Monday 25 October 2021

T sTands for This and ThaT, and plenTy of iT!

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has disappeared in a flash.  I did lots of reading and watched Crista Forrest's  lesson which was 2 hours of learning lots of tips on how to do things and watching this fantastic, energy packed woman work - fabulous!

This was my try at painting the face:

And then I thought, how can I make the face into a piece with October colours for Tracey's challenge at AJJ, so I magicked it into my graphics programme and voila:

Today is also time for Elizabeth's T stands for Tuesday meet up, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
I think you know my drink:

When I was out shopping I heard this dough-boy calling to me. ''Take me home with you," he shouted. Now a Weckmann like this is delicious, so I obliged and took him home:

And then he started to disappear:

It tasted so delicious with strawberry jam!

Some photos of our famous hole. The photos are not all properly sized. Every time I tried to resize them as I usually do, they just disappeared:

New canal pipes, they are huge:

They are slowly getting the trench dug out, but there's still quite  a way to go:

Lovely red leaves:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The weekend seemed to zoom by.
    We had a very enjoyable one as we saw family and grandchildren.

    I do like your art and photographs, especially the ones of the dough-boy :)

    Have a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it did zoom by indeed! Glad you got to meet up with family, that's wonderful. Have a great week!

  2. Beautiful work on the face. Love your dough boy.

    1. Thanks Christine, the poor dough boy is neal all gone!

  3. I like the coffee beans with pot and cups.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Coffee beans and cups are always good, have a great day!

  4. The face with the autumn colours added is good. Cute dough boy. Beautiful autumn leaves.

  5. Your painting is really lovely and love it more "Autumny" after graphics tweaks. You really did not take that rest at all! That's a bit macabre with the ever decreasing dough boy;) I really want a bright broom now. Thanks for another fab post. V xx

    1. Thanks Vee. I did rest, and had ots of time with my feet up. Painting is rest for me! The poor dough by is nearly all gone now, macabre but tasty! Have a great week!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good rest over the weekend and had time for naps and doing nothing! Weckmänner never last long here, either, and then the kids squabble about the pipes! Here we had a fun and family weekend, it was lovey, Leah cooked, I had some reading time, paradise! Have a great week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Good morning Sarah and co! Glad you had a fun weekend with Leah. Have a good week, hugs to all!

  7. Love your painting, it's beautiful. Those are some huge pipes, hope the work gets completed soon. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha. The pipes are really hug, I could walk through them! Have a wonderful week, hugs!

  8. I was here hours ago and got "Whoops" error and to try later.

    I saw the image the artist created for this lesson and didn't even bother watching because I knew I could never draw it. You certainly DID use magic to turn that gorgeous face into a beautiful entry for Tracey's theme at AJJ. It turned out great with the added leaves and berries.

    I enjoyed seeing the progress that is being made on the hole. That is really uniquely shaped pipe. It must have been made special for the project.

    Yes, I knew exactly what you were drinking. The same thing I am. That Weckmann looks cute until it starts to disappear. I bet it tasted good, though. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous art, fabulous photos from your town, and your coffee and Weckmann with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

    1. Blogger is playing up just now, I needed such a long time to get the photos up yesterday. Anyway, in the end it worked! The sewer pipes are really made to measure, that's why it took such a long time for them to arrive. They are big enough to walk through! I love Christa Forrest's lessons and style, and have been watching the bonus lessons she offered this weekend, and really enjoyed it. The 2nd face is in the making! Enjoy your day!

    2. I've had a terrible time getting blogger to work right, too. I thought it might be my internet connection, but the images load fast until they get into my blogger post.

    3. Blogger was really, really bad yesterday. I have a very good internet connection, the pictures just disappeared after I uploaded them, which made it very time consuming as I had to go through the process several times!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love the face you painted in its original state and morphed into Fall. I so wish I could do that! Lovely Fall additions as well.

    Those pipes are big and shaped very cool!

    I am so with George B. Shaw - he may have been on to something!

    Fun post, Valerie. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I love playing with the graphics programme, so many possibilities. I think Shaw was right, and I know a lot of people who fit into his description! Have a great week! Hugs!

  11. Another fearsome face from the frau from Falconia! (That's probably poetic licence run amuk!). And I can see what happens when you are tired of a face, or it displeases you in some way, or appeals to you even, you bite it off and eat it! Better that everyone exercise caution around you, Vampire Valerie. I should caution you that bits of my beard would stick in your teeth so better leave my head where it is. When you really get the hang of these graphics programmes you can exercise more flights of fancy than your mind even dreamed of. Remember I told you that I was leading a walk for a women's group on Saturday? It was very successful and yesterday one of them showed up at my door with four bottles of wine and a jar of honey. Then the neighbour brought over brownies and Nanaimo bars. It was a good weekend! Hugs and kisses de moi à toi. David

    1. Hi David, you are getting to be like the Pied Piper, leading women into the woods and showing them birds! I only bite pastry men so don't worry too much....And I love altering things in the graphics programme. Could you send me a nice photo of yourself, I'm sure I could have fun with it! Glad one of the ladies brought you wine and honey, she wants to sweeten you up! I don't know nanaimo bars, but I'm sure they're something nice! Have a great day, hugs!

  12. Happy new week Valerie. What a lovely face. I like both color choices, your actual ones and the digitally enhanced ones. You did turn it into a wonderful page digitally for AJJ. The original is still beautiful with those purples and blues. And I had a nice smile with your Weckmann. He does look yummy! That was clever taking photos as he disappeared. And is that a horn he is holding? And that road is moving at the speed of my deck-smile. It is of course being engineered, which always takes so much longer. Have a great T day and start to the new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I had fun painting aand changing it afterwards! I enjoyed taking the photos as my Weckmann was eaten, I thought it would be fun for T Day. He's holding a clay pipe, it's tradition! Yessss, I know all about engineers and building projects, my step-father needed a team and several hours even to change the toilet-seat, it's a wonder he didn't ask for a building plan to do it. So I understand why your deck is taking so long.... Have a great day, hugs!

  13. Good job on the face. I love the hair. So that is a dough boy in Germany. Here, on the east coast of Canada dough boys are fluffy dumplings we add to stews.

    1. Yummy, I love fluffy dumplings! The real name is a Weckmann in Germany, and they are tradition at this time of Year!. A good tradition! Have a great day, hugs!

  14. That dough-boy looks tasty.

    Here's hoping once this job is done it lasts forever. What a job it is! Those pipes are enormous!

    1. Thanks, I hope so, too. The sewage drains were aid in 1967, so they have lasted quite well, especially as we get so many floods here. Have a great day!

  15. The faces are gorgeous. The dough boy is too cute, almost too cute to eat. I wouldn't have stopped at his head. Looks like they are making a lot of progress on the big hole. Hopefully, they'll get it finished before the snow flies.

    1. Thanks CJ. I didn't stop at his head, either, but I ate him over 2 days. They are hoping to be finished in Februar - we shall see!

  16. I really like the face with autumn colors, as it looks brighter and dazzling. Your cookie looks amazing and you loved it bit by bit.

  17. Fabulous art and photos Valerie! Good to see the roadworks progressing. I love the George Bernard Shaw quote.
    I was out for lunch with my friend and her son today, we passed a display of halloween broomsticks, and he asked her if she had a broomstick. She replied no, she's got a car! :D
    Happy new week,

    1. Thanks Alison, cars are probably quicker, but brooms might be cheaper! The GBS quote is really good!

  18. Hi Valerie, your is amazing (as always) love the face and I really liked it more with autumn colors-I would not know how to use computer to do that .
    your treat looks so friend-is it a type of bread? I love the shape. wow this is such a huge road project-hoping they can finish before the snow arrives.
    Happy T and new week -hugs

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ooops your art is amazing-and I did another typo so deleted that one haha

    3. I just noticed another typo your treat looks so delicious

    4. Thanks Kathy! I have also had a 'typo' day today, my fingers keep missing the Keys! The Weckmann is made from sweet yeast pastry, delicious! Glad you Like the face! Happy T Day, hugs!

  19. You thought of a good quote for the broomsticks and the next funny is so good I must write it down and use it myself.
    Love your purple haired lady - what a gorgeous head of hair she has and you made a terrific job of your portrait lesson. But then you went and changed her, made some additions and voila! You got a fab autumn page for GTracy's challenge. Brilliant!
    Hugs, Neet XX

    1. Thanks Neet. I have fine, straight Hair, so like to paint people with lots of hair. The funnies are really good. Have a great week!

  20. I love both your ladies Valerie but I LOVED the Autumn one best, she is beautiful..great photos and I see, like me, you go straight for the head..ha ha ha..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Yes, the head is always the best! Glad you Like my Ladies! Have a great week!

  21. Your face painting is gorgeous Valerie, I love how you turn it into a piece of autumn art! The dough-boy looks delicious!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I like playing with stuff in my graphics programme, it's fun! Have a great week!

  22. Your gingerbread man looks delicious! His slow demise makes me think of the traditional tale where he was eaten a bit at a time, after he failed to run away.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae! My daughter used to eat the legs first so that he couldn't run away! Happy T Day!

  23. Love the little dough boy and the progression of his demise!
    What a great face for the first time. Love the colors that you chose.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I'm going to do a face everyday this week, using different colours, it's fun! Happy T Day!

  24. Marvelous portrait- love your color choice. And then came your autumn creation-super!
    At least the doughboy had a smile on his face before his demise and your pleasure:):)
    That certainly is one huge ongoing construction project...hope it's not noisy for you the whole time!
    Happy T day!

  25. OMG I love this face and even more with the autumn colors. The photos of the construction are so clear and the size is perfect. I really like the walking man statue. I agree. We are the insane planet.

    1. Thanks Nicole. There are really too many insane walking around on this planet! Happy T day!

  26. Love how you made the face into a journal page! I like the lovelly leaves photos better than the street ones. LOL The colors for seasonal riding are great. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon. The colourful leaves are dominating everyhing just now, so beautiful! Happy T day!

  27. Your drawing and enhanced photo is amazing. Such talent! I should look for an online drawing course.
    Love the colour of those brooms.

    1. Thanks Jackie, there are lots of good classes online. Happy T Day!

  28. Such a beautiful painting! I love the textures and depth that you achieved, her curly hair is amazing 😁. The autumnal piece that you created using her is gorgeous too - perfect! Wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  29. I bet you really enjoyed watching that lesson, I love to just listen to the enthusiasm of some artists. You created beauty from what you saw Valerie and I have to say I love both, from the darkness came light and your second is a real cornucopia of delight.. I LOVE that sentiment. A double of delights. Thanks for another fab share @ AJJ i'm really enjoying seeing everyone's take on my October theme.. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Make my broomstick a green one please
    P.P.S Poor dough boy... hee hee

    1. Okay, Tracey, you can have the green broom when we go for a trip! Glad ou liked the face and the changed version. Have a great week, stay safe, hugs!

  30. A fabulous face and I really love the transformation to Autumn colours, perfect for Tracey's theme! Oh! That work is going to take ages by the look of it. Your other photos are beautiful. The dough boy looks interesting and of course accompanied with coffee! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, everything tastes good with coffee! The road won't be finished till February at the earliest! Have a great week! hugs!

  31. I love how you altered the beautiful face painting Valerie, both versions look amazing.
    It looks a sweet and tasty dough boy, I hope you enjoyed him. There seems to be good progress out on the street with the work being done, hope it is soon finished and the road back to normal.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, have a great week, take care, hugs!

  32. I love the purple hair on your Christa Forrest girl, she looks fab. And I love those coloured brooms, I wonder if they have any around here. Happy belated T Day Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, I love that colour, too. Have a great day!


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