Tuesday 26 July 2011

Tuesday and it's not raining....yet!

Hi everybody, it's Tuesday again, time is flying by. But time is definitely relative. Yesterday, at the dentist's, I had the feeling that I was sitting on that chair for ever, although it was *only* an hour. An hour with lots of drilling in my root canal, and the feeling that my whole head was vibrating. But even the longest hour ends sooner or later! The next session is on Thursday, where he has promised that we will be discussing a *comprehensive treatment plan* - it sounds expensive!
n the afternoon I made some ACEOs. They have been made from small pieces of marbled paper, left over from other ventures after my last marbling session. I still have more, but they will be used for die-cuts and inchies.

In addition I made one tag, to replace one of those which got *washed away* on Sunday! I think the frog prince seems to be a dedicated follower of fashion! I am entering this into Rebecca's *Blog Challenge Garden*, where you have to make a tag in 10 minutes - this one took less!

While I was blog-hopping, I visited *Crystal Clear*. Crystal is not only a talented artist, but also writes great posts, which are often very funny. And now she has started a new feature, where she introduces 5 others from time to time, and much to my surprise, I found myself on her list yesterday. It really is great to have such a good contact to so many blogging friends all over the world; this is something we can all be thankful for. For me, it is very important, as I have no contact to any of my family, and spend a lot of time on my own. I think my life would be sad without all of you, and the possibility to be creative.

And while watching TV in the evening I reduced a cardboard box to 22 tags, which I peeled and distressed ready for use, a very relaxing occupation!

Have a great day, Take care, and thanks a lot for dropping in!


June at Dezina World is offering a super freebie today, as well as showing some of her wonderful collage sheets and art that you can make with them - do pop over and have a look!


  1. Hi Val, looks like you were busy again! Sorry about the dentist, that was not so good! We are off out with the kids again, to the zoo this time! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie, wow i love these aceo's I really adore this kind of art, paintings in miniture, beautiful.You are very talented.
    If you get time, please pop by my Dezinaworld blog today as i have a free collage sheet for everyone. I hope you will like it. Have a great day !

  3. Good Morning Valerie. Hope your mouth is not to sore today. Great little CEO's :o). Love the frog price card. I keep looking down, however, there is nothing there! Congrats on being mentioned on Crystal Clear .. make room ... your house will be full to the brim today! hugs, Donna

  4. Donna, if that frog turns up at your place DON'T kiss it - talking frogs are much more valuable than princes these days!

  5. The ACEOs are gorgeous Val - love the marbling effect. Love the tag too ...and your comments about the value of talking frogs!lol
    Hugs xx

  6. Wow! Just fabulous ACEOs Valerie. All just beautiful and very arty, Great tag too and love the dressed up mannequin.

    Hope your dental problems get sorted as root canal treatment is not nice.

    Thanks for your enquiry about my cold and I'm getting there very slowly. Tickly cough stage now.

    Hugs, Fliss xx

  7. Fabulous colourfull little ACEOs and a great tag. I hope your dental problems are sorted out soon.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Sounds like you need a hug after your visit to the dentist, Love your marbled papers :)
    Von x

  9. Super little marbled ACEOs (I had to google what those initials stood for, Lol! - you teach me something new every day Valerie!). Great tag, even though that frog is being a bit cheeky! Love what you've done with the dress form. Have a happy day. Suze xx

  10. I LOVE your marbled ACEOs- they look so beautiful and surreal....just gorgeous! And that tag is wonderful too, I've been seeing re purposed cardboard popping up everywhere; and I'm starting to feel the need to play with it :)
    BTW, I'm glad you got the first part done with at the dentist....just keep thinking that you're progressing your way along, and soon enough it will be behind you!

  11. Super ACEOs and the tag is beautiful as well. Yvonne x

  12. Gorgeous ACEOs and the ten minute tag, which took you less than that is unbelieveable. Wonderful work, Valerie!

  13. Fabulous work Valerie and a another great tag.
    Regards Florence x

  14. Good Morning...love your new ACEO's! Gorgeous!

  15. Hi Valerie. Oh those darn dentists are just too expensive as is everything these day and it looks as things will continue to rise. Love your tag and and your aceos are fantastic!! The more I look at them, the more I am reminded of roots....get it?? roots??? tee hee. In this case they are beautiful roots coming out of the earth, not a drill going into the roots. :))) Take care. Have a great rest of the week.

  16. Valerie, your tiny ACEOs are beautiful. Love the colors from the marbling.

    With the root canal finished, you should start to feel a lot better in a few days. The pain doesn't go away as quickly as we would like but in time all will be well.

    GREAT TAG,too.


  17. Lovely work Val, love all those little pics, and your tag is really funny! Naughty frog! Hugs, Barb

  18. Hi Valerie, I HATE the dentist, expensive and painful you have my sympathy:0) Horrid place except when you have toothache then they are acceptable ( I never really grew up when it came to dentists LOL)Hope your treatment's over soon :0) Love all your ACEOs and such a quick and pretty tag, clever you!
    Am I really that predictable? guess so LOL Thank you for your lovely comment, big smiles, Gay xxx

  19. Wow, those are some lovely colors! Your tag is equally amazing and I love that little frog! Hope you are feeling better!

  20. Love the ACEOs-gorgeous colours,and the tag is beautiful!

  21. Not sure what an ACEOs are but the colours and and movement is wonderful. Fun tag as well, Congratulations on being featured you do deserve it. XOXO Zoe

  22. No clue what ACEOs are but whatever they are they are fabulous, little mini abstract paintings gorgeous and dynamic. Love your frog maybe its a girl and is wishing she could wear the lovely dress. You amaze me how you can do two things at once, How can you watch tv and make tags `i can't even do it without the tV !!!!


  23. dear Valerie,
    You know that I love that marblizing technique...Cant wait to see what happens next. Hope you are feeling better after the dentist...take care of yourself.gerri

  24. These ACEO cards are fantastic!
    I just love the look of marble paper and it is so much fun to make :]
    You are amazing...

  25. hi val, I am fairly new to your blog, and just wanted to say how much i have been enjoying your work...
    these ACEO are incredible !!
    I feel for you regarding your teeth problems; i had a root canal 3 weeks ago and have never suffered so much; i still cant chew on it...hope all ends well for you...love from québec,canada

  26. I think the tag turned out lovely!

    and just to let you know, I didn't see your name on Mr. Linky (oops) Just thought you'd want to know so the other artists can find you. :)


  27. My, I am behind in my reader. I popped in on your friend , she has a lovely blog. I hope tpo check out some of her other favorites. Lovely work here today, love that marbling!


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