Thursday 28 October 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Time is marching on and the days seem to be flying by. I can't believe it's nearly November!

Today I am sharing another piece made in a lesson by the wonderful Christa Forrest. I painted on a canvas, and had great fun with her hair - wish my thin strands were more like that. I still have to learn more about shading, but I'm trying! I used acrylic paints and collaged her dress with paper and lace scraps:

I am linking to Tracey's challenge, the colours of October at AJJ.

I have a tag to remind me of my fave Halloween film, and I am linking to Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday and to Rain's TAD, Villains:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And I have some archive photos from a trip to Baldeney See (Lake) 2 years ago. The photos were remixed by Blogger:

A snack:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. OMG Valerie both of these are amazing. That face with the orange hair. Just brilliant. Love your photos too.Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole, glad you like it. Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful canvas and spooky tag! Enjoyed the photos, that is a large snack! Thanks for the memes.

    1. Thanks Christine. The snack wasn't mine, I just asked if I could take a picture of that huge sausage!

  3. Your snack looks delicious, loved seeing the sailboats and all the photos-and awesome art Valerie glad you are enjoying these art lessons-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a wonderful day, take care! Hugs!

  4. Looks like you had blast creating. I'm getting closer to retirement.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I did indeed, Dora. Retirement gives you more time to do what you like! Have a great day!

  5. Love the pretty lady with the orange hair. Spooky Halloween but it is well done. Great photos from your archive. Hello Snoopy and Tweety Bird!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Love that face, your girl is fantastic, she has Power! And I love the spooky Halloween piece! The photos from Baldeney are fabulous, you we're there in a wonderful day. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad you like my power-girl, I had fun making her. Baldeney is always a great place to visit! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. Your painting is wonderful and I also love the tag (not the movie though!). That sailing just looks so great and Snoopy is timeless fun. Vee xx

    1. Thanks Vee. That movie is really hard, to say the least! The lake is a wonderful pace for a day out, I will go there again when I can. Hugs!

  8. My word, you do create some interesting women, Valerie. I would love to watch this one washing her hair! She has the kind of face that looks like it hides a thousand secrets. I would do my very best to make friends with her so that she would share some of them with me. I bet we would enjoy each other's company, and I would tell her tales of all the far flung corners of the world I have visited. Perhaps I'd buy her binoculars and we would watch birds together, all the while preventing the small ones from nesting in her hair! Now, I can hardly wait to see the next mysterious woman of your creation! I haven't had a hot dog in years, but I know a place that still serves foot long hot dogs, so maybe one day I will toss out all thoughts of sensible eating and have one. I like mine with honey mustard and chopped onions. My mouth is watering already. If we had a wiener here I would have it for breakfast. Today I will have my flu shot. My arm has been a pin cushion this year. Have a wonderful day. Be sure to include a walk in the park, a coffee or three, and begin to work on the next vision of feminine pulchritude. I will be waiting! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Oh my, David, this lovely lady evidently has you in her grasp, and I'm wondering if your intentions are really pure when you want to take her into the woods!? I'm sure you'd have fun with her! That is really a foot long hot dog, I'm not fond of them, but my companion, and hundreds of others round about, were enjoying them no end! Be a dare devil, treat yourself to one! Glad you are getting your flu shot, I get my Covid booster in December. This afternoon I'm going to art group, but there's a nice walk through a beautiful park to get there! Hugs to you both!

  9. Was that one of those foot long Bratwursts that I remember so well from my Christmas market days in Germany? How I used to love the food on the markets snd the 'Gluhwein mitt Rhum'- the Reibekuchen was my very favourite but with salt like the English people seemed to have them. Ooh, I could eat one right now.
    Thanks for all the lovely photos of the scenery at the lake, lovely autumnal shades in those trees, and the sky is so blue in the daytime ones.
    Your portrait is very autumnal too. You are doing fine with your shading, we are always our own worst critics and I can see you had fun with the hair. I think she is a lovely piece of mixed media art.
    Love your tag, very dramatic and so in tune with the time of the month.
    Here's to a lovely weekend for you
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet! Yes, it was indeed a foot long Bratwurst, and they were selling Reibekuchen, too, always yummy! That was a hot day at the lake, and we kept to the shade, as we walked a long way. Yes, I'm trying not to criticize everything, but I was a teacher so long I am trained to see mistakes! I'm off to art group this afternoon, and that's always nice. Have a great day, hugs!

  10. Loving your lady and that cool hair! Like you, I wish mine did more instead of just flip here and there at its will. I also love how you finished her dress. The cloth trim looks great. And nice tag too. It is perfect for your favorite movie and also for the season. The lake photos looks gorgeous. It must been a great day. I remember some photos from this visit-I believe. And what a big hotdog. Here it is all bun and a small hotdog. Have a super Thursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you like her hair, I really went mad there and gave her BIG hair! The trip was the first thing I pulled from my overflowing container, and was just right! Yes, I showd some photos before, I took so many I still have some I haven't shown. Have a great day, Erika, take care, hugs!

  11. Wow-I think you are very good at painting, and I wish you would show more! I love your lady. She's beautiful.

  12. I never cease to laugh at the Munch "dog." It's all I can see with that! Spooky art and some beautiful views here, Valerie!

  13. Thanks Jeanie . That dog will stay with you forever.

  14. Hi Val, Bill here. Love that painting, wow!

  15. Loved the bright orange hair in your work vj, amazing post

  16. LOL I can't UNSEE the dog now ha ha ha! That's great Valerie! "Freddy's Coming For You!!!" LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! Gave me chills. Your lady is gorgeous, you really did a great job on the eyes! I WOULD LOVE to eat that hot dog right now!!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain. That dog will stay with you forever! I'm looking forward to seeing that Film again tomorrow! Happy Halloween, hugs!

  17. this lake looks so cozy and wonderful!

  18. Love your painting. Really lovely colours. Looks like you are having lots of fun. Really don't know where the days are going at the moment. Stay well. ANesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha. The days seem to melt just now, there's never enough tine!

  19. I need about 27 hours in a day to catch up. I am late visiting, which has sort of become my mantra at the moment. Your lovely lady is wonderful. Her hair reminds me of mine about now. Yes, I need a haircut. Your lady wears hers well and you created her beautifully.

    I also LOVE that adorable tag. Not spooky to me because I never saw the movie. I just love that it has all the hallmarks of Hallween.

    Some incredible photos today, dear. That lake looks beautiful and I like the photos of the people enjoying it in their boats. Of course, that LONNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG dog is amazing. Now I'm really hungry. Hope all is well in your world.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. At the moment there is really not enough time for everything. I wish I could send you one of those long dogs, they sell them at the Kiosk here, too! Have a great day1

    2. Bleubeard has the answer to the time question.

  20. Oh how I love your beautiful lady and her shy pose as she looks down. Her hair is vibrant and sassy with those clever painty drips. As a lover of portraiture I can see those extra things you have learnt and picked up along the way.. She is amazing and i'm so happy you shared her with me @ Art Journal Journey. Fab Halloween tag and beautiful re-shares of the lake what a stunning place it must be.
    Happy PPF Hugs Tracey xx
    Those blessed days sure push those stressed ones back to the end of the queue x

    1. Thanks so much, Tracey, I am enjoying the lessons and painting is very relaxing. Have a great day, hugs!

  21. Thanks so much, Tracey, I am enjoying the lessons and painting is very relaxing. Have a great day, hugs!

  22. I very much like your Lady. Ske is a beautiful work of art. :)
    And your nature is equally beautiful :)

    1. Thanks Monica. Nature is very beautiful just now!

  23. Fabulous 70s looking girl. You did a lovely job on her skin tone.

    1. Thanks Teresa, I am trying to paint different skin tones just now. Have a happy day! Hugs!

  24. Bravo. Lots of great art. Luv the funnies, i downloaded 'the Munich' to share.

    Happy PPF. Thanks for dropping bg my blog this morning

    Much love...

    1. Thanks Gillena. That Munch painting is soooooo funny! Happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  25. I love your paintings and photos. How creative to have collaged the lady's dress!

    1. Thanks Pam, collage is always fun! Have a great and spooky weekend!

  26. Another beautiful painting Valerie. I loved seeing your photos and those super funnies.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. All the best for you and your son, look after yourself. Hugs!

  27. I love this portrait Valerie. She looks to be a strong character. I love that you have a favourite Halloween film. The nearest I will get is 'Ghostbusters'!! The colours and images on your tag are great though! Baldeney See looks to be a great place to visit - I can't remember the last time I had a hot dog but seeing your pic makes me want to try one right now! Have a great Weekend, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I also love Hocus Pocus! Hot dogs are popular here. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  28. wonderful portrait- love her fabric collar!! Super Halloween tag art- and oh so colorful.
    Nice to go back and reminisce about a lovely time in Baldeney- great photos. Thanks for the funnies too:) Happy PPF!

  29. Great photos and your lady is beautiful Valerie! I love her drippy hair. Mine is like that when I've just dyed it with the fiery red I always use :D
    Have a lovely weekend,

    1. Thanks Alison, yes, we all know about drippy hair. That reminds me, I need to do mine again! Have a great weekend!

  30. Lovely art. I think I will always see a dog in the Munch painting now.

    1. From now on you will always see a dog and start laughing!

  31. That last meme sounds like me all right! LOL. Love the orange hair on that African woman.

    1. Thanks Glenda. I'm enjoying practising skin tones and faces just now!

  32. Gorgeous lady Valerie, I love her hair and the lace collar on her dress! Awesome, spooky tag too! Gorgeous fall photos and I love that Snoopy meme, so true and I need to remember that more often!! Take care and have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like her! And Freddy is always spooky! And yes, we need to remember that we really have it good in comparison to so many people! Have a great weekend!

  33. A wonderful painting, Valerie. I love her expressive face and orange hair.
    Lovely photos, too.
    Have a lovely weekend...

    1. Thanks Dixie, I would so Love hair Like that! Happy Weekend!

  34. I do like the red hair, and a fabulous tag.
    Beautiful selection of photographs.

    Wishing you a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  35. Love your Red-Orange haired lady - the lights and darks are tricky - and love her dress!!
    Mmm - aren't the fall colors lovely this year? I'm so enjoying them as well!

  36. Creative lady and awesome autumn photos ~ Xo ~ Tag is awesome!

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  37. Great post and art work Valerie, blogger seems to be having a lot of fun moving your photos around.

    1. Blogger is really playing silly buggars Just now!

  38. Oh, amazing ladies - you and your painting!
    Have a good week ahead!

  39. Your canvas art is so expressive and lovely, Valerie! The spooky Halloween art is spot on, just perfect. Enjoyed the photos, gorgeous skies, the waterfront and the boats are lovely and that looks like a very delicious snack.


    1. Thanks Soma, much appreciated. Glad you liked the photos! Hugs!

  40. OMG Valerie both of these are amazing

  41. Your artwork is amazing Valerie and wow I do love that very spooky all Hallows' eve scene!! Very fiery and scary! I love the beautiful colours you have captured in your photos. It's a wonderful time of year except for having to repeatedly pick up the mountains of leaves from the gardens lol.

    1. Thanks Pinky. The tag is based on a scary film! Sorry about the leaves, I'm glad there's a gardener for the communal garden here! Have a great week!

  42. I think your painting is lovely and the red hair, oh my. In keeping with the season of horror, your hair strands could be blood running down her face, yes? Love your witchy painting and your pictures are beautiful. I can see fall creeping into the area. Wonderful post as always ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, glad you liked my spooky creation. Have a great week, hugs!

  43. Love both of your pieces- but your Halloween one really speaks to me (especially tonight). :) Looks like you had a lovely trip a while back. Such pretty scenes!

    Thanks for the laughs at the end of the post. I can't unsee that now either!

    1. Thanks Jess. That dog with the long ears will stay with you forever! Hugs!

  44. Oh she's fantastic Valerie! I haven't done that lesson yet, I really need to get a move on. Visiting from PPF Elle/EOTC xx


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