Thursday 21 July 2011

Cold, wet, windy and feeling bad....

Hi everybody, hope you are all fit and well. I feel very groggy after my dental treatment yesterday, and am not exactly looking forward to the 2 big appointments next week to finish off the job. I won't treat you to all the nasty details, but it was NOT nice!
Yesterday I did some clearing up and tidying in my bottomless pit aka the hall closet, and found lots of pre-cut cards for ATCs, so made a few yesterday, and a tag. Here they are:

I think I will have to make more of them as I still have soooooooo much stuff to use....
Sorry, this is another short post, I really don't feel so good just now.

Havea good day you all, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Val, lovely work as always. Sorry you are feeling bad, take care of yourself, and get a good rest! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Lovely tags, Valerie. Sorry you had to see the darn Dentist ... never good news comes of this situation! Lie down, watch Harry Potter and call me in the morning. Drink copious amounts of schnaps. Should feel numb in about an hour. xx and hugs, Donna

  3. I'll have to stick to coffee - no schnaps in the house!

  4. Sending hugs and sparkles Valerie - hope you soon feel better (nothing worse than dental pain).
    Love the ATC's - you really do have some fabulous stash.
    Hugs xx

  5. Hope you feel better soon Valerie. Your ATCs and tag a great.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. Hi Valerie. Hope you feel better soon. Sending lots of healing hugs.
    Lovely ATCs.
    Regards Florence x

  7. Lovely atc's hope making them took your mind off the pain you are in and feel better soon :)
    Von x

  8. Hi Val, lovely ATCs! Hope you soon feel better! Hugs, Barb

  9. Sounds like you are having some serious work done and that can be torment. Hope you can find things to take you mind of it all and that you will feel better as the day progresses. XOXO Zoe

  10. Going to the dentist for a check up is bad enough - but treatment, oh dear, I'm sending you happy vibes! ATC's are lovely. hugs xx

  11. Feel better soon!! Lovely atcs!!

  12. You always seem to get so much done and they always look great. Sorry to hear about the dental appointments that sucks big time x

  13. So sorry you're feeling poorly. Damned teeth!

    You've created some little beauties with these ATC's and tag.


  14. oooh - no fun - dental work! Sorry to hear about the weather too! it's supposed to be 105 here today!!!!!! have a good one.

  15. Your tag and ATCs are beautiful. I hope your dental work is more comfortable soon, but not nice to have more to come. Yvonne x

  16. OH, dear! I'm sorry the dental apt. didn't go very well! Your projects are absolutely fabulous!

  17. Sorry you are a bit under the weather in more ways than 1. Your ATC's and tag are gorgeous. I just hope we don't lose power today, it is supposed to hit 100 today and with our humidity the heat index approximates it to 111, thank goodness for AC!

  18. Hi, Hope you are feeling better soon and the sun comes out to shine! Love your new full of fun little treats! Take Care!

  19. I am a huge dental coward! Sorry you have more "not fun" dental times in the future! Love your ATC's and tag! Beautiful creations!

  20. These are all so gorgeous!! And I sure hope you'll feel better soon~xo Cindy

  21. Another great post Valerie for your artwork. Sorry you are feeling poorly, hope you come around soon. Les

  22. Oh dear friend... wishing you a speedy recovery, loads of hugs, and sending you some California "sunshine".
    Take care of yourself :]
    Still making art through all this, you are inspiring.
    The ATC cards look amazing, love them!
    Your last tag, is simply beautiful... a rubber stamp?

  23. Smashing ATC's and Tags. Hope you feel a lot better soon Valerie. Annette x

  24. Ugh, I HATE the dentist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Your tags are wonderful! I'm so jealous you saw Harry Potter, I'll have to plead with my Jeff ( or go alone, ha!)Thanks for the comment on my blog about the Dragonrider Gecko going over Hogwarts!I LOVED that!!!!Gives me more ideas with the geckos, lol!Deb

  25. The cards are just wonderful. Hope you feel better soon! :-)

  26. Hopefully that work will be done soon, I am thankful I have not had any major dental work. I have heard its just the most painful. Hope you feel better soon. I love all these, I think top two are my favorites, I love twine and images. Hugs, Kim

  27. So many wonderful pieces today. I cant even pick a favorite. I saw the Harry Potter movie too. I thought it was great! take care, gerri

  28. Stock up on the schnapps! I could use a couple of B52's myself! Seriously take care.. Hugs,Tee

  29. Sorry to hear you have been feeling under the weather , but all your pieces are amazing and totally gorgeous, hope you feel better soon.



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