Monday 11 October 2021

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody! 

The weekend flew by, it's Monday already, have a good one! Today I am sharing another piece inspired by a LB taster session from Kassi Martin, Intuitive soulscape. We had to use scraps of paper, material etc without thinking too much about it and see what came out. I wove my piece using various scraps of trims which I wove through some threads on a piece of corrugated card. I chose colours which fit to autumn and Halloween, added one of my ravens and some feathers and beads in autumn colours. I am linking to Tracey's 'October is my favourite colour' at AJJ. I sewed the edges with zig-zag stitch:

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I took the photos here in our little town:

Cappuccino and a lemon bar from the bakery-cafe on Saturday:

If I have enough money at the end of the month I will buy the coffee calendar:

Saturday was a beautiful day, cold but sunny:

While I was taking photos of our big hole one of the workers told me he was sure I was only interested in him and the other men working there, and not in the building site! Dream on....

The little stream that flooded and destroyed the road:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ohhh wonderful art this week. I love all the photos too.

  2. Lovely art and delicious tea! I hope you are able to get the coffee calendar! Those smart aleck workers!

    1. That lemon bar was very delicious. Workmen are sometimes cheeky!

  3. Love all the textures in the art piece you created. I hope you have enough money at the end of the week to get that calendar you have your eye on. :) So fun seeing all the photos! Hope you have an excellent week!

    1. Thanks Jess, I hope I can get the calendar, too!

  4. Love the weaving and all the textures it brings. That repair man has tickets on himself!!! Hope you can get the calendar.

    1. Hi Val, good morning! Love your beautiful woven piece today. I have one you made some years back hanging on my wall. Wonderful photos, too. That workman was a cheeky bugger! Off to the dentist this morning for my check-up, hope he doesn't find anything that needs repairing! Hugs, Sarah

    2. You're right, Sue, he had a good opinion of himself! Weaving is something I love doing, very relaxing! Have a great week!

  5. Thanks Sarah. Good luck with the dentist, I need to go soon, too! Hugs to you all, have a great week!

  6. What a great piece and from bits and bobs! Loved your pics, joke and funny workman. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee! I love using up bits and bobss instead of having to throw them away. Have a great week, hugs!

  7. I'm looking forward to this tutorial your creative make has made me even more excited about trying it reminds me of a bobbin full of the best threads and finds and the Raven is keeping watch that no one takes them :)) Lovely twist to my October AJJ theme Valerie.
    Beautiful photographs, I'm always drawn to those changing leaves.
    Now time to get ready for the working week boooo.. Catch up with you soon.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. It was a good lesson, Kassi is always really good! The bird probably wants to keep the threads for his own nest! Have a good week at work, take care, hugs!

  8. *wow*ist das wunderschön geworden mit dieser Weberei, ach und so schön farbig!
    Wie kreativ du bist immer. Huch die Baustelle gibt es immer noch bei dir, nah der Spassvogel Bauarbeiter bildet sich was ein, lach!!!
    Schön sieht es bei dir aus und deine Kaffeebesuch.
    Ich drücke dir die Daumen dass der Zahnarzt alles für ok findet bei dir!
    Schöne neue Woche wüsnche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Die Baustelle wird bis mindestens Februar bei uns bleiben! Ich hoffe auch dass der Zahnarzt nichts findet, es ist immer so teuer und schmerzhaft! Dir eine gute Woche, bleib gesund!

  9. Delicious textures in your fiber art piece. Gorgeous photos too. today is Canadian Thanksgiving so my creativity will take place in the kitchen. :)
    hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. Happy Thanksgiving! Have fun creating some delicious things in the kitchen, hugs, Valerie

  10. That is quite a creation, Valerie, with so much going on, and bright colours to cheer up a gloomy day. The bird could find nesting material in there, of that I am quite sure! The hole in the street is starting to look as though it might get closed up one day. In addition to vain young men, full of themselves, there is heavy equipment, big pipes, brackets and connectors, stuff like that. Probably more interesting than the self-centred fellow who dreams that you are lusting after him. Today is Thanksgiving Monday here and Miriam's daughter, Erin,her husband and two children are coming here to eat too much. There is still a little to be done, but mostly we are ready. Last night we had a simple, but delicious, dinner. Bruschetta, spinach dip, cole slaw, olives, cheese, crackers and salami. The vin du soir was a rich Malbec. Wish you were here, as they used to say on postcards from seaside resorts. Mostly I am sure that was a platitude. In reality they were glad to be away from you for a week! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! Happy Thanksgiving Day, enjoy the time with your familY, I'm sure You won't go hungry! I wish I could be with you, beam me up Scotty! I really find the building site interesting, and I wish I had the energy to be ogling young men! I just came back from my weekly shopping trip with my neighbour, I'm very thankful that he helps out. The hardest part is always carrying it all back upstairs, but as long as it's possible I'll do it. I once had a loosely woven prayer flag hanging on my balcony, and the birds loved it, they came back time and time again and pulled out the threads, so they must have had cosy nests! Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  11. Your page looks like a wonderful sampler of edges. I love browsing the shop windows in your town. Microwave reruns. 🎃 And wonderful pictures. The blue sky is so blue! Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. My Kitty used to love watching the microwave or oven, a nice place to pass the time! I lobe blue skies, today it's grey and chilly! Happy T Day!

  12. This piece has some fantastic texture Valerie. It has inspired me to get more cloth/trim pieces out. These classes you are taking look like lots of fun. And I love seeing the shop windows. This month is expensive for me. Pete injured his shoulder last spring and it has yet to 100% heal, so he needs x-rays. The cost is crazy what they charge. (Of course he is so nervous in the vet they need to give him anesthesia to do it, which isn't helping the cost. Your coffee doesn't excite me as I am not a coffee drinker but the your lemon bar does look delicious. And the road is moving at the speed of my deck. Engineers-smile. I hope you have a wonderful new week and T day too my friend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Let's see what will be finished first, your desk or our road....Vets here are very expensive, too, as is the dentist, whom I have to visit this week. If he sends a big bill it will mean no coffee calendar, but it's not as if it's important! And the bills I had this year after my long stays in the clinic and then the 2 operations were astronomical, I'm just glad the insurance paid most of it. The lemon bar was really yummy, I will be tempted now every time I pass there.... Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  13. I love your woven piece. ANn I always like looking in your shop windows! I love coffee too, but it doesn't love me. I'm going to have it once a month-it will be even more special then.

    1. Thanks Debra! I couldn't do without my Coffee! Have a great week!

  14. Looks like the raven is sewing the pieces together. Beautiful piece. I love coffee too. Coffee with lemon bar sounds great. Hope they can finish the road work soon.

  15. Hi Valerie, your art is always so amazing and inspiring. Enjoyed the look around the shops-hoping you can pick up the coffee calendar your dessert looks delicious, enjoyed the photos-that work must be full of himself haha Happy new week and T hugs Kathy

  16. That is an interesting weave with nice objects. Love the horses as usual. And that cartoon of the guy watching the microwave was funny.

    1. Thanks, I love weaving. The horses will soon be back in their stables for winter

  17. I love this... so much pretty trim so well arranged. Well worth framing, I think.

    I want the lemon bar -yummm. It's the perfect treat :) Happy T Day!

  18. WOW Valerie, I love your woven art piece, gorgeous textures and colors, it's beautiful! Love the window shops and that funny about the microwave!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like it, I love weaving with paper and scraps. Yes, the microwave funny is really funny! Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  19. coffee calendar must be so tempting:D

    1. Oh yes, you're right there! Have a great week!

  20. Very fine photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  21. I saw the finished entry by Martin, but I didn't realize it was woven. I haven't had a chance to watch the video yet, though. I did mark it as one I thought I could actually accomplish, unlike many with drawings. I really like your beautifully woven entry and it is perfect for Tracey's theme, too. Thanks for sharing it at AJJ.

    I adore your photos of the shops that show tea and coffee cups and pots. I would LOVE to buy you that calendar, but have no idea how to get the money to you, dear. I am sure they aren't sold on Amazon. I would also like to join you for cappuccino and a piece of cake.

    Had to laugh at the worker who thought you were there for him. Really cheeky guy, indeed. Thanks for sharing your incredible art, your photos from the town, area, and in front of your apartment with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie. I wish you well at the dentist, too!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Kassi's piece was glued, but I decided to weave mine as I like weaving. I wish I had the energy to be ogling workmen on the street! I'm glad we have another week to continue the taster sessions, I'm slow at the moment, but I'm enjoying the lessons although some are very challenging. Have a great day!

  22. Your woven fiber piece is glorious Valerie!!! So happy we have yet one more week free so I can do a few more lessons;) I bet that coffee calendar has great pics for each month. Do share if you get it.
    What a funny comment from the guy where you were taking pics- ego talking I say:):) Always such nice captures of your daily life about town. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. I'm enjoying the taster sessions, too, and happy that we have another week. Some men really have a big ego, that's true! Happy T Day!

  23. A beautiful tag full of woven fibers and color!
    That lemon bar looks delicious and different than the typical American lemon bar. Ours usually has just a bottom crust and then the lemon filling.
    I am not a coffee fan but I like the illustrations on that calendar. Would love to see them up close.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. This lemon bar was just delicious, I must try not to go past that shop too often.... Have a great week!

  24. Happy T-day, Valerie!!! LOVE the soulscape! What great colors, textures, and design - I am very impressed! The bird is super cool Love the drink picture and dessert (of course). I laughed at your comment about the worker thinking you were interested in the men and not the hole- that is such an intereting hole!!! Thanks for all your great pictures. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. The hole and the building works are much more interesting than the workers, that's for sure. The dessert was soooo good! Happy T Day, have a great week! Hugs!

  25. You made a beautiful piece, Valerie. I watched all the taster lessons, but haven't done a single thing yet - I made notes and hope to do some of them later. Some of the lessons were really great. - you have some lovely shops in your city, that Krimskrams Ordner would be perfect for me. All those beautiful calendars that are available at this time - I remember the smaller ones so well (I always bought one for myself, it was hard to choose). I wonder when your hole will be done - at least the construction workers show some kind of humour, that's always good.

    1. The shops here are really very tempting, always filled with beautiful things. I hope you find time to do some of the Taster sessions, I'm enjoying working my way through them! Happy T Day!

  26. Wonderful art vj! Loved all the clicks

    1. Thanks Ashok, I enjoy walking round with my camera!

  27. Wow! Your fabric art looks amazing Valerie! I'm so impressed! I love the addition of the feathers.

    1. Thanks Alison, this was my fave up till now. Have a great day!

  28. Love your woven piece with the raven. I have managed one lesson - the colourful cow, I really must try harder.
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy! The cow was fun to make, I like the art Sherpa. Have a great day!

  29. Valerie I love your woven piece but I’m not good at going with the flow, I tend to overthink it all, ha,ha
    Lovely photos of your town and shops.
    Happy T Day

    1. . Thanks Jan!. It's always hard to stop! Happy T Day, hugs!

  30. What a gorgeous piece you wove, the colours are so rich.
    Dream on, indeed to that guy.

    1. Thanks Jackie, that guy was rather full of himself! Happy T Day!

  31. Must admit I didn't fancy Kassi Martin's lesson when I saw the email, but yours turned out fabulous and I might give it a try now. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle. Some lessons Sort of grow on you as you work on them!

  32. Wow I love your fabric piece, and the beads just fit in perfectly. That calendar is definitely you! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  33. It is a fabulous fabric piece, I love the colours and textures.

    All the best Jan

  34. What a gorgeous wall hanging you have made. I love all the different colours you chose to weave in it and then the little blackbird was such an inspired finishing touch, Lovely.
    Such pretty shops and such delightful pastries - it must be a delight to live in your town.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. It's a nice little town, and sometimes the shop windows are very tempting! Glad you like the hanging, weaving is so relaxing! Hugs!

  35. That makes two of us with the road broken open. But yours is a much bigger job. But they are really doing a great job there and it will never collapse again. Have they done anything with the river?
    I love window shopping with you. The Nordic shop is my favorite but it is also very expensive, so lookie-lookie only.
    Yes, that calendar is just up your street! I hope you can get it.
    I laughed at the funny with the microwave.
    And my mouth is watering at the sight of that pastry. (It's supper time)
    Sorry I'm late but as you regulars know, we are away on Tuesday, and today we had a power cut so I'm even later (It's nine pm)
    A belated happy T-Day,

    1. Hi Lisca. The river is back to normal, so we're hoping there will be no more floods just now. The shops here are all very expensive, I only venture in when it's sale time. And Nordic House is always very expensive. Have a great day, enjoy your supper!

  36. Love the weaving, what fabulous colours. Thanks for showing more shop windows- some lovely things on display. Your coffee and lemon bar make me want to sit with you- it look like a great spot. Great photos once again, Belated Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Cris. That' a lovely spot to sit and enjoy coffee, and with a lemon bar, even more perfect! Hugs!

  37. I am so late, but having laptop problems. I hope tomorrow or soon to get a new one. I so enjoy your photos, especially of your little town. And, oh my! It is taking a long time to fix that hole. Happy T Day! Hugs.

    1. Sorry you are having laptop problems, mine is old and cranky, too, a bit like me! The hole will be with us till February!

  38. I think I missed this one...most likely we were away, staying on a campsite and having to take the lap top down to the club house for the internet! It rained so hard I didn't want to get it wet! just wanted to say I love your weavey bit at the top. Happy VERY late T day! (Lyn)

    1. Thanks a lot, better late than never! Have a great week!


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