Thursday 24 March 2016

Faces and places

Hi Everybody!

I've been busy resting yesterday and today, taking time
to put my feet up, read and relax, and
it's doing good!

Time is flying, and soon it will be Friday, so here is something for 
Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin.
I have made some hybrid Modigliani knock-offs, re-using paintings I made some time back and setting them onto new backgrounds. This background is made of large sheets of white packing paper, painted with stripes of acrylic and metallic paints. I got sent a present wrapped in a piece of something similar, which inspired me to make my own, I just find it so hard to actually use it! The quote is also from Modigliani:

I am also linking to 99 faces (numbers 89 & 90):

And I am showing another of the graphite stick drawings I made while in hospital, once again just faces and doodles, made to help the time pass when I couldn't move myself more than an inch or two.

The photos were taken yesterday by the Rhine, on my way to the doctor's office. It's still cold and grey, Spring seems to be hiding! I have a wheeled walker so I can walk easily and safely just now, and it is a big help for me.

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful pages Val, thanks for sharing. The pencil doodles are my faves. Take care, and make sure you get enough rest! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely page and you did fabulous pieces in hospital. The early spring photos look nice, and great about the walker, safety first!

  3. The striped paper is terrific and suits your Modigliani man perfectly.
    The drawings you made in hospital are beautiful, and the lines are so steady, clever work, and I like the way you have drawn the girl's hair.
    Your last photograph is magical with the ruined building and the glimpse of the rusty railings.

  4. Was für ein klasse Hintergrund für das Gesicht -- passt super mit dem Spruch und allem - und Deine Krankenhausseiten sind einmalig schön! Schöne Frühlingsbilder sind das ! Viel Freude mit Deinem neuem Geh-Gefährt!!!


  5. Great pages .. love them both .. your sketches are wonderful. Thanks for the lovely walk. Happy you are resting. hugs, Donna

  6. Great artwork as always Valerie and really enjoyed seeing your lovely Spring pics.
    Glad you managed to get out for some air too.
    Have a lovely Easter, Fliss xx

  7. Glad you are out and about now. You are a bit greener than we are now, and it is nice to see your early spring blooms and green grass. (I am a bit desperate for green right now). Love the artwork today- your sketches and the Modigliani are wonderful, as always. Have a wonderful weekend and hope your weather warms and brightens up too! Hugs!

  8. Great that you are enjoying your well deserved rest Valerie.

    Wonderful artwork as always and both very different pieces today.

    Amazing things you saw along your the close up of the bird

    Will email tomorrow
    Hugs Chrissie xx

  9. So glad you are taking care of yourself and that you still were able to get out and walk a bit because I know how important that is to you ♥ The art is fantastic and I love seeing another doodle face ♥ The photos are spectacular with the stone building being my favorite ♥♥♥♥♥

  10. Glad to read you are taking things a little easier and managing to take a little walk, you do so enjoy being out as we enjoying seeing the photos you take.
    Awesome art pages today. I am loving your pencil drawings the face is so beautiful,
    Yvonne xx

  11. Glad to know your recovery is going well. The doodle sketches are charming. And the Modigliani knock off is perfectly suited to the quote.

  12. As always your art is lovely and inspiring. You need to rest and get completely heal. Keeping that candle of healing for you.

  13. Love the "Take Time To Dream " page, Your Mogdalini man is great. Continued hope for healing for you.


  14. Wonderful drawings!
    Love them all! Such an interesting building that last one!
    Be well! Glad you are ambulatory now!

  15. I simply ADORE your Modigliani. Simply perfect with that background paper. I'd have trouble using it, too. It's gorgeous. Those doodles you created in hospital are stunning. It just goes to show you never rest, no matter how much pain you are in or how limited your movements are.

    So glad you got a walker. It will be perfect for you to take a few walks now, and visit your beloved Rhine. Of course, I enjoyed this walk, because there were images I have never seen before, including that old building. Have a beautiful weekend, and a lovely Easter, although I'm sure I'll be by before then.

  16. Beautiful showcase as always, the colours and design are all gorgeous.xx

  17. That's a beautiful ruin in the last pic, our daffodils are not quite out yet. Love the dream catcher cloud and the girl's face is lovely. Hope the weather stays nice for your walks. Take care. Xx

  18. lovely art and I am glad you are resting as its so important happy easter

  19. Spring is already there! It should also come to Finland and soon, I'm so sick of waiting it to be green and warmer!

    Doodling is good when resting, hope you get better soon. Have a sunny Easter.

  20. Great art again! Doodling is like meditation...
    Happy Easter time!

  21. Resting is so good for the body! But also great that you can get outside and see the first signs of spring! It's already quite warm here. I could do with a little more cold weather... Your painting is great and your drawings very nice!! Happy Easter and Happy PPF! xoxo Silke

  22. Love your Modigliani and am really amazed at what you did in the hospital. Feel better and thanks for showing those daffodils. We can't grow them in Florida and they were always my favorite sign of Spring. They are quite special with the medieval background.

  23. It's all amazing but love what you did in the hospital since you said you could only move an inch or two. WOW! Hope you are well soon.

  24. Enjoy resting for a while :) Love your Modigliani inspired painting. That is a very interesting photo of an old house...seems very old. Is it house? Happy PPF

    1. It's the ruin of the imperial castle dating back to the 8th century.

  25. I love your hospital drawing series. Blessings!

  26. Spring has come along the Rhine, for sure! Love the photos and wish I was there. Your Modigliani knockoff is great. I love the drawings you made in the hospital. Delicate with lovely designs. BTW, you have been on my personal prayer list since I learned of your surgery. I am so glad you are getting better and better.

  27. Oh lots of beautiful art and signs of Spring popping everywhere, wonderful!

  28. Your sketches while in the hospital are very well done as are your collages/paintings. I'm hoping you heal fast and don't have pain. You amaze me. You are so full of spirit despite all you are going through. I admire you much. Enjoyed your post. Happy Easter and continued healing. ::hugs::

  29. Modigliani would be proud of you- your projects are fantastic!! Wonderful sketches too. Spring on the Rhine-beautiful. Happy PPF!

  30. Fabulous hybrid Modigliani - love the stripes! I adore your doodling - so impressed that you did these in hospital! The walk you took today looks really interesting too! Happy Easter! Hugs, Chrisx

  31. STUNNING blog today, Valerie. Glad you are getting the rest you need and still able to take a walk and capture beautiful scenes. It is not so warm here either, a bit cloudy. Our grandson and parents are here for the weekend which is wonderful.

  32. Wow love your doodle face and that is quite the modigliani....your background is stunning!! I love it!! Great job!

    Hugs Giggles

  33. Your doodles are great!!! The girl is so pretty. Not sure what happened or if you blogged about it and I missed it, I just hope you are doing well and healing fast. Your pictures are beautiful as always.Take care and big hugs, Rasz

  34. Very pretty! You found a great way to express yourself during a difficult time it sounds like. Do take care!!

  35. Wow Valerie, you call them doodles, I call them works of art! Amazing! Love the shots you got, it may be dark and dingy, but at least you have some grass and flowers to brighten up your life! Happy Easter! hugs :)


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