Wednesday 27 July 2011

Nice post received....

Hi everybody, hope you all feel fitter than I do this morning! I think I need more sleep, so perhaps I will have a nap this afternoon.
Yesterday I visited my friend Inge, and we had our usual day of eating, talking, eating, drinking coffee, eating, talking and playing skipbo - a card game. Makes a nice change for me to get out once a week, and take a break from my computer, crafting and painting!
I also got post from Tee and Cindy Adkins. I took part in Tee's altered matchbox swap, and swapped with her, and received a hugs matchbox filled with goodies - lace, flowers, ribbons, buttons, bows, pins and more all packed in a beautiful decorated box, which was in a red draw-string bag. And if that wasn't enough, there was a small matchbox inside too, with one of Tee's handmade Scrabble pendants. And a big piece of Tee's homemade coffee soap. Thanks Tee for a really lovingly packed parcel!

And this is what Cindy sent - a lovely wall hanging, which will be hung in my arty kitchen, and a pretty card. This was a complete surprise, which made it all the nicer. Thanks Cindy!

And in the evening I made 2 tags, one using my TH dress-form die, and the other one with a little metal frame that I found in one of my drawers while searching for something else!

So, that was enough for today, I need my next cup of coffee! Have a great day you all, take care and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Hi Val, love all the nice things you have got, I am sure you will be able to use them well! Love the tags too. Enjoy your day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Hi Valerie, I love your new look blog background :)
    What a lovely gift to soap sounds amazing. Love your tags ...that metal frame looks great.
    Jenny x

  3. Super tags Valerie, I always love your dress forms and I love the little frame too. Lovely goodies from faraway friends, how apt the coffee soap is for you. Enjoy your afternoon nap! xx

  4. Hi Valerie. Wow! what lovely treasures you have received. Super tags. It is funny you should mention coffee at the end of your post. When I read your posts in the morning I always feel like you are sitting on the opposite side of the kitchen table, coffee in hand, chatting about crafting. Lovely post.
    Regards Florence x

  5. Florence, that would be nice to chat to you over the kitchen table! But I am mostly sitting there, in my messy, arty kitchen!

  6. Wonderful mail received Valerie and fab. tags too - you're so creative with your tags. :)
    Hugs xx

  7. What a lot of lovely goodies you goT! Enjoy! Love your tags, too! Hugs, Barb

  8. What a beautiful day you had! Friends really DO make the world go round, in real life AND blogland! And I have to say again, that I am intrigued with all these corrugated cardboard tags you've been making....gorgeous work!

  9. beautiful gifts and beautiful work,, I think you are both so talented,,hope you get a nap in today!

  10. What a lovely surprise from Tee! Your tags are very pretty today, feminine and pink! x Julie

  11. a great and very vintage collection of goodies!

  12. What lovely little gifts. Your tags are as beautiful as ever, Valerie!

  13. Hope you feel better after a nap. It is nice to have a little change of scene and company now and again. Lovely gifts must have been like Christmas opening these yesterday. Happy crafting XOXO Zoe

  14. Morning Valerie:) A nap sounds like a GREAT idea. Wonderful mail goodies and your tags are adorable!

  15. Your cards and tags are so creative and lots of fun (by the way I love your blog background!). You're right, it is fun to follow other crafters/artists as they create their magic. I find that I look forward to checking in on my blogs for comments and checking all the blogs I follow to see what they're up to!
    Keep on creating!

  16. You received such wonderful goodies! I REALLY love those two tags! You did an awesome job with those!

  17. Lovely tags Valerie and what a lovely bag of goodies you received. Enjoy your nap.
    xxx Hazel.

  18. The tags are just beautiful and what a wonderful pile of gifts you received! :-)

  19. A great mail day, Valerie. Must have made you smile for quite awhile. Isn't it wonderful how everyone in blog land takes such care in sending gifts, making sure everything is packaged beautifully. I always feel like I have received a treasure chest. Such a beautiful matchbox and great wall hanging. Glad you were able to enjoy yourself and create a couple of your wonderful tags last evening after a great day out. Take care. hugs, Donna

  20. hi Val, wonderful tags...oh, that soap looks yummy !! And Cindy is such a generous person, i have been blessed with one of her little tags...

  21. Your tags are beautiful, thankyou for giving us a peep of your goodies as well. Yvonne x

  22. Hi Valerie
    Wonderful goodies and beautiful tags.

  23. The tags you made are just stunners! Love how you used the dressform! Lovely posted gifts! Sure hope you are feeling better real soon!

  24. Hi Val!
    What wonderful goodies from Tee! and I hope you enjoy your collage! I love the pieces you created--they're beautiful, my friend.

  25. Oh such lovely treats!
    It is so much fun swapping :]
    Really like your altered tags too.
    Take care <3

  26. Looks like you got a lot of wonderful goodies. Your altered tags are great!! Hope you got a nap and feeling refreshed. Hugs, Kim

  27. Hi Val, wow what a great post. How are you feeling, is the mouth sore?
    Enjoy those beautiful pieces of art you received. Looks like you have some nice goodies to use as well.

  28. dear Val,
    beautiful deserve them all! Wonderful tag creations today.take care, gerri

  29. What lovely gifts! I almost didn't recognize your blog w/ your super cool, new blog layout. lookin' good, Val!!

  30. ooh lots of lovely goodies there ! You and Cindy must spend most of your time in the Post office I think ! Super tags , the dress on the dress form is so pretty.



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