Thursday 15 October 2015

Autumn shows her face

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another face which I am linking to 49 Faces and to Kim Dellow's show your face. The background was made with an A3 brush-wipe page to which I added a bit of colour to fill the gaps. The large leaves were drawn with a home made template, the small ones doodled, and the birds added with Dina Wakley's stencil.

The sunrise photos are from yesterday, today we just had grey skies and lots of cold, wet rain!

The horses were in Autumn colours, too:

This is the path I walked along on Sunday, leading to the Rhine:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. She is beautiful. I love the gold stars in her hair.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love looking at your photos....especially the sunrise and the horses.
    And I love the bright emerald eye of Autumn's face.
    Hope your evening is wonderful, my friend.

  4. Another wonderful face. How many have you now made? Great photos, too, hugs, Sarah

  5. Isn't the quote divine! .. and the page does it justice. So colourful, and I can almost see the leaves falling. Can definitely feel them. Photos are gorgeous with the leaves just turning. The path looks so inviting, and of course, my beautiful horses. Hope you are feeling much better. Look after that beautiful Valerie. hugs, Donna xo

  6. Dein Herbstgesicht ist wunderwunderschön mit diesem herrlichen Spruch und Deine Herbstfotos unterstreichen die Stimmung perfekt!
    Hab einen guten Tag Liebes!

  7. Wonderful autumn photographs Valerie and a lovely pathway to walk along.

    Terrific page with amazing colours and ideas.

    Have a good day-hope the weather improves but it is just the same here-yuk.

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. I am so pleased that you took that walk - I love the colours of the trees on the path! Your face is full of Autumn joy! Chrisx

  9. A beautiful autumn face, she's reflecting the weather we've been having. Clear crisp autumn days and clear starry nights. Hope you're feeling better. Stay warm! Xx

  10. Very beautiful colours and another wonderful face. This page is fabulous!
    Have a good day!
    Hugs, Mar

  11. Wunderschöne Journalseite mit diesem glühenden Rot! Da wird mir ganz warm ums Herz! Deine Fotos sind wieder so stimmungsvoll!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  12. Lovely warm page to celebrate autumn, and a warm sunrise from yesterday!

  13. I really like the painting and the sunset pictures. Also, yay horse blankets!

  14. A beautiful face in the autumn colours, wonderful. Loved your photos today as well.
    Yvonne xx

  15. eine tolle seite mit wunderschönen farben,gefällt mir seeehr.
    tolle bilder hast du wieder gemacht,ich liebe den herbst,ist mein lieblingsmonat,die luft ist so klar,die tollen farben,ich liebe es einfach.
    schönen abend dir noch.

    hugs jenny

  16. Me again! You can tell I am doing my Show Your Face hop can't you? :) I adore the way you put the details in the hair of your subjects and such wonderful colours. Thanks for another great share on Show Your Face and for the shout out too. Kx

  17. Beautiful artwork Valerie - love the colours and great quote. She has mesmerising eyes, - I mean eye :)
    Lovely photos - that tree lined lane looks a wonderful place to walk.
    Hope you've had a good day... Gill xx

  18. There is a beautiful mystery to this face.

  19. Had to come back this evening to view Miss Autumn and your beautiful photo of the path in all its fall color.

  20. Lovely autumnal atmosphere from your fantastic painting to the photographs. The second photograph is just magaical.

  21. Love your Autumn Goddess...beautiful in every detail!
    We are putting our jackets on this weekend too...
    I see by your lovely photos the horses have the right idea ;-)

  22. I love love all the colors in the photos you have taken and in your painting as well! I also LOVE the hanger story!lol


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