Monday 23 March 2015

Birds, cats and more

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has flown by, and a new week is here - have a good one!

For Art Journal Journey I have a water-coloured tree with white birds. I made this at the beginning of the month, and discovered it today hiding under a pile of other bits and bobs, so here it is.

Gabi took these lovely pictures of  Lucky and Lilly:

Nature is definitely getting greener:

Here at the stream near where I live I saw a Kingfisher today, which made me really happy. He flew off before I could take a photo.

I found this photo on Wikipedia

The wonderful photo was taken by Andreas Trepte
 Thanks to Andreas and all those who share their wonderful pics over Wikipedia.

The Heron was out fishing this morning:

And a few yards further these two were doing the same:

Have a good day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Eine schöne seite wider,der baum ist wunderschön und die weißen vögel dazu sind ein toller konrast.
    die katzen sind ja kugelrund *LOL*da meint es jemand zu gut.
    die vogelbilder sind traumhaft,ich liebe vögel.
    eine schöne woche für dich.

    GLG Jeannette

  2. nice photos, glad you found your lovely art today!

  3. Your Page looks so pretty. All the wonderful color makes me smile. And once again your photos are a joy to see..


  4. Beautiful work, love the colourful tree page with the beautiful white birds. Great photos, too. Have a good start in the week, hugs, Sarah

  5. Fantastic photographs as always Valerie and I love the one you found online with the rich colours.

    What a wonderful bird page you created. I'm so pleased that you found it as it has started the day off with a smile for me.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  6. Wow.. gut dass Du die herrliche Seite gefunden hast... das könnte mir passieren..ich finde immer was angefangenes zwischendurch, das ich längst vergessen
    Wunderschön ist sie und Dein EIsvogle ist megagenial - da hast Du ein sensationelles Foto geschossen!
    Die beiden Vierbeiner haben es echt gut, ich muss unbedingt im nächsten Leben Hauskatze bei einem guten Frauchen werden hab ich beschlossen!

    Schönen Wochenstart liebe Valerie!


  7. Lovely creation, added goodies and your daily photos are also gorgeous.xx

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  8. Fabulous, the white really pops and I love that quote!!

  9. Nice idea with the white birds against your fabulous colourful tree and scenery.
    Aaaaaww, love the photos of cats, how well they pose for you, do you say "smile for the birdie"?

    1. The easiest way is to rustle a paper bag which might contain food....

  10. A fabulous page, I love the white birds against the gorgeous coloured background.
    xxx Hazel.

  11. Your flock of white birds stands out beautifully against the colorful watercolored tree. Blessings!

  12. Amazing what you find when you have a tidy up! Lol! beautiful page Valerie, love how you've done the tree. Have a lovely Monday. xx

  13. Beautiful page! So nice to see these signs of Spring!

  14. such beautiful cats and its lovely to see spring photos,
    your painting is so rich and vibrant, I love it!

  15. Gorgeous tree Valerie and the Wiki photo of the Kingfisher is fabulous, I hope yo get the chance to snap one too. Have a great week :o))

  16. The white birds look wonderful over the bright colors! They really stand out! Nice to see spring happening in your area :)

  17. Love the watercolor and especially love the quote you chose ♥ Great photos !! The King Fisher is beautiful hopefully you'll get your own photo soon! It's really looking like Spring here too ♥♥♥♥♥

  18. Beautiful artwork today Valerie, that tree is an explosion of colour, wow!! hugs :)

  19. Valerie, you always present the best artwork and inspire. Love the quote you have with this too.
    Your photos are beautiful. The cats are just gorgeous and the blue bird is amazing.
    Thank you for stopping by. I was gone all weekend and today trying to catch up.
    Happy Spring.
    Hugs, CM

  20. spring!
    love that quote, your art is gorgeous.
    i hope to see a kingfisher someday.... so beautiful.

  21. Deine Seite ist mal wieder wunderschön geworden, tolle Farben und der Spruch ist so wahr. Bei euch ist die Natur schon sehr weit, bei uns braucht das alles immer etwas länger.

  22. Gorgeous watercolour Valerie and love the colours.
    Great pics too and one of those pussies looks like she didn't like being disturbed!
    Have a great week.
    Fliss xx

  23. I love your dreamy tree Valerie, and your photographs are wonderful. Lucky you seeing a kingfisher, what a magical moment xx

  24. Great quote for your project today. Parents are missing these basics in today's world. It is raining here today.


  25. An awesome tree on today's page, loved that quote, we have to let our children go. The cats look so content in the photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Beautiful art page. Your cats are sweet.

  27. Your photographs - as ever - are wonderful(especially the gorgeous Kitties) but your fabulous tree and the great quote is such an inspiration! Love those brilliant colours and the white birds flying in! Chrisx

  28. Du warst ja wieder unglaublich fleißig in den letzten Tagen, wie du es schaffst, jeden Tag ein Kunstwerk zu kreieren, da staune ich immer!
    Doch war auch ich nicht untätig, kann die Sachen aber erst gegen Monatsende zeigen...
    LG Ulrike

  29. Fabulous page- love the white birds! What kind of white pen do you use Val?

    Your kitties are delightful! xo

    1. I use a uni-bll signo, it's the only one that always writes and does not dry out.

  30. Your page has given me food for thought. I particularly like the quote. :) T x

  31. Hopefully our fosrythia will wake from sleep soon, unlike the cute kitties. Great message on your page. xox


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