Sunday 3 July 2011

Sunday Sketches and 2 challenges

Good morning everybody. Today it's time again for *Sunday Sketches*, hosted by Sophia over at *Blue Chair Diary*. I didn't have time to make another sketch, was busy painting yesterday for the *Summer of Color* on Monday, so I am sharing a picture I made a while back. It has been painted with tempera and water color pencils. It shows a topsy turvy world where land and sea have somehow got mixed up.

The second picture I am sharing is one that was made more than 50 years ago, when I was in the fourth year at Grammar School. It has been drawn with colored pencils. There is a remark on the back from the teacher saying that I pressed too hard. We had a very strict and dour art teacher, but the year after we got a different teacher, and with her it was much more fun!

Yesterday afternoon I had another try with alcohol inks, I don't really like working with them as they always spark my asthma, so this time I had the window wide open. I don't have many colors, so I just had to use what was there. First I made an altered coaster as a little wall hanging, which I am planning to put on the front of my journal and not on the wall. I coated the coaster with pearl silver metallic structure paste, heated and bubbled it, and then dripped the inks on and blew them with a straw. I made 3 holes at the bottom and hung 3 TH word tags on, which I colored to match in red, blue and yellow. I chose the words live, love and hope. I am entering this into the *anything goes* challenge over at *Just for Fun*

Then I made a tag using alcohol inks in yellow, black and gold. This is made using Tim Holtz' tutorial, which can be found here: I found a picture of a *yellow lady* in my stash, mounted her on a scrap of hologram card, and then onto the tag. I gave her a feather, some lace and a necklace, and used an old ear-ring as charm to hang at the top. I am entering this tag into the *Grungy Monday* Challenge at Studio L3

And the last picture is a sneak-peek from my yellow painting tomorrow. Can you guess what it is? It shouldn't be toooooooooooooo hard to guess!!

And now for my surprises which arrived in the post yesterday, a beautifully painted box, filled with goodies form Zoe. The box reminds me of Merlin and magic, just lovely:

And inside the box were lots of surprises. A miniature canvas with easel:

A Stylish dressing up doll, which seems to have about my figure!?

A beautiful hand-made card

An altered spoon in steampunk design, with loads of tiny cogs and gears fixed to it:

2 little albums full of gorgeous images for tags and ATCs etc.

And last but not least, a set of flower fairy die-cuts.

As you can see, I was a very lucky bunny and it cheered me up a lot to find such lovely things in the post. Thanks for your kindness, Zoe!

Well, enough for today. Hope you all have a lovely Sunday. Take care, and thanks a lot for visiting, I do appreciate it very much!


  1. Hi Val, what a lot of lovely things made and received! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Wow, I am speechless, Valerie!!! Such gorgeous creations!!! XO

  3. Wow! Brilliant pieces of art work. Lovely treasures you have received from Zoe. Thanks for sharing.
    Regards Florence.

  4. Good morning dear Valerie. I have studied art and know a little bit about it ... I am absolutely struck dumb by your fourth year grammer school piece. It's incredibly beautiful. I can't stop looking at it. How big is it. What kind of paper is it on? How old are you in fourth year grammar. WOW! Obviously you could have chosen art as a profession. You certainly had a busy day yesterday (yet again) and turned out some wonderful stuff. Your gifts are gorgeous and yes, it does raise the spirits to know someone has done something lovely just for us. Have a great Sunday, Valerie. See you tomorrow. Hugs from Mexico, Donna

  5. There is a Documentary on TV about Atlantis at the moment our water world picture seems to echo the legend. Enjoy your goodies. XOXO Zoe

  6. What a fabulous post full of creativity and colour. Love the rich colours and image on your GM piece.

  7. Holy cow - there is so much goodness in this post! Your topsy turvy world is fascinating - what a cool idea!

    I loved seeing your colored pencil drawing from 50 years ago - I think it's beautiful (and I definitely don't think you pressed too hard)! Isn't it amazing what an impact a good (or for that matter, a bad) art teacher can have?

    You always have such a fun variety of techniques to share (and I love all of the vibrant color you use)!

    I have to say, you receive lots of very beautiful mail!!!


  8. Valerie i love all of these. I adore the floral you created when you were very young. its beautiful no matter what the art teacher said, how could some one remark so negatively to such potential ? its beyond me, and i love what you did. Adore all your work and loving the alcohol inks, i have never thought about it effecting asthma, shall have to watch that.
    hugs And Happy Sunday
    June xxxxx

  9. There is so much on this one posting. First of all the picture you did at school - I think that is brilliant, secondly your tag is great and thirdly bet you had lots of fun creating your coaster for JFF. Off now to bubble some texture paste of my own - thanks for the inspiration.
    Thanks for joining us at JFF - Hugs, Neet x

  10. Wow Valerie, what wonderful creations. Love your underwater world, what imagination you have. Your school drawing, all I can say is fabulous! Super altered coaster, such vibrant colours and love the ethnic feel to your yellow tag. And finally, what a wonderful box of goodies, can't wait to see more wonderful creations! Happy Sunday! xx

  11. A double wowee for your artwork Valerie........and some more terrific projects and loving all your beautiful gifts from Zoe. Annette x
    PS. See you tomorrow for the Colour of Summer.....

  12. Wow Valerie this post was so interesting to read. The lovley parcel you received, the beautiful drawing from your schooldays, the Atlantis work, everything was so great. You are such a great lady and thank you for your continued interest in my blog, it means a lot that you keep in touch. xx hugs

  13. Amazing creations Val - love all your artwork.
    And what wonderful mail - so many yummy goodies.
    Hugs xx

  14. I'm impressed by your grammar school art, you are so talented, then and now.

  15. Lovely work again Val, and you have got some great goodies there! Enjoy playing! Hugs, Barb

  16. So many wonderful sketches and lots of lovely treasures! Happy Sunday Sketches!

  17. Wow, Lots of eye candy today. Your work is amazing and I love treasures. Your art teacher must have been half blind, for 4th year grammar school that is an amazing still life, It is amazing for any age really.

  18. dear Valerie,
    what lovely creations today. Your alcohol ink projects are fabulous esp with the bubble technique.take care, gerri

  19. Wow, what a wonderful vase drawing from when you were so young! I didn't enjoy art classes back in school - getting graded was so painful.

  20. Lots of eye candy in this post. I am amazed at the drawing you did at school - it's so good. Can't believe the teacher was so critical.

    Love the tag and loads of goodies from Zoe!


  21. Fabulous work especially the vase of flowers you did at school and what a wonderful package from Zoe.
    xxx Hazel.

  22. I cant believe your flower art from 50 years ago and your teachers comment, do you think maybe grumpy at the post office is related !!.


  23. Excellent artwork Valerie! Just beautiful and your gifts are awesome. You painted those flowers 50 years ago?? Really? Wow, good job. Enjoy your gifts. Have a great weekend.

  24. Oh my gosh, Valerie, if I could draw like you did way back when I'd be thrilled to death. No wonder you do so well with your creative spirit. Your Grungy Monday tag is terrific and I don't have a clue what your zentangle drawing represents -- no imagination. I keep telling everyone I ran short with that one.

    Love all of the goodies you received. What fun from Zoe and pretty items as well.

    Thanks for the 4th of July e-card. We in the USA celebrate our birthday tomorrow.


  25. You seem to be very talented and you sure are shoing us alot of preety things. I like the work youdid with the aldohol inks! Especially the tag with the lady and the feather. bravo!


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