Tuesday 8 March 2016

Wednesday this and that

Hi Everybody!

Today was Day 5 of the Rehab /Boot Camp. Hard. hard, hard, but it is bringing results, and that is the main thing. 5 days down, 10 more to come!

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have a hybrid piece made with 3 different photos layered together. The lovely text is from Robert Frost:

For 99 faces I have the second variation of Modigliani's Max Jacob. Here I placed the painted head onto a hybrid background, a combination of a grungy wall and a Hebrew text.

It was fun to watch the sun fight its way through the mist this morning:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. You are one-third finished with your boot camp and doing great!
    Your journal page today reminds me of lilacs that bloom here in May. Max Jacob looks rather dapper on the new background and your photos are wonderful. Hope it warms up for you with sunny days.

  2. Wonderful journal page and I love that poem. Of course your art is fantastic -- you are a pro in my book! I always love it when you use Hebrew on your makes!!!!
    Sandy xx

  3. Lovely page for AJJ and a famous quote! Beautiful sunrise photos. Day 5 of 15...the days can't go by fast enough I'll bet.

  4. Both of your pieces are great. I love the digital layering. I can recognize the general view from all your photos. The buds on your trees in today's photos are getting so big. You are going to have leaves really soon. Lucky you. but we have finally hit the warmer weather so mine is coming too. Good luck with your next day of rehab. :)

  5. I have always loved that poem by Robert Frost. It's a favorite of mine, and the layered art you paired it with is wonderful.

    I really like the Hebrew and grunge background to Modigliani's Max Jacob. It's special.

    Your snow must not have damaged the trees and flowers in your area. Buds are showing already.

    Have fun at boot camp, because you are now 1/3 of the way through. That must be a wonderful feeling. Have a super day.

    1. Yes, every day done brings me nearer to my goal.

  6. Love your pages today, especially that you used my fave Robert Frost verse. Keep going Val, one third down already. Hugs, Sarah

  7. Die Seite ist toll.. der Spruch passt auf Deinen Fleiss mit dem Gehen und Üben mit dem Knie!
    Fabelhaft der Modigliani und die Sonnenfotos sind spitze!
    Gut Boot Camp!


  8. You are doing so well Valerie I bet you are their star pupil.

    Fabulous page for AJJ Valerie with the wonderful quote from the poem--I love that style of poetry, maybe because it is only sort I can write lol.

    The face is terrific against the background. You have certainly captured the expression perfectly

    Wonderful photographs today and I have saved 2 of them. No chance of the sun even attempting to peek through here today. It has rained all night and the forecast is for heavy rain all day.

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Lovely creation, fabulous colours too. Keep up the great boot camp work you will be tops soon..xx

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    dein Bild ist wundervoll. Ich mag auch den Text dazu sehr... Mein Favorit ist nach wie vor dieses wundervolle, absolut geniale Bild von Modigliani das du hervorragend umgesetzt hast. Ich wünsche dir für die nächsten BootCamp Days viel Energie und Kraft und mächtig Ausdauer, damit es dir schnell wieder gut geht. Alles Liebe und herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

    1. Danke, auch für die Energie und Kraft Wünsche, brauche ich so sehr!

  11. A beautiful page and quote and I love the face.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Love the colors in your beautiful hybrid piece. Hang in there with boot camp--it sounds like it has been helping you.

  13. Ganz wunderschön ist die aufgehende noch blasse Sonne hinter den Zweigen, bin ganz begeistert von diesem Foto!
    Der Modigliani ist super! LG Ulrike

  14. I love this poem - one of the few I can recite (although stumble a bit these days) I love the colours and images you have used! Your face has a brilliant background too! It's great to see the sun shining through the mist! I am sure you will graduate from Boot Camp with flying colours! Hugs, Chrisx

  15. You chose a lovely poem to you with today's page Valerie, its wonderful how you used your photos. The face it great as well.
    1/3rd of the way is nearly half way, pleased that you are making good progress at Boot camp.
    yvonne xx

  16. you have really cheered me up on a pants day.Such amazing images and a wonderful quote.

  17. Love the art ♥ The colors in the first one are really beautiful. I haven't seen any sunrises lately...have been sleeping a bit later than normal and I miss them . Boot camp will be over before you know it and you'll be able to walk so much easier :)

  18. Keep up the good work Valerie!!Even when it is hardest!
    A beautiful post of your artwork,digitally, photographed and of course my favorite,Max!

  19. Sooo love the layered piece - the purple/blue colors and the shimmering intrigue - very special Valerie. And then - that face! How in the world can his eyes look sooooo kewl - just being that grungy background wall?? LOVE his eyes and his face!!! And the Hebrew! OOPS - can't forget the orange!!!

    Well... the good news is you have more behind you than ahead from the onset of the surgery knowing that there are only ten days left - over half way there sweet gal. We are all rooting for you. You have been such a trooper through it all. I know it's been far worse than you have even begun to share but yet - you remain determined and positive. You are such a inspiration in SO MANY WAYS. Sending a HUGE HUG and continued prayers each day. j.


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