Sunday 27 March 2016

Deep in the magic woods

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying your Easter weekend!
After the lovely, sunny day yesterday we had a wild,  wet and  windy day, but the sun did show itself for a few minutes and I managed a short walk through the fields.

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods, I have another hybrid page showing the woods from their magical side again.....

For 99 faces  (number 93) I have another of my doodle faces, this time a Buddha variation:

The catkins were blowing merrily in the wind today:

The castle ruins are once again open, so yesterday I enjoyed walking through them again:

The blackbird is one of the residents there:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Another wonderful post today, full of your own special magic and talent. Love the Buddha drawing, too. Hope you are resting. Hugs Sarah

  2. You mean there is a possibility there is no magic in the woods? Impossible. I'm sure you just snapped a photo. Love it. Your face is beautiful, and of course always enjoy the old castle grounds. hugs, Donna

    1. The magic is always there, some folks just don't see it!

  3. Love your magical page today. Where do you find all these great digital images? Also love your Buddha. Nicely done. Hope your day is sunny and bright. Hugs-Erika

  4. Fabulous creative and love the images used here, the faces are fabulous and your photos are stunning... xx

  5. Fabulous and magical page today with a beauty and a beast.

    Love the face page today with such a peaceful feel to it.

    A great mix of photographs today. Our weather is really awful at the moment, hope yours is better today and you can have a nice walk.

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. It was ghastly here today, too - rain, wind and storm!

  6. Das ist so nett zusammengestellt - der Zauberwald gefällt mir sehr gut und der Spruch zu Deinem Buddha ist WICHTIG im Leben...jawohl-
    anders geht es ja gaaaar nicht!
    Toll gedoodelt - so viel Geduld-bravo!
    Sieht alles schon so schön aus IN DER SONNE - hoffentlich kommt sie jetzt immer öfter und Du kannst viel spazieren gehen!!!
    Einen schönen Ostermontag!

  7. Liebe Valerie,
    dein tiefer Märchenzauberwald ist dir absolut genial gelungen. Dein Buddha ist sensationell, ich liebe deine Doodle allesamt sehr. Dass ihr Sonne hattet, ist toll, bei uns hat es geregnet und weiter oben geschneit... ungemütlich war das Wetter, umso mehr freue ich mich, dass du einen solch schönen und inspirierenden Spaziergang machen konntest.
    Einen ebenso sonnigen und schönen Ostermontag wünsche ich dir.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  8. Beautiful artwork Valerie. Love your photos, those catkins are so cool. Never seen anything like that before! hugs :)

  9. Fantastic fantasy page Valerie and your drawings are beautiful. I hope you are doing well, lucky you to see flowers already. xx

  10. Another wonderful woods piece, along with everything else:)

  11. Hi Valerie, it must be spring -- one beautiful day followed by wind and rain. Your "in the woods" piece today with the magical fairies is delightful. The owl keeps appearing and doesn't want to miss out on anything. I always enjoy photos of the castle ruins and was happy you were able to enjoy the beautiful day. Have a great week.

  12. This is brilliant Valerie, I love your drawing, and your hybrid piece is a stunner, Thank goodness Spring is just around the corner (thought it's blowing a gale today lol) xx

    1. I keep trying to find the corner round which spring has hid itself!

  13. fantastische ist deine märchenhafte seite,mein fav ist jdeoch dein toller buddha,eine wunderschöne seite.
    hier war heute regnerisch und kalt,schön das du die sonne genossen hast.
    wünsch dir schon mal eine schöne neue woche,ich freue mich auf mittwoch,da hab ich gesangsunterricht,es wird immer besser mit dem singen und ich mache schritt für schritt kleine fortschritte.

    lieben gruß jenny

  14. A magical journal page Valerie. The pencil drawing of Buddha looks awesome as well.
    Lovely photos from your walk, it looks a sunny day.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Your Buddha is stunning, Valerie. Of course, your doodle pages always make me smile. So did the AJJ entry. I can't believe you were able to keep up, because I'm having trouble just doing minimal art now that spring has arrived and there are so many things that need my attention around the house and yard.

    Your walk through the old castle was wonderful. Of course, that lovely rusty sculpture is always a big favorite when you photograph it. So glad you got out and about. Hope the swelling has gone down in the knee by now.

  16. Just had to come back to this as I had difficulty making comments the other day while at the caravan! I love these magical woods and your Buddha face is fantastic! Your photos are fabulous as ever! Hugs, Chrisx


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