Saturday 21 March 2015

50 shades of grey....

Hi Everybody!

I was so looking forward to the solar eclipse today. Those who visit my blog regularly know that I am (slightly) obsessed with the sun, moon and stars, and I very much wanted to see the eclipse. I have had my special glasses ready for weeks, a filter to put on my camera, and then all we could see was mist and fog - fifty shades of grey! Perhaps the weather will be better when the next eclipse happens....

For Art Journal Journey I have made an A3 page using a scan of a beautiful old engraving of a pigeon, taken from one of my old books from the 19th century. I coloured the pigeon with Gelatos and fussy cut it. The head was drawn using a home made stencil, and the 'hair' is a stamp from Artemio. The 'tears' are from Designs by Ryn. I used various stencils to liven up the background, which was painted with sky blue acrylics. The winged 'ear' is a Sizzix die cut, which covered up a nasty black oops. 
I am also linking to Simons Monday Challenge, animals

And now for the fifty shades of grey....

Hope you had some sun today!
Have a great weekend, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. so sorry about your eclipse! Lovely whimsical page, although your title today is a bit risque!

  2. What an amazing page Valerie. I absolutely love it all. Really the eclipse did not last that long , we had it cloudy too, but after the darkness came light and we had a beautiful day. Hugs Rita xxx

  3. Herrlich ist diese Seite Valerie.. ein Meisterwerk!
    Tut mir leid für Dich, dass das mit der Sonnenfinsternis nicht richtig geklappt hat bei Euch.
    Ich hatte keine Brille und traute mich nicht in die Sonne zu gucken... aber ich hab bemerkt, dass es etwas düsterer wurde... Julia haben in der Schule geguckt und es ganz gut gesehen angeblich!

    Einen wunderschönen Samstag liebe Valerie.. hoffe die Sonne erreicht Euch heute wieder -obwohl die 50 shades of grey auch reizvoll sind!

  4. Hi Val,
    this is a fun page again, and the pigeon is fantastic. We did see the solar eclipse, but I didn't have much time for watching it. Have a nice day, take care, hugs, Sarah

  5. Oohh eine wunderschöne seite hast du gemacht,bin ganz hin und weg.
    ich hab die sonnenfinsternis nicht gesehen,es wurde nur etwas dunkler um die zeit.
    bei euch ist ja ganz schön nebel,hier ist es mal sonnig mal grau und kalt.
    wünsch dir ein schönes we.

    GLG Jeannette

  6. Fabelhaft!! So ein schönes Bild mit den vielen liebevollen Details!
    Bei uns war es gestern auch total nebelig ... nichts von der Sonnenfinsternis zu sehen!
    Schönes Wochenende für dich!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  7. Wie schade, dass du die SoFi nicht verfolgen konntest. Wirh hatten strahlend blauen Himmel und dem Ereignis stand nichts im Weg. Ohne geeignete Schutzbrille habe ich mit dem Schweißerschutz meines Mannes geschaut ;)
    Dein Bild gefällt mir total gut, herrlich wie der Lavendel aus dem Kopf sprießt. :) Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende.

  8. Love the page with the wonderful head and intricate pidgeon etching.

    It does look mirky in your photographs but the logs look colourful.

    We did see the eclipse in the little bit of sky that wasn't cloudy but we couldn't get hiold of any glasses-all sold out. Vic tried to get photographs on his phone but they are rubbish. Next time for both of us eh?

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  9. Just love the bird, and of course the whole composition.;)

  10. SUPERB alternative use of various stamps. You certainly know how to think outside the box.
    I'm sorry you missed the eclipse, it was cloudy here as well. It always is when something interesting is happening way up high - ABOVE the clouds - *sigh* C'est la vie. Enjoy your weekend {{Hugs}} x

  11. Was für eine coole Seite - wenn so schön Lavendel aus dem Kopf spriesst ist es ja kein Wunder wenn sich die Vögel dort einnisten :-)
    Hier war strahlender Sonnenschein und ich habe auch durch den Schweißschirm alles beobachtet und - mangels Filter für die Kamera - auch dadurch fotografiert :-). Heute regnet es und ich werde einen weiteren Tag mit Tee vorm Ofen verbringen um meine Erkältung aus zu kurieren. Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende.

  12. Quite the page. I,love everything about it. So whimsical. I would like ears like that. Sorry about the eclipse. xox

  13. I like your light-hearted look at animals today! Too bad you missed the eclipse. It was not visible here, but I saw it on TV. I remember experiencing a total eclipse of the sun when I was a young child--very spooky--the stuff sci-fi is made from, LOL! If it is any consolation...we "celebrated" the first day of Spring with 4 or so more inches of snow!

  14. Stunning piece, love the stenciling work and the whole composition!
    I sadly completely missed the eclipse I was stuck inside Heathrow airport... grrrr

    Happy weekend!

  15. Du kommst ja immer auf verrückte Ideen für deine Bilder! Wirklich kreativ!

    So nebelig, wie bei dir, war es gestern vormittags auch hier, sodass ich die Sofi nur durch Nebel habe sehen können. Dir ein schönes Wochenende von Ulrike

  16. Valerie, I am sorry the eclipse was such a disappointment for you.
    Your pigeon is beautiful and how quirky to put him on top of the head of your mer-person.
    I just read your profile and I think there is some real wisdom there for me. I especially like, "I want to be the first ME and not the second anybody else." Very wise words.

    1. Thanks Teresa, I think it is very important, not to waste time trying to be like others but just to do your own thing and to try to do it well.

  17. Grey here too for the eclipse.... it did manage to get a bit darker though ;)

    What fun art ..... that pigeon is stunning isn't he?

    Karen x

  18. What a terrific painting. Love the "hair" and the oops-ear, both brilliant lateral thinking.
    And again I love the misty photographs, a good day for staying at home and painting.

  19. The bird looks like he belongs with your artistic painting! Sorry you missed the eclipse. Thanks for playing along with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  20. Awesome page Valerie, love the pigeon and the butterfly on the face's nose was a sweet addition.
    It was kind of eerie the eclipse here, very dark, so still and not a bird to be seen. The best pictures of the event were on live TV. Great photos from you today as well.
    Yvonne xx

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Valerie, when I brought up your project today it reminds me of what my hair will look like in a few months, little tuffs here and there. I do like your project! Sorry you missed the eclipse. It was grey here too.


  23. Cool bird head! heehee
    Thanks for the shades of grey- but I have quite enough of my own here- lol
    Happy Spring ! xo

  24. Thank you for making me smile - this is brilliant! Chrisx

  25. So sorry you didn't get to observe the eclipse :( Your 50 Shades of Grey photos are great though and I absolutely love the art for the day!!!!

  26. What a beautiful cheery page Valerie, sorry you didn't get to see the eclipse, ours wasn't that good either lol xx

  27. What imagination you have - i envy you!
    I can't wait to paint again but don't have energy yet but maybe next week...


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