Friday 27 December 2013

Time to say Thanks

Hi everybody!
Friday began here with a wonderful sunrise, which greeted me as I crawled out of my warm bed and enticed me onto the cold balcony to take some photos:

But the day soon grew wild, wet and windy, and I had to battle again the wind and rain to get my shopping, and arrived home soaked, in urgent need of hot coffee and a warm bath.

I was very happy to receive many cards and presents for my birthday and Christmas from blogging friends, which  really gave me a lot of joy. The generosity of fellow bloggers always astonishes me, especially when they show more kindness than family and neighbours. Some I have already shown, here are some more:

Yvonne (Meggymay), who always makes such wonderful, vintage cards, sent all these treasures. I love the stamps, especially the peacock on the left, and I am going to have fun decorating those totes. And what wonderful fibres!

Chrissie sent me this stylish card, some ATCs, which I already showed, and this pretty butterfly stencil. I have lots of stencils, but none with butterflies, so it is very welcome in my collection!

These beautiful cards and goodies came from Jeanette in Hamburg. I love those cute serviettes with owls, and all those pretty goodies. The little bag is also filled with pretty stash. The fizzy bath tablet was wonderful, and gave me a very enjoyable soak in my tub!

The cards with Zen-doodling came from Lonetta, who makes intricate and flowing designs which never fail to amaze me.

The cards and bookmark were made by Anja, who is justly famous for the amazing colours she uses and blends together so cleverly:

Diane made this beautiful card with birds, which she knows that I love. She always makes cards which are STYLISH with a capital 'S', and which always impress with the details, like matching envelope liners and stickers on the back of them. I love the lace and pearls, too!

These goodies all came from Sue (the Iron). I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw all those goodies in the box, and the beautiful stamp, with numbers - which I so love to use in my journal pages, and a wonderful stencil which was also missing in my collection:

These beautiful creations were also in the parcel - I think she knows that I love owls. The colours of the giant tag on the right are really glowing, it is so beautifully made- there are even Hebrew letters on it:

And that's not all - these gorgeous serviettes and the birthday hanging were alos n the treasure box:

And last but definitely not least, this fantastic birthday card, a double easel card was in the box:

Suze sent me beautiful cards for Chrsitmas and my birthday. I especially love the birthday one with the little 'quackers' on it, I wonder how she got the idea to do that....

This box was neatly wrapped and packaged when Suze sent it - Somebody, whose name I will not mention, couldn't wait to take a photo before digging in to that selection of English candy bars and Horlicks - YUMMY! I had Horlicks and maltesers one evening - paradise! Not to talk of the chocolate frogs and  buttons, Galaxy bars, Cadbury's flake and everything else that was in that box:

And believe it or not, I got a new cutter for my birthday from Alex. My old one has been cutting wonky edges since it fell onto the floor some time back, and this one is two machines in one - great!

A very big thank-you to all of you. Your gifts are all much appreciated, and the beautiful cards and hand-made creations will be treasured.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. WOW Du hast wunderschöne Sachen bekommen, Deine Freude ist richtig spürbar. Und dann noch die traumhaften Fotos, da komm ich ins Schwärmen Wir hatten heute auch einen sonnigen Tag.
    Ein schönes WE wünsch ich Dir,
    liebe Grüße Anja

  2. I am really happy for you that you got so many lovely presents, and all of those wonderful creations from your friends - enjoy! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

  3. Belated Birthday Wishes Val. Aren't you the lucky one to wake up to such beautiful sunrises. Beautiful gifts for a beautiful person. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Booooaahhh WOW!!!Du hast ja soo wunderschööne sachen bekommen,boah und die geilen portfolio,die sind sooo klasse,und ich mach meine hintergründe und figuren fast nur damit,deine freude ist wirklich bis hier her spürbar,hab ganz viel spass mit den sachen,liebe valerie.
    die bilder sind auch wider traumhaft,hier war heute auch sonne,aber es soll kälter werden,habe mir darum heute dicke wolle gekauft und stricke eine kapuzenschal,puuuhh,der schal ist schon fertig,nun gehts an die kapuze,sieht aber klasse aus,und stricken macht mir spass.
    wünsche dir noch einen wunderschönen abend,und danke für die tollen bilder.

    GLG Jeannette

  5. you are truly blessed looking at all these wonderful gifts Valerie! And what a stunning sunrise, more blessings!

  6. Wonderful gifts amiga. Stopped by to wish you the best in 2014 and to thank you for stopping by my blog, it is very much appreciated. I also want you to know that I love your work and have enjoyed reading your posts this past year. Take care of yourself.::hugs::

  7. Wunderschöne Sachen hast du bekommen! Ich freue mich sehr für dich!
    Ein traumhafter Sonnenaufgang...großartig fotografiert!
    GLG, LonettA

  8. Oh what lovely things and I am certain you will enjoy using all of them.

    Beautiful sunrise photographs. It must be wonderful to wake up that view though not so wonderful when you have wind and rain and have to go shopping.

    Have a lovely day today-we have to go shopping :(

    Chrissie xx

    1. I hope it will not be so wet for you than it is here just now!

  9. I wonder what the postie was thinking doing all those deliveries ... "Not another parcel!" Lol. What a wonderful selection of gifts and your photos are fab. I'm off to visit the in-laws for a couple of days (can you hear my groan!) so will prob not be online. Hope you have a fun couple of days will all your new goodies. Take care. Xx

  10. traumhafte Post für eine traumhafte Person!
    Ich freu mich mit Dir!
    das ist so liebevoll von den Freunden!

  11. Belated birthday wishes, looks like you got to celebrate in style. xox

  12. I love your pictures Valerie - I would say you are lucky to have so many good friends but I know that luck has nothing to do with it. You are such a pleasure to follow. Wonderful walk, delicious looking food and your really good artwork. I am sure you are a good friend to a lot of people too! Happy New Year Valerie!!

  13. Beautiful cards and gifts! Enjoy :) Happy New Year ! Shirleyx

  14. Gosh Valerie, what amazing presents from all the lovely ladies! Very impressive.
    What fabulous skyscapes, especially the first one.

  15. Lucky you :)

    You could open a shop!!!!

    I hope you have a wonderful 2014.

    Karen x

  16. What gorgeous photos, the colors are amazing! What wonderful gifts too!

  17. Great to see all the lovely gifts and cards you received. You are a very special person, that must be why so many people want to share with you dear! Good that you enjoyed it all. Big hugs, ~Diane

  18. Lots of wonderful things to be thankful for there Valerie :) what a lucky lady
    Von ♥

  19. Happy Birthday! You must've been beaming with all that happy mail. Hope your day was wonderful!!

  20. Your dawn photos are gorgeous, and what wonderful gifts your friends have sent you. I hope you had a great Christmas full of love and happiness. Happy New Year Valerie.

  21. Ganz fantastische Fotos!
    Ich freue mich, dass so viele an dich gedacht haben an deinem Geburtstag!

  22. Oh My! How absolutely magical to receive such lovely gifts from wonderful friends. That should keep you going for awhile. hugs, Donna


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