Saturday 28 March 2015

A Sunday Angel

Hi Everybody!

Today started off with a wonderful sunrise, but the sun was driven away by black clouds, wind and rain after a couple of hours. And Sunday is going to be worse. Ah well, bad weather is always good for a pyjama day spent crafting and  reading.

For Art Journal Journey, things with wings,  and Mix it Monthly, angels and saints, I have made another journal page. The background was another mop up/brush wipe page on which I used a couple of background stamps to give some texture. The glitter angel with her cloud has been painted separately, fussy cut and glued onto the background. The houses along the bottom have been drawn with a stencil.

A nice sunrise:

A hungry pigeon:

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Very similar weather here Valerie and not so good when it's at the weekend for me!
    Lovely artwork there and a beautiful bright page too plus slightly spooky as I'm on an angel piece at the moment too - great minds think alike!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Fliss xx

    1. I was just talking to a friend on the phone and she is working on an angel piece, too - spooky!

  2. Love your angel sitting on her big fat cloud with the bird, really pretty. Love her outfit, too! Have a nice Sunday, hugs,Sarah

  3. Stunning background and I adore that sweet angel on her cloud!

  4. I love she sitting on the cloud, lots of color and warm energy in this work,, its cold and windy here, but sunny!

  5. Lovely page, and a beautiful sunrise! It is still quite cold here considering the time of year.

  6. Einfach wunderschön!!!! Hab einen gemütlichen Sonntag. Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  7. Zauberhaft Dein ein wenig 70 er Jahre anmutendes Engelchen ( die Haare sind eine Pracht!) auf seiner gemütlichen Wolke...wie abgesprochen haben wir das gemacht mit den Engeln heute - stimmt!
    Bei meinem ist Washi Tape von Dir dabei, was Du mir geschickt hattest!
    Ich hoffe Du hast einen schönen Sonntag Valerie!

  8. Good for you having a pyjama day and doing some crafting--sounds like heaven to me.

    The birds look happy on balcony and I bet the lights are beautiful when they are charged up.

    Such a beautiful piece of art again and I love the angel that you painted to watch over all of us--thank you

    Have a lovely day today

    Chrissie xx

  9. How Fabulous is this piece of Art. The colours are stunning and the angel sitting on the cloud looks great. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. A brilliantly designed work of art once again, gorgeous image coloured to perfection. And Angels do watch over us....I know for a mum is an for always popping in my blog
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

    1. I am sure your Mum is watching over you, love never dies.

  11. Now this fairy had character, love her funky hair, her blousy top and the patch on her knee! Weather not too bad here today, off out to visit my father on his 80th birthday! Xx

  12. dein engel gefällt mir sooo gut, das geflickte knie bringt mich zum grinsen... ach ja, der frühling stellt uns auf eine Geduldsprobe. aber wird schon kommen...

  13. Was für eine tolle Idee mit deinem Engel auf der Wolke. Wunderschön. Wir hatten gestern bei um 17.00 Uhr Sonnenschein.... dann kam die Regenfront und die hält immer noch durch :(

  14. Beautiful Valerie, love how you did the clouds! Happy Sunday, big hugs :)

  15. Hi Valerie, Beautiful artwork, the background is gorgeous for the whimsical guardian angel. Yes bad weather days are good for staying inside and feeling cozy, as long as they don't continue for days and days... it's cold and sunny here. Take good care, hugs, Shirleyxx

  16. Beautiful angel! I can see that misty weather behind the pigeon. We had snow flurries yesterday, but today is blue skies and sun!

  17. Loving the sweet angel, she looks very modern and up to date sitting on her cloud. Love the bright colours. Hope you enjoy your relaxing day. Its very wet here as well.
    Yvonne xx

  18. That is just so creative Valerie, love this adorable angel. Beautiful background, too, btw. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, enjoy your Sunday, hugs, Ira x
    ♥Ira’s Crea Corner♥

  19. Good morning sweet pea - I know I haven't been commenting but I have been watching if that accounts for anything. I love watching you and colors - you are the master! My favorite days are pajama days, some hot coffee and a good book!
    Valerie, my heart goes out to all the people in Duesseldorf after the tragic plane crash. So many people from different parts of the world were affected.
    I hope your shoulder is better. It seems like pain in my right hip will be with me for life now. I am lucky, things could be a heck of a lo worse! Our final move will be April 6 - we are still packing!!
    Thinking of you -
    Sandy xx

    1. Good luck with the move - keep in touch Sweetie!

  20. Wowwww, einfach wunderschön. Gefällt mir sehr.
    Auch deine Fotos sind wie immer klasse.
    LG Carola

  21. I really like this Valerie, the colours are fab, and I love that your angel doesn't look too 'angelic' xx

  22. Great page Valerie, love your angel on her cloud - lovely expression on her face.
    Avril xx

  23. Your angel painting is just too cute! Love it Valerie :o))

  24. Lovely sentiment, sweet image and gorgeous background. Love those PJ days. :)

  25. Was ein süsser Engel! Das Outfit ist ein Hingucker genauso wie ihre geniale Haarfrisur! Was eine herzerfrischende Seite! Und danke für das Sonnenfoto, das ist ja mal ein Highlight :) ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  26. What a sweet and fanciful angel ~ LoVe her stockings!

  27. Love your Angel! Our weather is pretty much the same. I had to go into work for 4 hours today and was cold the whole time I was there. :( Heading fro a hot soaking bath and then my PJ's for the rest of the day .

  28. Hi Valerie, yes, PJ days are always fun. Love your darling angel and the quote is perfect. Wonderful pics too and the bird looks like it is saying, "hey we need to straighten this light" LOL
    Have a special week.
    Hugs, CM


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