Thursday 1 October 2015

Architecture at AJJ

Hi Everybody!

It's the first of the month, and that means  time for a new challenge at
Art Journal Journey


Sheila of Orange Esmeralda is our hostess and will be delighting us all with her examples during the month, and the first one is on the blog today, so hop over and have a look if you haven't already done so. As always you have a whole month to link to us, and we are looking forward to seeing your entries. Please read the rules, too!

I made an A3 mixed media piece. The background was painted with gesso. After placing the picture in the centre, I painted the edges using  DecoArt transparent yellow iron oxide and titan buff to match the colours of the photo, and added the birds with my Dina Wakley stencil. The quote is from Norman Foster.

We had a cold but sunny day here:

This is a boutique near here. No, they do not sell pink horses, just ladies' clothes.

Blue sky means blue water

These dogs had big fun chasing each other along the Rhine

My shadow accompanied me everywhere:

Bottle top art. I was not intending to have my feet on the photo!

And some architectural pieces from our little town:

Have a great day you all. Take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your new piece, wonderful colours, and the photos are fantastic. That pink horse is incredible! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Was für eine tolle Einstandsseite liebe Valerie!
    Ich wünsch uns und allen anderen Teilnehmnern viel Spaß mit dem Thema!
    Deine Fotos sind toll.. was für eine geniale Idee mit den Bierkapseln! Was Du immer alles findest!
    Na das ist ja ein schräger Laden mit dem rosa Pferd! Und nur Prinzessinen dürfen da parken und einkaufen dem Schild nach zu schließen....
    glaub ich gern $$$$$ lol.

    Hab einen guten Monatsstart und genieße Deinen Donnerstag!

  3. wenn man aus "deinem" fenster sieht, glaubt man gern, dass dir all diese wunderbaren bauten zu füßen liegen. der laden mit dem rosa Pferd... ich glaubs ja nicht... zieht man sich so die kleinen Mädels schon als spätere kundschaft heran?

    1. Der Laden ist für Erwachsene, ob man's glaubt oder nicht, und ist auch recht teuer....eben was für 'besondere' Leute!

  4. A wonderful piece with a real autumnal feel to it! The golden colours seem to glow from the inside, just beautiful

  5. What a great painting, Valerie. It looks like the birds are about to go on a long journey and it is wonderful to be looking over the autumn landscape through the decorative arched window.

  6. Wow what an awesome creation with wonderful sunset hues and beautiful wording. Adore your photo journal once again.
    {Would love you to visit my blog and join my 1,100 Follower Give-Away. Thank you so much, if you have already entered, and good luck.}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

    1. Wonderful artwork, the colours are gorgeous - love the photos especially the pink horse and the Rhine.
      xxx Hazel.

  7. Love the painting Valerie, it looks so autumnal , great words as well.
    Yvonne xx

  8. Good morning, Valerie. Great topic for the challenge, one which I adore. This should be an interesting month. Beautiful window -- truly looks like the sun shining through. Lovely walk -- the pink horse is a hoot. Hope you are having an amazing day ... take care. hugs, Donna

  9. Great theme this month at AJJ and I love your piece. Nice view through that picture window. Great photos today too! Looks like you had a beautiful fall day. Hope today is as nice weather as you had yesterday.

  10. Amazing mix of photographs Valerie. Particularly like the bottle top art

    Love the page for yhe new theme as it has such depth and rich colours

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Love the window painting Valerie, reminds me of my holiday to India - lots of windows like this.
    Loved todays pics, that pink horse is a hoot!
    Avril xx

  12. Beautiful piece and wondrous photos.

  13. This seems like a fun new theme for AJJ. And your first entry is simply delightful. What fun to see you had used one of your own photos for this first piece. And the autumn inspired colors you used made it seem like autumn, too.

    Your photos are lovely, and of course, the pink horse made me smile. After all, your photos and art always make my day. Again, sorry I wasn't able to visit sooner, but I'm still fighting this computer mouse and slow internet.

    1. Don't worry, I know what it's like - my computer collapses at least once a day and needs more or less mouth to mouth reanimation!

  14. You are off to a great start on the architecture challenge Valerie - this is wonderfully inspiring. What a neat sentiment too. And you included my very favorite architectural building from your town in these pictures... so love that "cookie cutter" building in front of the spire. Also LOVED seeing your shadow - made me laugh!!! Thanks bunches for always being a bright spot in my day. j.

  15. Klasse Seite zum tollen neuen Thema - das Fenster wirkt so plastisch!
    ... und deine Fotos genieße ich jeden Tag. Die Luft ist momentan auch so was von klar, dass die Farben einfach so intensiv sind. LG Ulrike

  16. Good morning, Valerie. What a fun theme for October. With the beautiful buildings in your little town, it will be fun to see what you create each day. Your first journal page is so vivid and just gorgeous. The quote is perfect! Hope tomorrow is warmer for your walk. The photos are so bright and I look forward to them. Did you add to the bottle cap art?


  17. this is a lovely and inviting piece. the light through the archway is lovely.
    your world looks beautiful.

  18. Your journal page is nice. What a beautiful photo to put with a thoughtful quote. And you photos are stunning as usual. Absolutely gorgeous day! What a beautiful river you have to look upon. I would want to see it almost everyday as well!

  19. Brilliant in every way! Such wonderful colours and of course that's not just your journal page, your photos are fabulous - love the pink horse ! Chrisx

  20. this is a great quote. The art work is pretty amazing as well.The colours just glow. I like your shadow.

  21. Hi Valerie, Beautiful journal page with a powerful verse. Love seeing your shadow follow you around town. Great walking pics too.
    Hugs, cm

  22. Lovely page for the start of October AJJ! You will not run short of architectural inspiration in your town!

  23. You always, always have such beautiful and interesting photos Valerie. I love the quote in your make.
    sandy xx

  24. Your beautiful architecture piece has such a gorgeous warm glow and lovely lighting on it and a great quote.
    Fabulous photos - especially the bottle top art and the one with the very tall shadow :)
    Gill xx

  25. Wonderful journal page! I see my favorite birds taking flight past your arch! ")

    beautiful photos Valerie! xo

  26. Love your pretty window art and that cool pink horse!

  27. Oh Oh Oh the light in what you created along with the words liebe Valerie!
    AND the bottle cap art with your sweet feet and so much more.
    Nice to be back
    BUT I am wondering if I'll ever catch energizer bunny you!


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