Saturday 12 March 2016

The lion and the unicorn

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, and I am so enjoying it!
The weather is cold but sunny, and no wind, just perfect.
I  went for a walk, which is a lot pleasanter than boot camp exercises.
I was able to go along the Rhine again, watch the boats, visit the Basilica
and do some shopping. The lady at the cash desk helped me pack my stuff into my little rucksack and heave it onto my back so I could get home safely with it.
I was so happy to be out again. My walk took twice as long as usual, but the main thing is that I was able to get out and about again
without help. My knee is still hurting and swollen, but bearable, and sooner or later it will surely be better.

For Art Journal Journey, if you go down to the woods,
I made a hybrid page using a poem I wrote for an anthology back in 2009, 
a little dream about a society where all are friends with each other.

I also made a little book of it back then, this is the cover, I will show the rest next month at Elizabeth's Second on the Second.

Mrs Thrush was up early and waiting for her breakfast at sunrise:

The water in the Rhine was blue and sparkling:

A ship called Elisabeth:

Daffodils at 'my' castle ruins:

The basilica

And a ship with my initials:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page and the poem is gorgeous, I hope you will make more with your poetry. Glad you were able to get out. Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful artwork Valerie and glad you enjoyed your walk. Hope your knee recovers soon as it sounds rather painful.
    Sending hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Great work and interesting poem which goes with the theme. Lovely photos, warm greetings!

  4. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... completely and totally in LOVE with your poem and your book cover Valerie. If ONLY... such things were true!!! I soooooooooooooooo enjoyed your imaginary world - it's just a fabulous place to think about. And today's creation is lovely too. Love the golden parts - the owl and the leaves are so fine. Your unicorn is amazingly whimsical and sweet. This was all SUCH A TREAT - wow. Going back to read your poem again in a minute.

    But first... THRILLED that you were able to get out for a bit. I bet your are worn out now though so REST girl. That was a big deal. Praying that you will soon be gliding along again - without pain - like the ship with your initial on it!! XXj.

  5. Great imagery. The poem/story is fun going along with it.

  6. Great photos, poem and Beautiful page and such a lovely colour..x

  7. It might have been cold but it so pretty and really spring. I love your pages- they are gorgeous! Glad to hear you can get out for your walk even if its not perfect yet that is a major improvement. Hugs!

  8. Lovey happy poem and a nice piece. So nice to hear you are out walking again, but should you be carrying a load though. The daffodils are enchanting at this time of year!

  9. I am in awe of your book, as well as your poem. I really am looking forward to seeing the rest of it on the 2nd. It sounds like a fairy tale I could get wrapped up in.

    WOW, a boat by the name of Elisabeth. And to think. If you hadn't gotten out and taken that walk, you would have missed it AND the one with your initials. I can tell you are happy to be taking that walk again.

    Bless the lady at the market for helping you with your back pack sack. Love the dafs. I am patiently waiting for mine to appear.

    Hope your Sunday is relaxing and enjoyable, too.

  10. I'm glad to hear that you could take your walk Valerie, hang in there! The book is wonderful with the poem of peace. I so love the photo with the daffodils too. Take good care and don't overdo it, soon you'll be there as usually.

    Love and hugs

  11. Liebe Valerie,
    da ist dir ein wahres Meisterwerk gelungen, das traumhaft schön aussieht, herrlich diese Poesie dazu. Und deine Fotos sind total schön, die Sonne, wie herrlich, davon sieht man hier gestern und heute leider nichts. Trag dir Sorge und überfordere dich nicht. Ich wünsche dir einen erholsamen, sonnigen und wunderschönen Sonntag.
    Herzliche Grüsse, Sichtwiese

  12. Toll ist die Seite und ein fabelhaftes Gedicht - das Buch hast Du auch meisterlich gemacht -! Aber am tollsten ist,dass Du wieder draußen warst!
    Schönen Sonntag Liebes!

    1. Yesssssssss! Draussen sein ist für mich so wichtig!

  13. How wonderful that you were able to go for your walk along the Rhine and to the places you love so much. Kind of the lady to help you with shopping but I bet it took a while to get the rucksack off when you got home.

    Love the page today and the wonderful poem and and the book cover--can't wait to see more of the book.

    Great photographs with the vibrant colours.

    Have a happy Sunday

    Love Chrissie xx

  14. So pleased to read that you were able to enjoy a walk by the Rhine. The book , I look forward to seeing more soon. Your page looks Fantastic, oh that we could live in harmony like the animals in your lovely poem.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Really beautiful and inspiring (and inspired) art and words.
    There is nothing like a lovely walk in the fresh air, glad you can enjoy it again.

  16. Wonderful pages both of them, so dreamy... I love the font on the book cover of the second one, - now I wonder, was that from an old DCWV collection, or is it in fact a stamp? Glad you managed to get out and about it bit, and isn't it lucky some people are kind enough to help. Gute Besserung in the next few days!!

    1. Yes, the font was from DCWV 'Fairy Tale' stack, I got a whole pile on clearance!

  17. Oh! This post has made me very happy! You were able to get out - and enjoy 'normal' life, albeit with restrictions! We got photos too! Yay! Best of all - the fabulous poem, your AJJ page and a promise of seeing your book! We are having a coat free day today as the temperature has at last reached a decent level (only for a day, according to the forecast) and we are off to take advantage of it! Hope your swelling goes down soon and that your leg is healing well! Hugs, Chrisx

  18. I am tickled pink you got out and walked again. Just don't over do!!! I always tend to overdo. I love your Lion and Unicorn poem (and pages)
    Of course I did not take your poem at face value and only pray we could all live in peace. But that is wishful thinking and if horses were wishes, beggars would ride.
    Sandy xx

  19. Fantastic pages and poem, the unicorns images are beautiful.
    Glad you enjoyed your Rhine walk. Take care, Valerie! Hugs, Mar

  20. Love the art and can't wait to see more of the little book. So glad you were able to get out for a walk about! I know you have missed them so much :) Take care and don't over do it.

  21. Oh wie gut daß du wieder rausgehen kannst liebe Valerie und wir wieder in den Genuß deiner schönen Fotos kommen. Deine Seiten sind so schön geworden und das Buchcover ist ein Traum, genau wie das Gedicht,könnte es doch wahr werden. Deien Fotos zeigen mir Vertrautes und den Fluß an dem ich geboren bin und an den es mich immer mal wieder hinzieht, sowie auch ans Meers in welches er fließt.
    Ich wünsche dir für dein Knie baldige Genesung und Schmerzfreiheit.
    Liebe Grüße

  22. Hi Valerie, I missed this yesterday due to computer problems. I woke up and my computer had booted to Windows 10. What a nightmare. I am able to post this morning and wanted you to know the poem you wrote is lovely and all the animals get along as friends in the end. If only the whole world could learn and get along with each other. Your photos are wonderful and I was happy you were able to go out and shop. Each day will get easier. Hugs,

  23. Valerie, your poem is just delightful! In my mind's eye I could see the play ,joy and laughter!
    Love the book you made to go along with the poem!


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