Wednesday 11 March 2015

A new theme at Moo Mania and More - Poultry (Federvieh)

Hi Everybody!

 Hope your day went well! My day went so quickly that I have the feeling that I didn't get anything done, apart from reading, sleeping and a walk this morning.

Today a new challenge is starting at Moo Mania and More - Poultry (Federvieh). You have 2 weeks to dream up nice creations and link them to Moo Mania, where all formats are accepted.
My journal page is for MM and M and for Art Journal Journey, things with wings. I water coloured the background, added more colours with Gelatos, and stenciled the flying birds and other background patterns. I placed my Cockerels (Image from Gecko Galz, applied with an image transfer) opposite each other, added colour again with Gelatos and felt pens, and stamped some plants and flowers in the foreground. I am also linking to Mixed media monthly, Birds of a feather

Today started off cool and very misty

The mist lifted, but left us with drizzly weather that wasn't really nice for walking

The ducks didn't seem to mind, though.

Have a good day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, this is a fun piece, love the colours, too. Isn't that quote from 'Chicken run'? Good idea to use it here. Lovely photos, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  2. Grandios und witzig! Da geh' ich in den Morgen mit einem breiten Grinsen ;) Klasse!

  3. WOW wieder so ein megageniales Werk von Dir, Valerie.

    Liebe Grüße
    von Anke

  4. WOW,da bin ich sprachlos,ein grandioses werk von dir.
    hier ist es auch neblig und düster.
    hab einen schönen tag.

    GLg Jeannette

  5. dein chicken-werk ist der knaller!! gefällt mir wahnsinnig gut!!!

  6. Die beiden Hähne sind soo toll .. eine absolut fantastische Arbeit Valerie!
    Das Wetter von gestern hast Du wohl zu mir geschickt regnet heute..und gestern war es sooo schön- MIttags fast 18 Grad in der Sonne.
    Ich hab vergessen gestern, wie schön das Tag mit diesem Slide ist.. diese Goldschnipsel sind soo schön.. ein Prachtstück... vor lauter Flugaufregung hab ich das vergessen zu schreiben! Verzeih!

    Danke für die schönen Fotos und danke
    auch von MM&M und AJJ

    1. Hier ist noch sehr neblig, aber ich hoffe dass die Sonne später rauskommt!

  7. Wow! Just love the chickens in all their splendour on the very beautiful background with the hinta of chicken wire--clever touch.

    Hope the mist has cleared and that you have a wonderful walk as always.

    Love Chrissie xx

  8. Love this Valerie, such a fun piece with your brilliant coloured chickens. I hope your day gets brighter, we have a little bit of watery sunshine here xx

  9. Eine total schöne Seite ist das geworden, liebe Valerie, die Federvieh-Fotos dazu begeistern mich richtig.

    Dir auch einen schönen Tag

  10. Eine total schöne Seite ist das geworden, liebe Valerie, die Federvieh-Fotos dazu begeistern mich richtig.

    Dir auch einen schönen Tag

  11. Ha, ha Valerie, your chickens made me laugh. I quite often have days when I seem to have done nothing! At least the days are now getting "longer" and that certainly seems to help with my productivity levels! Lol xx

  12. Schöne Seite, die Hähne sind echt toll! Wie immer war es schön, dich auf deinem Spaziergang zu begleiten

  13. I love your fabulous chickens Valerie and the photos are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.

  14. This is fabulous Valerie and really made me smile too (much needed at the moment!).
    Great pics as always.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  15. Wonderful bird theme today Valerie! That sentiment made me giggle!! Have a great day, hugs :)

  16. Cute chickens! The ducks look happy!

  17. Love those chickens, they look like they are eyeing each other up for a scrap. Its a fabulous page.
    Yvonne xx

  18. What amazing chickens, this page is brilliant, and I love the sentiment. Well done, Valerie!
    Hugs, Mar

  19. Your page is marvelous, Valerie, and I love the humour in it. I have said it before, but I really love the way you infuse your paintings with light. Gorgeous.

  20. cluck cluck cluck!! heeehee Beautiful hens you have there!!

  21. Wahnsinnig schöne bunte Hähne sind das, eine ganz tolle Seite!
    Bei dir ist am Nachmittag bestimmt auch noch die Sonne heraus gekommen wie hier. Heute habe ich zum ersten Mal in diesem Jahr auf dem Balkon in der Sonne gelesen. Es war so herrlich.
    LG Ulrike

  22. Love your cockerels and the amusing words and the background is extra special.

  23. Love love your birds and the saying made me smile

  24. Love the chickens!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ and the quote made me smile very big. We started off with heavy fog this morning but then the sun came out and it was a fantastically beautiful day. Very WARM :) I'm liking these warmer days a whole lot. Even managed to get one of my big flowerbeds all cleaned up and the decorative fence rearranged . Now ti's all ready for the flowers to start filling in and making the driveway all beautiful♥

  25. This one has me giggling.. Love it.. And those foggy photos are wonderful. I LOVE the fog because I don't get to see much of it.. Being on the coast now I am seeing a little more of it. Hope your week is going well my friend.

    My Happy Place

  26. Stunning project, love the colours and how you put it all together! Those chickens look incredible! Thanks so much for joining us at Mixed Media Monthly!

  27. Another artful page with great humour. Love your colouring and once again your photos always brings out the best in nature.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  28. Hi Valerie, OH I love your art page with the chickens. So springtime colorful and I love the quote.
    Great walking pics too. Your camera is always serving you well.
    Hugs, CM

  29. Tough birds all puffed up for some tousling. xox

  30. What a great page! Love the birds and your sentiment. Thanks so much for joining us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge.

  31. Amazing colors! Thanks for joining us at The Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!

  32. I love words on my art. Great page. thanks for playing with us at the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge Blog!

  33. love this! those chickens are fabulous... and love the chicken wire stamped in the back. Thank you so much for playing with the Mixed Media Monthly Challenge!


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