Wednesday 30 September 2015

Last day of Through my Window at Art Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Today is the last day of our 'Through my window' challenge at
Art Journal Journey, which Corinne has been hosting. Many thanks to her for all the journal pages she made and all those visits she made to comment on everybody's blogs; it takes a lot of time and effort, and she did a great job!
If you want to know what the new challenge is, just come back tomorrow....

I made a collage of all my entries again, and I am always surprised when I see them all together. It was a fun month.

This was a journal page I made and forgot about, so here it is before the challenge is over:

And a few photos taken out and about:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fantastic journal page featuring windows from your area. They are so beautiful, unusual and a joy to see as one of your September pages. Love the photos and the fall veggies.


  2. I love your journal page and your photos are beautiful. :)

  3. Love the collage and your last journal page, well done on all you have achieved this month again. Hugs, Sarah

  4. eine schöne Rückschau... und deine Fotos werden immer noch schöner!

  5. Super Deine Collage... das ist wahrlich gigantisch wenn man sie alle auf einmal sieht! Und gut dass Du die vergesse Seite noch gefunden hast! Die gefällt mir auch ..Idee und Umsetzung ist gelungen!
    Was für ein schönes Städtchen das doch und umgeben von herrlicher Natur !
    Durch Dein Fotos denk ich manchmal ich war schon


  6. Fabulous page showing all those fabulous windows! Your photos today are so beautiful. Hugs, Chrisx

  7. Fantastic photographs Valerie-love the one of the market stall in its full Autumn glory.

    Terrific last page of the windows you see near to where you live and stunning collage of your amazing pages for this month.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. I love the photo of the vegetable stall, those pumpkins just say autumn harvest to me. Your collage looks great, what a busy bee you are. Have a good day, we're enjoying a late summer here! Xx

  9. Love the collage of all your window art this month, great to see it at a glance.
    Loved the 10 beautiful windows from your town, bet it was hard to stop at 10.
    Great pictures from your walk, love the autumnal colours creeping in.
    Have a great day,
    Avril xx

  10. I love the collage of your window pages and your photos are beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Nice window collage today-love the drawing on the page! Great photos too- love how you included the pumpkins and squash- gives a little feel for every day life! Can't wait to see the new theme at AJJ. ;)

    1. The squash came home with me and is being made into soup along with other veggies just now!

  12. Love your collage Valerie - its great to see them all the together and makes me feel that I'm at an art gallery ( and no entry fee ) a lovely treat!
    Fabulous journal page and other photos too. I see you will be making squash soup - if you have any spare can you pop some down the line as I love that - its nice in a vegetable curry too.
    Have a lovely day.... Gill xx

  13. Great collage featuring all your work, Valerie. My favorite is the 10 best windows in town .. how beautiful. Lovely walk again today .. photos are so colourful - adore the pumpkins and the orange house. Expect to see a Halloween witch swoop in and land. :o) Hope you are having a wonderful day an feeling well. hugs, Donna

    1. Get on your broom and fly over, I'll meet you half way on mine!

  14. Me again... thanks for the lovely comments Valerie.
    I never know if people see replies so I have written this on your blog just in case..

    You asked about paper and I think you are more experienced with this and may be able to advise me instead LOL
    The paper I have been using has been cartridge paper (from a Winsor & Newton cartridge sketch pad 110gsm) but I think I need to experiment with a thicker paper as ink sometimes goes through and the paper cockles.
    I did try on watercolour paper but it didn't work well as the water soaked in before I had time to get ink on.
    And when I added the Brusho powders on that other piece after first adding the ink it needed still to be wet of course.
    Maybe a layer of Gesso would help of course.
    Any ideas? Gill xx

  15. the quality and quantity of your work amazes me, such dedication and passion such an amazing city you live in,, you have,, the photo collage of the window photos are beautiful as well,

  16. Wow what a gorgeous collection of artwork! Amazing :) Beautiful Fall photographs as well. Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  17. Seeing all the journal pages together is fantastic, Valerie! and you do live in a beautiful place!

  18. Es haut mich jedes Mal am Monatsende um, wenn ich deine ganzen tollen Werke zusammen sehe! Wie unglaublich fleißig du bist und immer dran bleibst!
    Was mache ich eigentlich immer den ganzen Tag?
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  19. Lovely collages of your beautiful pages and the windows in your town, liked the vegetables display.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Oh my gosh, I couldn't even begin to pick a picture. You take the most beautiful shots. And I loved the windows. Glad you had fun.

  21. Hi Valerie, I love when you do a collage of all the creations you've designed for the month. That in itself is a page. Gorgeous. Great walking pics too.
    Love seeing the windows

  22. Thanks for letting me play hostess and I really enjoyed all the windows you made and photographed, so many lovely views in your world. xox

  23. beautiful collage and window collection. Enjoyed your photos today, of course I love the vegetables.

  24. I knew I'd be late, but when I started visiting, I couldn't get anything to load. I rebooted six times, then my mouse quit working. It's really, really hard to work without a mouse. Old ctrl skills had to come into play.

    This is a great way to wrap up an exceptional month. I love the way all the "windows" look so good together. Of course, my favorite was Windows 10, a much more friendly Windows than Microsoft is offering at the moment.

    The misty look you achieved in the photo of the stream is wonderful. I can't seem to get mist to show in my photos.

  25. Fabulous collage this month of your pages and paintings. And I love the fantastic windows in your town. Great fall photos! Hugs, Mar

  26. very cool compilation of your art! I love your windows! xo


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