Sunday 10 July 2011

Sketches and MORE goodies!

Good morning you all! Today is Sunday, the sun is shining, and that means sketch time over at Sophia's *Blue Chair Diary*

I made some sketches this week from some photos. Well, I tried. I have a lovely photo of my great Aunt taken when she was 18. I made 2 sketches of it, but tried in the first one to show her at the time when I best remember her, when she was between 60 and 70, but I drew here in the same dress she was wearing with 18. The second one is (or should have been!) as she was at the time.

The first sketch has been made with sepia drawing chalks, the second one with water-colour pencils and I have realised that I am totally out of practice with sketching, haven't done enough lately!

And then I tried a sketch from one of my childhood photos. I used pencil and water colour pencils. I think it's not bad, but on the other hand it's not good, so I think I have to start doing an hour's sketching each day to get back into practice.

And yesterday I received a parcel from Canada, sent to me by Leslie of *Harmony Road Studio*, way back in May when she was giving away a blog candy. And now, after 2 months, it arrived at last, brought today by a friendly postie (the other one has probably got his day off!) Thank you Lesley, for all of my lovely goodies! What a feast for the eyes to see so many good things, including the smallest album I have ever seen, stamps, lace and borders,flourishes an altered domino, a wonderful pocket album, and lots of goodies to make myself, including a grunge paper album, key rings and...and.... Thank you soooooooooooo much. With all the goodies I have received in the last 2 days, I should have enough to do in the next few days....

So, that was it for today. Have a good Sunday, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. WOW! I love your sketches...they have a very sweet appeal and style! You've been gifted with some amazing goodies this week too! How fun! Happy Sunday Sketches! POP ART MINIS

  2. First...
    Let me start by saying, "I love your new templet for your blog." FANTASTIC :]
    Thank you for sharing your goodies, how exciting. There is nothing better than a wonderful "mail art day".
    Enjoy, I know you will put all those goodies to great use!
    Take care <3

  3. Yes .. I love the new blog look too - was going to mention it yesterday and forgot. Great sketched, Valerie .. you don't need much practice! :o) All those goodies ... beautiful! Enjoy as I know you will. hugs, Donna

  4. I love the pictures and your goodies. I will show my Mum the pics of your Great aunt, she must have known her! >Hugs, Sarah

  5. I love your new look blog Valerie and your sketches are fabulous. Great parcel of goodies you've received too. Have a good day.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. Your great aunt looks a very elegant lady. Enjoy all your goodies and have a great Sunday. xx

  7. hello! i love the new look blog! it looks really great! fantastic sketches! enjoy your goodies!

  8. I too am enjoying the new look with all the fab fun little Steampunk style elements. You have drawn lovely sketches and your latest goodies, that strike held up a lot of post but everyone now are getting their treasures. XOXO Zoe

  9. Hopefully this comment will get through - Blogger was playing silly b*****s yesterday.
    I love your sketches Valerie and what wonderful goodies from postie.
    Hugs xx
    p.s. I'm waiting for parcels from Canada - apparently they're always sloooooow and have recently been on strike too. :(

  10. Well, a well trained donkey would have managed it in probably less than 2 months - but it arrived safely, and that's the main thing!

  11. I can see the likeness between you both, smashing work. Annette x

  12. So many fun things today! Wow!
    I love love the sketch of you as a child...looks so happy and cheerful!...well done! happy sunday to you!

  13. Love, your sketches...I am just learing to sketch...and wow on the blog candy..Visiting your site is always a creative tour.
    connie paxman

  14. your aunt is a beautiful woman and the young girl is such a pretty one,, your gifts are lovely and such a treat I would think,, we have had a mail strike here and its been a really slow with mail returning to normal,,have a wonderful sunday,

  15. What pretty sketches your doing and a wonderful supply of goodies you received.
    Thanks for entering my giveaway. Best of luck.
    now to do some catching up on your blog.
    hugs Lynn

  16. Wow, what an awesome mail day you had! Wonderful goodies! I really like the sketch of your aunt when she was older. It has a lovely old fashioned look to it. It's my fav of the 3.

  17. Love the sketches, particulaly the watercolour one, its beautiful. Yvonne x

  18. your great aunt was beautiful (as you are), I love your idea to dress her in the same outfit.

    Well, you know we are still recovering from that postal strike in Canada...what a lovely gift.

  19. Love your sketches Valerie, you have more guts than I do. Like anything practise does help.
    Love your new blog look, Wowsers.
    I am glad the parcel arrived safe and sound. That butterfly album is an inchie book, lots of fun to make. Enjoy Valerie.

  20. Great sketches...and what wonderful goodies....

  21. Additional swap fun and terrific projects too. (I spotted the domino necklace immediately hehehe.

    The other projects are wonderful as well.

    Wish I could draw like you do. The middle portrait is my favorite. However, the bright eyes you created in the last one is marvelous. You should continue on because you definitely have a talent.

    Have a great week, Valerie.


  22. Okay first, I lLOVE your blog template! How did you do it? It's totally fabulous! Second, I really liked your sketches! You did a great job! Third, wow, what a stash of goodies to play with! I know you'll have fun! Happy SS!!

  23. Love the portraits Val especially the young great Aunt and wow you certainly had a great day opening goodies. Postman deliver on Sunday in Germany?? I'm impressed!!

  24. Great sketches especially the first one. Enjoy all your goodies.
    Regards Florence.

  25. Good evening Valerie, WOW I love your new look blog and what a lovely creative time you've been having, your new paintings and drawings are beautiful and totally unique. Lucky you with the post arriving, lovely candy, have a great week my friend, Gay xxx

  26. I really love your sketches. They convey such charm.

  27. I love visiting your page Valerie, there is always so much to see. gorgeous art pieces my friend.
    Hope you have had a lovely weekend
    Hugs June xxx

  28. Love your sketches and I bet they look very much like the photos????? I also like you new blog look a lot!

  29. Sketches are great! and have fun with the goodies!

  30. Lovely sketches and what wonderful blog candy to get in the mail! Love your blog header!

  31. Great sketches! And wow, what a great bunch of lovelies you received! :)


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