Friday 6 March 2015

Things with wings

Hi Everybody!

The week has flown by, it's Friday already!

For Art Journal Journey, Things with wings, I have a large painting to share, although I am not really sure if it is finished. I am trying to decide if I should leave it as it is, or add some more to the background....Yesterday I wanted to add more, today I want to leave it as it is, let's see how things continue....It is very large, about 90x70 cms. I discovered some large sheets of paper while clearing up this week and decided to use one of them. The quote is from Luciano de Crescenzo, 'We are each of us angels with just one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another' I just wrote the first part on the painting. I used some tubes of water colour over gesso to paint with.
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and to Mix it Monthly, angels and saints.

This picture is one made in 1991, on an A2 sheet, using prismalo water colour pencils. I found it today while cleaning out my 'Bottomless pit' AKA hall closet. My preoccupation with ducks and birds is evidently not new!

Just a few photos today, I have spent most of the day clearing out and sorting stash, books etc.

Have agreat day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by


  1. Fabulous Valerie! Isn't that fun when you run across an older piece of work!! So true about the birds, but then, who doesn't love birds!! Have a great day, hugs :)

  2. This is very striking, Valerie! Love the abstract feeling and vibrant colors. Oh and you find at the bottomless pit is lovely. Birds are wonderful and I do love them. I have a couple of Blue Scrub Jays that come to visit me daily and one sits on a rafter right above my kitchen window peering in at me! It is really cute. I am sure my neighbors think I am a little crazy when I talk to "Blue" and tell him his breakfast is here! Enjoy!

  3. Your angel painting is really beautiful. I love cleaning out old drawers and the surprises that are inside. Just recently I came across an album of my childhood drawings. My Dad had saved them. Always fun to look back. M.x

  4. Nice bonus finding that lovely painting!! Such a pretty painting with a great quote!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Liebe Valerie, Deine geflügelte Familie ist schön geworden. Bin ganz verliebt in die Idee und das schöne Zitat, das auch zu meinen Lieblingen zählt. Wenn man sich darauf einläßt, bekommt das Bild eine ganz eigene Tiefe .... schwer zu sagen, aber sehr sehr schön. Bin gespannt, ob Du es so läßt.
    Auf alle Fälle ein schönes Wochenende und viel Sonnenschein.

  6. I love the one winged angels. Your photos are great, love the birds.

  7. was für ein schöner spruch. und das kenn ich: fertig oder nicht. manchmal reicht einfach liegenlassen zur Entscheidung.

  8. Wow..was für eine genial Umsetzung zu diesem Spruch! Sagenhaft! Na bitte.. welche Schätzlein Dein Bottomless pit da alles eine Aussortieraktion rentiert sich immer.. ich find auch immer irgendwelche Sachen, die mir zumindest neue Inspiration geben. Das ist so detailreich...ein Hammerteil!
    Die Meisen fressen sich richtig fett bei Dir... fütterst Du Deine Crew Enten auch ab und an?
    Bei uns hat es wieder geschneit in der Nacht..alles wieder weiss...HURRA - endlich Schnee!

    Happy PPF - Happy AJJ- Happy FRIDAY!!!!

  9. I LOVE your one winged angels. So Colorful. And the older page you did Looks Fabulous.. So glad you shared it with us.


  10. I love your concept, so adorable Xo)

  11. Your angels are fab, love the colours. Happy PPF.

  12. That's a huge painting, and in my opinion less is more in your painting. It's perfect like that, well structured, simple but powerful

  13. Yes, exquisite colors in these wonderful compositions, I love your drawing of the faces and the bird, beautiful photos.

  14. Must be spring - all that sorting out you are doing! I 'did' my airing cupboard yesterday :)

    Those angels are really stunning - I like them as they are. Happy find in your 'bottomless pit!' - nice to find old projects

    Hope you have a lovely weekend

    Karen x

  15. love the strong design of your angel pages and how wonderful to find an old treasured piece. you take such wonderful bird photographs. I have fat balls on the trees in my garden and love watching the birds although my camera isn't up to photographing them!

  16. Oohh was für eine tolle seite,und die farbeen sind eine wucht.
    deine bilder sind wie immer spitze.
    hab einen schönen tag.

    GLG Jeannette

  17. Wow the big picture is wonderful just as is I think the focus is on the blue angels and the background shows them even better. The 1991 piece is so delicate and full of beauty. It is really lovely that you still have it to keep.

    I find myself saying hello to your birds every morning. What a joy it is to see them. My 6 fat balls in the garden remain mostly untouched and even the blackbird that seemed to like them has not been near since the seagulls returned to the industrial estate and half a mile away.

    Hope you have a really lovely day

    Hugs Chrissie xx

  18. The same question every time we fineshed a painting... You painted a beautiful spring painting for a long time ago already. Your photos are so nice again. Happy PPF Valerie!

  19. Two beautiful paintings Valerie and well done for having a "tidy up", every cupboard and drawer in my house needs sorting out so I too am trying to do it little by little, what a load of junk I keep! Lol. Xx

  20. I love discovering art from years ago - it's interesting to see what inspired you back then and how your style has changed. I love the quote and your interpretation of the angels supporting each other.

  21. great work, I love the blue people figures!

    happy PPF!

  22. Wow absolutely gorgeous! Love your angels...bright and beautiful!!

  23. I really love your angel painting and the quote that goes with it. Both are beautiful!

  24. Wonderful vibrant colors and your figures have such grace to them. Happy PPF

  25. LOVE your abstract angels and the whimsical painting with the bird and duck is super!

  26. I love your abstract figures - reminds me of Matisse cut outs. Happy PPF!

  27. How fun to come across a old treasure! Crafty spring cleaning is my favorite kind!

  28. I am not really a fan of cleaning, but I do like how it looks when everything is tidy!

  29. Beautiful painting, loved the first with the quote. Wish I could get motivated to tidy up, maybe next week.
    Yvonne xx

  30. This abstract painting is fantastic with so original angels, and your painting of 1991 is very beautiful. Great artworks, Valerie! Hugs, Mar

  31. Lovely interpretation, it looks finished to me! Nice to see your 1991 piece, it looks more detailed. Enjoyed your photos today!

    1. Yes, I could move my fingers better in those days!

  32. what a fun painting!! happy PPF

  33. Your abstract is awesome and I love your angels. Very nice.:)

  34. I want to dream I'm one of those angels!

  35. Happy PPF Valeria;
    luv your winged art pieces;

    i'm happy you stopped by to view mine

    much love...

  36. I really love your painting: the bright colours, the way the figures are positioned on the painting. It's beautiful ....

  37. Two wonderful paintings! I love your figures!

  38. LOVE your pages ♥♥♥ I've been trying to clean and organize my art supplies too... I must admit I get sidetracked a lot when I run across something I had forgotten I had or that brought me great joy in the past. I fear it's a losing battle here. Love your duck and bird photos. What is that little yellow gem in the last two photos? He's adorable.

    1. He's a blue tit, we have lots of them here.

  39. Your huge and gorgeous painting manages to be both serene and stimulating - it's wonderful. I think I like it as it is - open to interpretation and emotion, and I love the movement there. However - I am so inspired by your work on a regular basis that if you do choose to add to it, it can only become more unique and captivating.

    Loving all the dragonflies this week! Love love love them. Thank you as always for sharing your photos too! Sending hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  40. You are so creative, Valerie. Another amazing LARGE piece with the perfect quote.


  41. Valerie your angels piece is so beautiful and the words very touching too!

  42. Beautiful angel piece and your found piece is very impressive too!

  43. It is beautiful, but does seem to be missing something. Perhaps that is the feeling you want to convey. We are all missing something.... hence the one wing?
    I love that little yellow breasted bird. What a chubby darling. It reminds me of our chickadees.

  44. Really beautiful and colourful artwork Valerie and love those little bluetit photos.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  45. Wow- i really love the first piece Valerie- the freeing of one wing really appeals to me! Happy weekend!! xo

  46. Schlichte,formschöne Grafik hast du da gestaltet, mit tollen Farben und viel Aussagekraft.Super!
    Aber auch dein altes Bild mit Vögeln sieht so schön aus. Bloß nicht wegwerfen.
    Liebe Grüße

  47. Lovely paintings, bright colors sing; terrific photography as well. Fun visiting, thanks for sharing! HPPF!

  48. I really did enjoy your vibrant colours and the movement of your angels! Interesting quote, too!

  49. Very interesting beings. They mak quite a stunning subject for your piece.

  50. Geniales Gemälde mit genau den Farben, die ich liebe!! Ein echter Hingucker! Toll auch der Spruch dazu! Du inspirierst mich immer wieder auch mit Deinen langen Spaziergängen und Fotografien! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  51. I love, love, love the second one with ducks, birds, etc. What an awesome print it would make. You know I heard one of my coworkers say the other day, she can't stand birds. What good are they? she asked. Love your photos of the ducks.

  52. Hi Valerie, What a wonderful creation. I love things with wings. What beautiful birds too.
    Great duck photos and your visitor feeding is just adorable.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, CM

  53. Dein so farbiges Bild von heute mit den Figuren wirkt toll, aber deine alte Zeichnung gefällt mir noch mehr. Es gibt so viel dort zu entdecken. Schön, dass du sie hier zeigst.
    Liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  54. Your 1991 painting is just wonderful, so detailed but with all the images making such a marvellous whole painting and it still looks so fresh. The birds are pretty, then you have the surprise of the three faces. It would make a great wrapping paper or greetings card or print. I wonder what else you have in the Bottomless Pit.

  55. Love both of your paintings Valerie no way would I attempt anything so big, but yours is really wonderful with your dreamy angels xx

  56. Very surreal. Love it. Sweet birds. xox

  57. This is a wonderful piece, so sweet and beautiful, I really like it :) It reminds me of a sweet short animation movie, that I will share with you it is a bit gloomy in the begining, but have a happy ending that is similar to your painting :)

  58. Love those one-winged-angels!
    And, as always, the images of your beautiful world. :)

  59. Loving the wings. . .and the ducks/bird photos. Yep, reoccurring loves. It is amazing to me too when I find an old drawing/painting and see how good it was. Fantastic blog. Blessings, Janet PPF

  60. I love the beautiful one winged creatures and no wonder you like birds and ducks with all the beautiful inspiration all around you!


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