Monday 2 March 2015


Hi Everybody!

I wish you all a good start in the new week!

My new piece for 'Things with wings' at Art Journal Journey has a background printed from one of my scanned paintings. I added more colours by blending in gelatos.  The circles were stamped with color box ink using a stamp from Hein Design, and the squares have been stamped using a DI pad directly onto the paper. The plants are stamps from Artemio and have been stamped with Memento 'London Fog' and highlighted with white. The dragonflies (Laurentz and Morgan) were stamped with archival black, embossed with EP extra fine, and given a few white highlights. I coloured the wings with sparkling H2Os and added Diamond stickles for a bit of shine and glitter.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, a hint of clover - the green square with the text.

Toda started off with rain and mist:

The pigeons were the first Sunday visitors:

The sun tried to come through here and there:

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page, and beautiful photos!

  2. Another beautifully made journal page, with wonderful colours and images. Great photos, too. Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  3. An amazing print from one of your painted backgrounds Valerie--such richness to add your stamped images to. Love the whole page

    Great photographs with the purple hues of the sky and a friendly dove to visit you.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  4. Oh Valerie - ich liebe deine aktuelle Seite!!! Traumhafte Farben und meine geliebten Libellen darauf - wunderschön!

  5. Sagenhaft schön ist diese Seite... Hammer! ♥♥♥
    Die Bilder sind toll.. so ist es heute bei uns ...Du hast wirklich das Wetter wieder hergeschickt!
    Diese Tauben sind schön, wir haben hier so spezielle zarte graubäunliche fast beige Täubchen ab und an im Garten auf Besuch ..erst seit heuer fallen mir die auf ..und ich hab jetzt durch Zufall im Internet entdeckt, dass das Türkische Tauben sind, die seit angeblich den 30 er Jahren vermehrt auch in Mittel- und Nordeuropa heimsich werden.
    Ich sollte mich viel mehr mit diesen DIngen beschäftigen... so interessant all die Rassen und ihre Lebensweisen bei den Vögeln!

    Hab nen schönen Tag
    für die herrliche Art Journal Joureny Flügel Seite!

    1. Könntest Di das Wetter bei Gelegenheit vielleicht zurückschicken?

  6. wow, wie schön die Libelle glitzert... auch der Hintergrund wieder ein traum!

  7. LOVELY project and so love the dragon flies and sentiment Valerie and gorgeous journey into your

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  8. A stunning page, the colours are gorteous.
    xxx Hazel.

  9. Your aj spread blows my mind! Perfect!

  10. I love dragonflies almost as much as birds and butterflies, Gorgeous Valerie!! hugs :)

  11. I really like the depth in the insect page you made, and of course, I always enjoy my virtual photographic walks with you. Blessings!

  12. I think your AJ page is very beautiful, it's as if the dragonfly is warming it's wings on the last of the days sun. Love it! {{hugs}} :o)

  13. Beautiful, colorful, and one of my favorite subjects. The quote is a good one!

  14. Fabulous page Valerie. Love the dragonflies and the beautiful orange hues. Even your wintry scenes today look amazing. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  15. What a beautiful journal entry!
    I love the vibrant colors and the stamp-work ~ and the words.
    Lovely. Just lovely. :)

  16. Amazing page, Valerie! Love the dragonflies, plants, colours and the circles of background. Great design! Beautiful photos as always.
    Hugs, Mar

  17. Lovely page, love the glitter too! ~Diane

  18. A lovely page Valerie, gorgeous colours that really make your dragonflies stand out.
    Great photographs too.
    Avril xx
    p.s. ~~Thanks for sharing at FSC

  19. Stunning page, so filled with light and colour. Your dragonfly is magnificent.

  20. A wonderful page, love all the colors and I love your dragonflies they are so lovely, great photos.

  21. Your colorful creation is really beautiful dear Valerie!
    The sparkle on the dragonfly wings is just perfect too.
    Happy March to you ♥

  22. Lovely photos.
    I remember when I was a kid I used to capture dragonflies and just admire their wings up close.

  23. Lovely and vibrant page with great dragonflies! Love the white highlights. Hugs!

  24. Love the dragon flies, they seem to be shimmering in the heat from the gorgeous background.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Great dragonflies against that stunning background! Beautiful photos like always!

  26. A great page for the current challenge, the plants together look terrific and the whole page glows with life.

  27. Gorgeous colors! I hope all is well or getting close to it.
    Sandy xx

  28. Love,Love,Love your Dragonfly page!!!!!! I mean I REALLY LOVE IT!!!! It makes me think of warm summer days setting by my fishpond , day dreaming :)

  29. Gorgeous background- a beautiful choice for your dragonflies -which I just adore!! xo

  30. Oh I so love dragonflies - this is gorgeous and the colours are such an antidote to the bleak winter weather! I love this...all the layers are so pretty. Completely captivating! Bug hugs from Shroo:)xxxx

  31. Tolle Seite - und ein wunderbares Thema!
    Bestimmt schaffe ich es, in diesem Monat auch wieder mal etwas dazu beizutragen, doch bin ich momentan noch immer beim Sortieren meiner Wochenendeindrücke.
    Lieben Gruß von Ulrike

  32. Dragonflies, ah transformation. xox

  33. What an incredible color palette and I love how you've made the sky look so energetic and calming at the same time. Great use of so many different techniques and elements and the dragonfly is really a beautiful anchor for the piece. You did an amazing job on this and I thoroughly enjoyed both your project and your photography. Thanks for sharing your skills with us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  34. Hi Valerie, this is gorgeous. I love Dragonflies. Your design is beautiful. Love the pics too.
    Hugs, CM

  35. Love the beautiful colors on your art journal! Thank you for sharing the great inspiration. :)

  36. Such an amazing creation - so beautiful! Thanks so much or joining us at Fashionable Stamping Challenges this time - Love from Laura xxx

  37. Sehr schöne Seite - gefällt mir sehr gut! Schönen Sonntagabend und viele Grüße

  38. Love your background. Great color and energy.


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