Sunday 6 September 2015

Through the castle windows

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend is going well.

I was able to visit the K20 Museum today, which houses a wonderful collection of art from the 20th century.
The Museum features a fantastic selection of 20th and 21st century art and was founded 50 years ago. Among the undisputed highlights are key German Expressionist works, as well as paintings by Picasso, Kandinsky, Pollock, and installations by Beuys and Nam June Paik. There are also numerous outstanding examples of classic modernism, of American art after 1945, as well as major installations and photographic, film and video works by contemporary artists.
We only managed to visit the 20th century part today, but I hope to go back another time and see some more!

For Art Journal Journey, through my window, I made another journal page. I was inspired by one of the photos I took of the castle ruins here. My page is very simple - the A3 background was made with left over blue paint. I used structure paste with a CWS stencil to make the 'stones' of the castle. I drew the birds and a bit of greenery, and that was it.

And today I took these window photos while passing by the ruins.

Narrow slits for shooting at unwelcome visitors:

Large ones with wonderful views over the Rhine and the surrounding land:

And I love this entrance, and often go through here just for the fun of it:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Loved all your window shots looking out to the Rhine. I made a map art piece of the Rhine. I'd love for you to check it out at

  2. Love the texture through the stencil - really added interest to the journal page!

  3. I was most impressed with the texture of this piece, as well as how similar it looked to your photo. It was wonderful, and I really enjoyed it.

    I was also thrilled to see all those windows and entrances you showed. I was fascinated by this area where you live.

    You piqued my interest in your trip because I remember seeing art by Joseph Beuys in New York at MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) a few years ago. I was intrigued by his found object and mixed media art.

  4. Love your beautiful page today. There is no shortage of beautiful windows where you live, wow.

  5. Love how you have recreated the atmosphere and texture of the photo, really beautiful. The photos are wonderful, and remind me of my happy times living there. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  6. Colours are just gorgeous on this beautiful creation. I love these photos today and your photo inspiration for your it.xx

     {The Journey Is The Start  aNNie  my personal blog}

  7. Sounds like a wonderful place to visit to see all the works of art Valerie. Hope you get to go again soon.

    Love the photographs today with the mysterious passages and wonderful archways.

    Terrific idea for your page as well with beautiful textures adding to the beauty of it.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Das muss wirklich toll sein, da musst Du wieder hin: ganz recht!
    Eine zauberhafte Seite nach Deiner schönen eigenen Fotoinspiration! TOLL!
    Und die Burg sieht richtig stark aus.... herrliche Aufnahmen Valerie!
    Hab einen schönen Sonntag!

  9. Isn't it lovely to just sometimes sit and watch the world go by, I probably don't do it often enough! A super page and wonderful photos. Enjoy your Sunday. Xx

  10. A wonderful page, and what a great way to let one of your potos inspire you! The birds look fantastic and I love how you did the background!

    Sorry for my lack of visits, but I had an almost 2 month break from blogging, and though I meant to visit, life just kept getting back in the way... Things should get back to normal now...

  11. Love todays photos. Your wonderful Art version of the first one looks so calming. It does make you feel like sitting and watching what is happening around you.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Wonderful art page Valerie. You are so lucky to have such interesting places on your doorstep. Fabulous picture as always. Hugs Rita xxxx

  13. Great idea to make this fabulous windows on your page, your walks are very productive. The background and your drawings are fantastic. Great photographs today, I love those amazing ruins.
    Hugs, Mar

  14. Your painting is superb!! :D
    Your museum visit sounds wonderful!! :D
    Your castle photos are great. I love castles, and there are plenty around here! :D
    Happy Sunday! {{Hugs}}

  15. I really like how your work came out, lovely piece.

  16. such beautiful brickwork, you captured it wonderfully in your painting!

  17. dieses Motiv hast du traumhaft umgesetzt! mir gefallen die vögel vor dem blauen Hintergrund super gut, auch das schablonen-spachteln... und die Fotos zeigen wieder, wie interessant es bei dir ist!

  18. oooh wie toll die seite ist,mir gefallen die vögel vorm fenster und das gespachtetlte,schön ist auch das schloss,du hast es echt schön bei euch.
    schönes we dir.

    hugs jenny

  19. This is absolutely fantastic Valerie. Love your drawing of the birds as your focal elements and then the amazing way you framed it with the stenciling. Incredible use of a photograph for inspiration!!!! -- Mary Elizabeth

  20. Magnificent art and photos today, Valerie. You did an excellent job recreating the birds and the window photo for your journal page. It is amazing how thick the walls are and the arches are so beautiful with the brick and rock.


  21. Wow! Very impressive window on your journal page! I love what you did with the photo! The stenciling and texture with the archway is just gorgeous! Love it much! Happy Sunday!

  22. What a great post! Your painting is fantastic. I love the texture for the castle walls and how you didn't go any further by adding in sketching. And your castle photos really finalize the page! Sounds like a fun day out at the museum too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and can't wait to see tomorrows piece!

  23. Great live version of your photograph. I can imagine myself in all your photos, good to live somewhere where all the old builldings hold such surprise views. Arch windows are the best. xox

  24. Wow fantastic arches and brickwork - especially the last 3 photos - they look like they have some magical story to tell.
    And your artwork today is fantastic Valerie - you've re-created the view in your photo beautifully. Fab textures and colour, love the hint of purple that makes it so 3d... Have a great week... Gill xx :).

  25. I'm very impressed by the way you stripped down your photo to make this really lovely (dare I say minimalist?) painting, and love the birds watching the world go by, I might do that sometime.
    Love that narrow slit, should I get one?
    These castle ruins are spectacular, the arches are just wonderful, great photographs, Valerie.

    1. Yes, only let certain visitors enter if they fit through the slit....

  26. Absolutely brilliant. I love the texture and how well you emulated the photo.

  27. The exhibition sounds super interesting, and what lovely sceneries,and of course your cool textured journal page!

  28. Diese alten Gewölbe mit den dicken Mauern haben immer ihren besonderen Reiz - wenn man in solchen Ruinen herum spaziert, denkt man ständig darüber nach, was dort wohl alles passiert sein muss im Laufe der Jahrhunderte....
    Dein Tagesbild mit den Vögeln ist klasse geworden!
    Beste Grüße zum Wochenanfang von Ulrike

  29. I really like this Valerie, great choice of stencil. The castle looks like a fabulous place to visit xx

  30. I love old arched windows - these are all so wonderful, especially your journal page! Chrisx

  31. You did an amazing job with your page! I would so love to explore that castle!

  32. How lucky to have such places to visit!
    I adore your piece and the inspiring photo you took!! I love all of these photos!! I bet the art was fantastic! I am envious!
    Maybe someday, you should come here and eat fresh vegetables from my garden and then someday I shall come to your home and see all of your wondrous buildings! huge hugs

  33. Your art pieces are beautiful and your windows are inspiring enough I wish I was there. Yet you have made so surreal I am with you.


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