Monday 4 October 2021

T sTands for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

This evening we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Pinky is hosting, and has chosen the theme of

Purple and Orange.

The challenge goes live on our Blog at 9 p.m. this evening, and I am looking forward to seeing what you create.  As always, the challenge runs for 2 weeks. I made my tag using a figure cut from a fashion magazine on a re-used background

This evening we will also be starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

My drink was once again cappuccino, which I enjoyed sitting outside:

And at home in one of my lovely mugs:

And my weekly update on our big hole - the photos have been rearranged courtesy of Blogger. Here you can see the markings for the trench they need to dig over a length of 60 meters to put in the new drains and sewers:

Last week they hammered enormous iron girders as supports into the road, and the whole house shook for 2 days while they were doing it, it was scary:

The trenches all have to be lined with wood:

There's still a long way to go:

And some funnies:

The cry:



Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. That is a great tag Valerie. I think purple and orange makes an interesting challenge. That lady looks like she is ready to take on the world. And you must enjoy getting out for cappuccino again ( and I am sure some people watching too.) The road repairs are taking as long as my back deck-smile. Unfortunately this weekend we had some rain which slowed down the work. and I love the honey bee meme. Have a wonderful start to your week Valerie. Hope you got some rest. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's good to be able to drink a coffee outside again, I do love people watching! Your deck will hopefully be finished before our big hole! I thought you would like the honey-bee meme. Have a great week!

  2. Lovely purple and orange tag. That hole is a lot of work to repair but they are doing it correctly it sounds like. Good memes.

    1. Thanks Christine. The workers seem to be very competent, and are always friendly. Have a great week!

  3. Lovely vibrant colours on your tag, she looks real sassy with her Autumn attire ready to take on the world with her wings. The funnies made me smile, the cry is a hoot but i'm very much at one with the last one hee hee.. That's a mighty big job those workmen have ahead of them, if it protects you all it's worth all that house shaking 100 times over. Happy new week Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I loved the cry, too, and I'm always for napping....Have a lovel, new week, take care!

  4. Orange and purple makes a really different color combination. I sure like how you used the colors in your tag. It's sure different and fun.

    Is that an auger in the sand? Will those metal bars eventually be cut off, or pounded into the ground? Sorry I ask so many questions, but this really interests and intrigues me.

    Love the wonderful cup you have at home and it's good to see that you and others are out enjoying drinks. Thanks for joining us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie. And of course thanks for the photos of the street and your art, too. Gotta love that last funny.

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Yes it's an auger, they've been drilling holes all along the road. I suppose the girders will be covered or evened out sooner or later, wouldn't be good driving over them! I'm quite enjoying watching the progress of the work! Have a great week!

  5. People are stepping out when is comes to color. There having fun with it, which is good.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, colour is always good! Stay safe!

  6. Very creative art so full of crafty wonders love the whole concept and design. xxx

  7. Hahah I love your kitty cat meme - and totally get it! I love your purple and orange tags! I just started making these so maybe I'll change it up and play with your color combo! Lovely walk about and it's a beautiful time of year to be outdoors! Crafty hugs!

    1. Thanks Kelly. I hope we get some nice autumn weather this week, that would be great. Stay safe!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. Love the purple lady on the orange background, great tag. They have got a lot done on the road this past week. Love the funnies, too, Karma was my fave! Have a good week, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. They have their work planned out on that hole, it's a huge repair. Have a great week, hugs to all!

  9. It must have been quite the experience, Valerie, to sit inside your apartment while the jackhammers on the street, the pole pounders and the heavy equipment caused the building to shake. Better check for cracks! This could be a theme for one of your challenges - Trembling Art. Everyone would have to create something that shimmied, and maybe shimmered, moved wistfully, caught the wind. The possibilities are endless. And since you are Professor Emeritus Extraordinaire of all matters ornithological, with discoveries of rare and hitherto unimagined species, you will have scope for countless creations. As you have proven with today's entry you are adept at adding wings. I will have to send you a picture of myself, to which you can append wings. I am after all a little angel! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! Yes, it was an experience, and not a nice one when the house shook and the cups in the cupboard trembled! As I am definitely a bit cracked myself, it probably wouldn't matter if I was living in a cracked house. Adding wings is a very easy task, and I can offer a wide variety of colours and styles. Send me a photo and you will see yourself rising from the ashes like a phoenix! I can't wait foe that photo! Have a great start in the new week, hope it will be kind to you and send you lots of beautiful birds! Hugs to you and Miriam!

  10. The road project looks like a big project. It must be quite unbearable hearing the noise and the shaking of the house for 2 whole days. Hope the progress will complete soon.

    1. Thanks Nancy. The work will be going on till about February, but most days it's not so loud!

  11. The orange and purple color combination is stunning. If the trenches are lined with wood, over time won't they rot and have to be replaced? Good that you can get out for a cuppa. It would be so fun to sit and people watch. Love the Cry. Looks like the kitties have photobombed the Scream. Happy T Day

    1. I asked my neighbour about it today. He says that the wood and the iron girders are just to make a safe place for the workers so that they don't get hurt by falling earth or stones etc, and that the wood and iron parts will be used on new building sites sooner or later! I didn't know that! The cry is fun indeed!

  12. You are a true artist. Your cappuccino looks delicious.

  13. Beautiful tag Valerie-and perfect theme for October too.
    Your coffees look so good, I just recently began adding cream to my coffee. This is quite a huge project-was wondering why they are using wood-but I found the answer in your comments. getting new sewers is always a good thing.
    Loved all of the comics in the end. Happy T and new week

    1. Thanks Kathy. I like milk foam in my coffee, yummy! Have a great week!

  14. Thanks for the laughs! Purple and orange looks great in your tag.

  15. I'm fascinated by the repair work. I admire people who know what they're doing. I'd be happy people-watching under one of those red umbrellas :) Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks, it's a good place to see what's going on!

  16. Love your tag. What a great colour combo. Have a great week. Anesha x

  17. Ohhh I love this tag so much. Wonderful working photos.

  18. Beautiful, colorful tag Valerie, love that image! Great coffee pictures, your cappuccino at home looks really good! Sending hugs for the shaking house, that would not be fun :( Take care and enjoy your week.
    Hugs, Tammy

  19. today i had a very hard day... i need so much coffee and chill now

    1. Enjoy your coffee and chilling! Have a nice evening!

  20. Great photos, I love coffee ��

  21. That's quite a construction project that you are watching!

    best... mae at

  22. Purple and orange - what a great combination! Lovely tag, by the way. The hole is some major road construction, and havong your house shaking for two days must be so much fun (not). I like the funnies with the cats - phew, I'm relived that I won't come back as a mouse in my next life!

    1. Thanks Carola, I like this colour combo, too. I think I would prefer to come back as a cat and not a mouse! Happy T Day!

  23. what a striking tag! Thanks for the heads up with this post I did make a quick tag and will add the links once the Tag Tuesday blog post goes live:)
    Love your coffee mug!
    And oh my what a production of road construction, noise and mess. We can only hope it all is worth it in the end.
    Great funnies- love the one about people that hate cats:):):)
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, I'm looking forward to seeing your tag! Happy T day!

  24. A gorgeous tag Valerie. I love your coffee mug with the coffee beans.
    I don't envy you the road noise as I remember when they were making the new road across from our villa, drove us mad.
    Love the funnies and I guess I'm coming back as a mouse LOL
    Happy T Day

    1. Oh dear, coming back as a mouse, eh?! Perhaps they will make an exemption in your case! Happy T Day, hugs!

  25. Wonderful art and photos. I love cappuccino. The detailed photos of the road work shows just how much is required for that project. Wow. I like the funnies.

    1. Thanks Anne. I love cappuccino, too, and in the evening I make myself lemon and ginger tea! Happy T day, hugs!

  26. Love your tag with the purple outfit and wings - it is magical and fun. Great drink(s), of course, especially sitting in that great place! They are doing a lot of work on the hole - so impressive actually.

    All your funnies were great but I especially love the nap one. I agree too! I love a nap. Happy T-day Valerie. Many hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! I must admit I am enjoying my daily views of our hole, it's fascinating to watch them! Happy T day, hugs!

  27. Such a gorgeous tag and I'm loving the purple and orange together, such a happy colour combination 😀. The coffee cup is fab and wow, that hole is certainly taking time to sort out - amazing! The funnies are great too, Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! It's not Just the hole, they need to replace 60 Meters of drainage pipes and sewers.

  28. Love this post, especially your kitty memes. And your purple and orange tags too.

    Happy Tuesday, Valerie.

  29. It is so great to be able to sit and have a coffee and people watch.

    1. Oh yes, something I really enjoy. Happy T Day!

  30. I don't envy you with all this noise and shaking house. I grew up when Rotterdam was being re-built. I've been listening to poles being driven into the ground all my life! Just thinking about it gives me a headache. But they are doing an excellent job, which obviously had to be done.
    I love the color combination purple and orange. It cries freedom and individualism. Your tag is great (as is the lady on it).
    I liked the memes and funnies to do with cats. I still miss our cat but hubby doesn't want another one.
    It's so good you can enjoy your coffee out in the open again.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I grew up in London after the war and building sites and bombed out houses were our playgrounds, there wasn't anything else. The noisiest part of the job seem to be done, now that have to keep going for a few months till it's finished! Have a great week, take care!

  31. Wow! A fabulous tag Valerie!
    Happy T-Day!

  32. FABulous fun tag Valerie and I love Pinky's colour choice and love what you have made, the orange and purple are a fabulous colour combo and I think I will put aside what I am doing and make a couple of tags this fortnight, just been so bust with other stuff to play..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, I'm always happy to see you at Tag Tuesday, have a great day!

  33. That is one cool tag Valerie!! I am loving your coffee cup too! They dug our roads up outside our here last summer, once for the water pipes, second time for Virgin Media and again for gas! It's been left now like a patchwork quilt and floods every time it rains!! Hope you fair better by the end of yours!!

    1. Thanks Pinky! Had to laugh at what you said about the road works, so true. I wonder if we will ever see the end of our hole?! Have a great week, hugs!

  34. Great tag! Purple are orange are so striking together, love the combo. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Oh my Valerie, I'm using my tablet so these colours really popped out and made me jump at first! It's a fabulous tag. We very rarely used to get coffees outside but since Covid lots of places now provide outdoor seating and we love it - for a short while we can have the holiday feeling. I love your own coffee mug. Great cat funnies, hugs, Chrisx

    2. Glad you liked it, Chris! I always love sitting outside, it's definitely a bit of holiday feeling. Have a great week, hugs

  35. What a fabulous tag Valerie! It's wonderful just to be able to go out for coffee again isn't it. I love the funnies again today - the cats always have it for me. Take care, Sue xx

  36. Purple and orange go so well together, a lovely tag.

    Your coffees do look good.

    It must have been scary when your house shook!
    Hope the hole repairs are all done soon.

    All the best Jan


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