Sunday 1 March 2015

Things with wings - New Challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend!

Today we have a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, things with wings, and I am happy to announce that our  lovely Chrissie will be our hostess for the month. There are so many possibilities here - birds, butterflies, bees, angels, flying insects, winged cars, flying elephants, dragons, fairies, winged hearts, and, and.... - spread your wings of fantasy and enjoy flying with us!

For my piece I used a painted and textured background to which I added a little colour with Gelatos. Mr Umbrella Man and the little girl are flying through space - or is it the sea? accompanied by some little dolphins. The two black lovebirds at the bottom are oblivious to the rest of the world - Fantasy gives us wings and makes everything possible.
I am also linking to Moo Mania and More, black birds and to Simon Monday Challenge, no rules.

The day started with a wonderful sunrise . It was very cold, with a thick frost on the ground this morning, but sunny all day. Tomorrow we are expecting rain again! I enjoyed sitting with my coffee watching the sky tun pink and gold.

The heron flew off just as I got to the Rhine, I think he doesn't get on with the wild geese. This one looked at me and started hissing, so I had to go a step back.

The cormorant was up his usual pole

And this afternoon the sun shone on the lakes when I did my late afternoon round.

Have a good Sunday, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Have fun with the new challenge, love what you have made. Beautiful photos, too. Have a nice Sunday, hugs Sarah

  2. Was für eine spektakuläre Seite - eine famose Komposition auf einem genial schönen Hintergrund!
    Hach das wieder schön in Deinem Post einen herrlichen Sonnaufgang - wundervolle Tiere und einen bezaubernden Sonnenuntergang genießen zu können. EInen ganzen Tag am Rhein quasi!Danke!
    Ich freue mich täglich über Deine schönen Fotos!
    Danke für diese tolle erste Arbeit und auch dass sie Moo Mania & More erfreut !

    Einen wunderschönen Sonntag, ich hoffe der prognostizierte Regen bleibt aus und es scheint DIr die Sonne, wie hier.. sonnig aber EISKALT !

    1. Leider hatten die Wettermenschen Recht, es regnet!

  3. Your painting reminds me of the fantasy scene in Mary Poppins! A beautiful sunrise, enjoy your Sunday. Xx

  4. Great new challenge theme and a beautiful page! The background looks amazing! Love those bright orange flecks against the darker background. Wonderful photos too!

  5. Eine wunderschöne Seite mit einem spektaluräen Hintergrund. Deine Fotos sind auch wieder erste Sahne.

    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Sonntag

  6. Just amazing how you create these backgrounds of yours Valerie. Such wonderful colours and textures.

    The page today is wonderful and certainly the quote is true.

    Thank you for inviting me to be your Birthday Hostess at AJJ.

    Fantastic photographs of the wonderful sunset and the birds.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  7. wow,was für eine wunderwunder schöne seite auf ganz genialen hintergrund,ich bin hin und weg davon,einfach traumhaft mit den delphinen und vöglein.
    ganz grandiose schöne aufnahmen zeigst du uns,das ist soo wundervoll,da bin ich gleich besser drauf,danke dafür,und dir ein schönes we,hoffentlich ohne den regen.


  8. I thought of Mary Poppins right away.... very fun Valerie.;)

    1. I think that was at the back of my mind, too!

  9. What a lovely fantasy world you have created with all the different fun images floating. The journal-ling is he perfect touch and sums it up perfectly. Thanks for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  10. Fabulous page, Valerie, so creative as always. Love the great background and texture. Beautiful photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  11. Fabulous page Valerie and another wonderful background. Its a super new theme.
    Yvonne xx

  12. I think this theme is right up your alley! Your imagination always takes flight. So often your images fly around with or without wings! Your colors are well suited for flights of fancy. Just popping in ...
    Sandy xx

  13. ein sehr schönes Kunstwerk - und deine Fotos verzaubern mich! Respekt, so früh rauszugehen! aber die bilder sind eine wahre Belohnung dafür!

    1. Ich muss nicht raus gehen, ich fotografiere aus den Fenster oder vom Balkon!

  14. Wonderful piece--I like that they can be flying through the air or the sea! Gorgeous photos of the sunrise today!

  15. What a sunrise, a treat to see the sun come up like that, these are wonderful photographs..
    Another great artwork flies off your desk with flying dolphins and the likelihood of some baby blackbirds soon.

  16. such a wonderful piece
    the large birds draw me in first
    then my eyes wander about taking in the details of all the other creatures
    i almost feel i am walking through a dream

  17. A beautiful sparkly page with lots of texture and lovely things to look at. The sunrise was spectacular, I enjoyed your pictures ((hugs))

  18. What a great winged page my friend. I LOVE it.. And your photos are WOW!!! Love the sunset shot.. So amazing.

    Hugs, LInda

  19. Wonderful and fanciful and your imagination are always a delight!
    Lovely photos too as always...

  20. Jetzt habe ich mir erst mal alles angeschaut, was ich in den letzten Tagen verpasst habe...du warst ja wieder so fleißig!
    Ganz umwerfend sind ja deine Sonnenuntergangsfotos. wow!
    Ganz toll sieht auch dein Sampler der Arbeiten aus dem letzten Monat aus!
    LG Ulrike

  21. Love your communing black birds....Nice sunrise. xox

  22. Hi Valerie, once again your work just amazes. Thank you for sharing your talents with us all. Love your walking pics. Thank you for stopping by while I was away. I am trying to catch up on posts now so see you again soon.
    Hugs, CM


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