Thursday 7 July 2011

Gingersnap Book-marks, Tags and a Match-box

Good morning you all, happy Wednesday Thursday!! Not quite awake, finally fell asleep just before the parcel postman rang my bell like a maniac to leave another parcel for a neighbour....I don't usually mind, but he is such a miserable man; tramps up the stairs, sighing and swearing, and says *Parcel for upstairs*. No good morning, or could you please? So today I said, *That's nice*. He said again, *parcel for upstairs*, so I repeated *that's nice*, and started to shut the door. Then he asked if I would be sooooo kind to take it in for my neighbours. OK, no problem! I think his parents forgot to teach him manners, but from now on I am going to do my best!

Today I want to show you 3 tags I made for the *Grungy Monday* Challenge over at Studio L3. This time it's celebrating Tim Holtz's March 2008 Technique
I used a stamp with flourishes for all 3 tags, but positioned it each time differently. I used Forest Moss, Spiced Marmalade and vintage photo inks, and gold perfect pearls. This is what they looked like after distressing;

I stamped the images with archival black using stamps from Tim Holtz and Character Constructions.

The technique was fun to try out, but it's quicker with resist ink!

And now I want to show you the lovely bookmarks I got from the *Gingersnaps* Book mark art exchange, each one is different, and each one is gorgeous, judge for yourselves:

The first two pictures show the bookmarks from Petra B. and Laura Liddell
Petra has written a quote on the back of hers, Laura an explanation of the Japanese picture and script.

The next picture shows the bookmarks from Sarah and Zoe . Sarah's African lady with the wonderful, beaded tassel and Zoe's very unusual bookmark of my home town and in my fave colours have also won a place in my heart.

Thank you all for putting so much work and talent into these beautiful little art works, which I will treasure!

And lastly, a sneak-peek of my altered *matchbox* for Tee's swap. I tried to buy a large box of matches here to alter, and got told in both possible stores in our little town that large matchboxes are a winter item, and not in stock just now! Are they kidding?? Anyway, I found a box (5 x 3 1/2") without a lid in my bottomless pit aka hall closet, and made a sleeve for it from some cardstock from SEI. I cut butterflies out of the rest of the paper, glazed them with glossy accents, and mounted them on top, with beads for *bodies*. Then I added some pale pink lace and a tassel. The rest - the lining and the goodies which will be going into it - have to stay a secret till they get to Tee!

And a short joke Narda sent yesterday, I think all ladies will love this one:

A woman devised her own system for labeling homemade
Meals she stored in the freezer. Instead of calling them
Chicken Parmigiana or Meatloaf, she labeled them
Whatever, Anything, I Don't Know and, her favorite, Food.

That way when she asked her husband what he wanted
For dinner, she was certain to have it on hand.

Actually, I wanted to do a quick post today....But time enough to wish you all a great day! Take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Oho, I'm the first one today! Love your tags and all your goodies! Have a great day, Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your tags are fabulous! I must say that little Miss Blackbird has captured my heart. The one you sent me is sitting on my mantel making me smile every day. Aren't your bookmarks wonderful. People are just so creative. Your match box sounds interesting, can't want to see. Enjoy your day Valerie. hugs, Donna

  3. As for the Postie - Good for you. Lovely work as always. Thank you for sharing the other ladies work. Love the joke! Classic!
    Regards Florence.

  4. Hi Valerie!:)
    The tags you created are gorgeous!Love the techniques you used and all the details!

  5. Fabulous tags Valerie and the matchbox is beautiful.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. So happy to see Mrs Bird this morning and all the other little birdies. Beautiful butterflies on your matchbox and all the bookmarks are fabulous. My that's a lot of 'B' words this morning! Have a beautiful day. xx

  7. Fantastic tags, the bird is just faboulously cute. On the subject of post, a relief postie came recently , he just said 'parcel for next door' I gave him a long silent look as said, 'do you have a problem with that?' He walked away and knocked on another door. Manners is an issue everywhere I think. Yvonne x

  8. Always so much to see and always so inspiring and exciting! Love your tags agree as a resist technique it is a lot of work! but your results magical. The matchbox is such a contrast and very pretty. Great bookmarks glad you liked mine :~)

    Enjoy your day oh and whats for tea? XOXO zoe

  9. Food! But perhaps whatever I find in the deep freeze!

  10. oh i luv how you did, with your 3 little birdie tags!! Thanks for sharing your RETURNS from the bookmark swap! Your matchbox looks very pretty too! Eve, your fellow ginger :-)

  11. Lovely bird tags. I really like how you use the different inks. I'm going to have to spend some more money! Ive just order some moonglow inks and looking forward to playing with them! That little box is so pretty, Tee is going to be very excited when she receives it (lucky girl)x Julie

  12. ROFL @ you and the postman - you teach him Valerie!
    Love your tags and the bookmarks are stunning.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. Love the funny - going to repost it on my blog. :)

  13. Good for you, Sue - this is typically MAN!

  14. Your tags are gorgeous! Great technique. And thanks for sharing the beautiful bookmarks and tags, too.

  15. I've never heard of a large matchbox, they hold matches?

  16. Yes, they have long matches for lighting candles or lanterns or whatever!

  17. Love those three tags! You really have a way with birds. I love the positioning on each, especially the one where he's sitting on the chair.

  18. Oh, love the backgrounds on your new tags! Beautiful! Happy Creating! :)

  19. wow val, love the colours of the background and all the different birds... your matchbox is lovely too, well done...

    maria xx

  20. Oh Wow! Loving everything Val! The tags look great and your match box is beautiful!
    Suzie xxxx :)

  21. I always love bookmarks and yours are just great. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my PPF (early) post. You're always so good about visiting.... Thanks!

  22. Love the joke! Really like your background technique tag. Awesome bookmarks from the swap.

  23. I love your tags and the bookmarks you received are great!

  24. They're all SO lovely and each is a little work of art ~ simply beautiful!

  25. Great tags for Grungy Monday. Guess I best get busy on mine.

    Your bookmarks are fabulous. Marvelous art, Valerie.


  26. LOL, your joke was too funny, love your tags, Tim would be proud of your work.

  27. Wow!
    I simply adore your tags :]
    Thank you for sharing your many talents, you are so inspiring. <3

  28. Oh my word, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your tags today! I guess I tend to be partial with birds sometimes, and am chomping at the bit, wondering WHERE did you get the stamp of the bird with the dress on? SO CUTE!!!.. The bookmarks are beautiful, love your butterfly matchbox too! (Just made my first one ever recently, but can't show it till the recipient gets it first.)... As for the joke, I ALWAYS love a good joke! As a matter of fact, it just so happens I AM serving "I don't know yet"!! LOL! (Guess I'd better decide soon!) ~tina

  29. Oh my gosh--I love your tags and all the beautiful items you shared with us by such wonderful people!! I love the image of the bird in a totally adorable!!!

    And I'm laughing about that joke--so funny and so me--I can't stand cooking!!

  30. I think where you live the posties must go to a special non charm school , do you think he is related to Mrs Grumpy ! That matchbox is so tiny and cute and gorgeous. Your birdie tags are so lovely and you used my favourite stamp again just lover her !


  31. dear Valerie,
    your tags are fantastic! So beautiful work my dear. take care, gerri

  32. Fantastic tags, love the background and the stamping ... and a wonderful box.

  33. Love the grungy tones and stamping on your tags.

  34. Hi Valerie, Gorgeous tags, love the colours and the dressed up blackbird? great eye LOL your altered box is fab, love the butterflies on that one:0)
    I'm with you , teach the rude man, ha ha!! How can he assume you will take the post in, good for you, hugs Gay xxx

  35. Gorgeous tags. I especially like the first one Wish. Enjoyed reading your post and the joke at the end I can completely relate too. x

  36. Gosh I love all your loveliness ;0) so much to see Dxx

  37. I'm sorry you have such a nasty mail carrier! Sounds like you handled his attitude very well: "That's nice." I love it!

    I love your beautiful tags, too. You did a great job with the GM14 technique and chose such gorgeous colors, too! The little birds just make my heart so happy, and I'm convinced that I need to go shopping for some new Character Constructions stamps-- the raven with her little dress is SO darling!


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