out for a walk on my crutches. It was cold and frosty but sunny, so good to get out in the fresh air for an hour!
On Monday it will be back to Boot Camp/Rehab!

Today I have another hybrid page for Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods. I used a poem I wrote some years back for a little anthology of children's verse. The background is a photo taken from my balcony, and overlayed with script and 2 other digitally cut out photos, as well as Nat and Nora snuggling in their lair. I made 2 versions, one with the text and one without.

I slept better last night, for which I am very thankful, and when I woke up the sky was a rather greeny colour, and I enjoyed watching the sun chase away the mist and the thick frost on the fields.

I went out for a walk, and the ducks came fluttering by to get some bread:

Then I walked in the other direction to the tram-stop. Not usually a Sunday walk I would choose, but it was great to be out and about again!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your poem and the beautiful view with Nat and Nora snuggled up there! I'm so glad you were able to get out even if it wouldn't have been your first choice of places to go! It must be handy having a tram stop near by! Wishing you a good day in boot camp! Hugs, Chrisx

  2. Lovely Poem and bears again...
    Brilliantly designed and love the awesome colours used.
    Sorry have been missing but we had a bit of time out for a few days away....takes a while to catch up on over 200 notifications...xx

  3. Your poem is beautiful and goes so well with your piece! So glad you got out and about. Could not have been easy on the crutches.

  4. How clever of you. I love the poem because it is so well done. Of course, seeing the bears in their lair was fun, too.

    It was great to see a few photos from a different area of your town. I've never seen those railroad tracks before, so that was fun to see for a change.

    Hope this next week of boot camp is less stressful than the previous one. It sounds like it's doing you a lot of good.

  5. I've really been enjoying your animal collages, Valerie. Glad to know how well you are progressing post-op, too. xoxo

  6. Love your poem and the beautiful page, glad you are making progress, but don 't overdo things, will you? Hugs, Sarah

  7. Dein Gedicht zu der entzückenden Collage macht richtig fröhlich! Toll gemacht mit eigener Lyrik auch gleich - Hut ab Valerie -und auch Hut ab dass Du so tüchtig warst und draußen warst, sogarschöne Fotos hast Du dabei gemacht!
    Es geht hurtig forwärts mit Deiner Genesung wie ich sehe!
    Viel Spaß heute .. Du wirst noch süchtig nach dem boot camp werden!
    Denk an meine Worte!


  8. Liebe Valerie,
    es begeistert mich total, wenn ich die schöne Collage sehe mit diesem zauberhaften Gedicht... Da warst du schon wacker am laufen, eine grossartige Leistung, wie ich finde. Deine Fotos sind absolut genial, vor allem dieses wunderschöne Licht, das sich dir zeigte faszinierte mich sehr.
    Herzliche Grüsse und viel Sonnenschein, Sichtwiese

  9. Terrific page with the great poem-you have so much talent Valerie. Love the bears and the use of your own photograph.

    Great photographs today and particularly all the movement in the duck one.

    How brave that you ventured out on your crutches. Hope you enjoy boot camp today and the food is good

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. A wonderful page and a lovely poem, I'm glad that you are managing to get out and about, the photos are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Glad to hear you are moving more. I like the poem and the page together. How fun!!! Hope boot camp goes well today. Hugs!

  12. such a sweet poem
    and so lovely with your art
    i have begun thinking about bears waking up
    even looking for signs of them, i hope they sleep a bit longer burning off their fat ;-)
    so glad you slept well and are able to enjoy a nice walk

  13. Glad to see you were able to get out on your own a little. It was good to see the ducks again and the tram is interesting since we don't have them here. Lovely poem and art today!

  14. Super fun piece Valerie and great photos. I love a good pyjama day!! hugs :)

  15. Wonderful words. xox

  16. Glad you are feeling a bit better or at least sleeping better. Art and photos fabulous.

  17. Marvelous page, especially the one with your poem. It is a natural for the bears today. Be careful when you are using your crutches. The new photos are great and the ducks have missed you. I am happy you have help to and from boot camp. Taking the tram at this stage wold be very difficult.

  18. Liebe Valerie, es ist ja richtig Arbeit, sich durch die vielen Beiträge und Fotos der letzten Tag zu klicken, dabei war ich ja nur 4 Tage nicht da...
    Deine Journal-Seiten sind ja immer sehr lustig, ein richtiger Spaß.
    Wow, du kannst schon wieder spazieren gehen... wie wunderbar! Wie lang wirst du die Gehstützen noch brauchen?
    Eine schöne Woche von Ulrike

    1. Mindestens 3 - 4 Wochen, ich arbeite schwer dran.

  19. You are amazing to go out for a walk on your crutches, it is marvellous that you can do that now. I understand perfectly the need to get out into the fresh air and the outside world. And we are all on our virtual walks again. I thought this one was very pretty and different, I liked your photos especially the ones of the stream and tram and the duck.
    My teddies enjoyed the poem of which they thoroughly approve and loved your picture too.

  20. Glad that you are feeling a bit better Valerie, and that you're up and about - don't like the sound of boot camp though lol. Love your bears they go perfectly with your sweet poem. Take care of yourself Sue xx

  21. Another fabulous hybrid page, Valerie, these bears are so cute!
    I'm glad you're feeling better.
    Hugs, Mar

  22. Good to read you enjoyed a walk, take care on those crutches. Loved todays sweet bear pages, especially the wonderful poem you wrote.
    Yvonne xx

  23. Nat and Nora look delightful in their wonderful woodland background! Glad you were able to enjoy a walk and here's hoping that bootcamp was not too strenuous....

  24. So glad to know that you were able to get out. You better be really careful!
    This page is quite pretty and I do love those bears.
    sandy xx

  25. Congratulations on your walk! But as others have said, yes, please be very careful,as i am sure you are!
    What a sweet poem Valerie! Almost, and i say almost, makes me want to be a bear! heehee


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