Friday 6 December 2013

First snow

Hi everybody!
After the storm came an icy wind, and that brought us snow. I woke up this morning and saw the first flakes falling, and shot out onto my balcony with pyjamas and bare feet to get a picture.
(Yes, I know that I should have put something on first, but I didn't!)

 After I was dressed in my warm woolies, coat, hat, boots, scarves and gloves, I ventured out for a walk along the Rhine, where the wind was so cold I thought it was biting my ears, and then as I got to the Christmas Market, it started to snow again, and I proudly present my pictures of the market with real snow!

By the time I had done my shopping at the Friday market the snow had turned into rain, which made a slippery mess which was unpleasant to walk on, so I was glad to get back home into the warmth and enjoy a cup of cappuccino.

This beautiful card arrived here this week from Lynne.
She always makes the most gorgeous cards in her own and very particilar style, and I am happy to have this one here on my desk.

And this wonderful piece of lace with St paul's cathedral came with it. She knows how much I miss my beloved London, and I have ideas for turning this into a wall hanging for my bedroom, perhaps with corrugated card and some old printed paper and...and....

It was even tied up with lace:

 I am showing again some journal pages painted 2 years ago, as they seem to be appropriate to the season:

I am linking to Paper Saturdays.

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fantastic post. Love the pictures, the geese and of course, the wonderful card and lace from Lynne - enjoy. We had snow, rain and lots of wind here, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. We had our first snow today too. The market looks lovely but I do hope those are leaves hanging on the tree and not bats! What a gorgeous gift from Lynne, I've never seen a piece of lace like that before. And finally, need I comment on the birds.. Quack! Xx

  3. Huhu Valerie... so schöne Bilder - bei uns liegt schon ein wenig mehr... nun gut....
    es ist Winter...ich brauch das nicht wirklich unbedingt... aber soll sein.. ich füge mich der weissen Pracht!
    Hauptsache der Orkan möge uns alle verschonen .. leider sind ja schon einige Tote ..

    Deine Gänse sind Hammer....

    fiel mir gleich ein lustiges Werbeplakat einer Geflügelfirma ein :

    I HATE MARTINI .... sagte da sie Gans!

    hab einen schönen Samstag ..und genieße weiterhin den Schnee, aber aufpassen, wenn es glatt wird... da kann ich ein Lied davon singen mit einem Marknagel in meinem Unterschenkel!

  4. Love your fun pages and the card from Lynn is beautiful. Gorgeous piece of lace too, can't wait to see that all done up! Your snow pictures are beautiful, I feel sad for the people who have to work at the market out in the elements all day long. Glad you are safe and warm. Hugs, ~Diane

  5. Lovely snowy pics Valerie and sorry about the rain which we've had tons of here.
    Lucky you as Lynne's card and pressie look beautiful and I love your duck pages which brought a much needed smile to my face.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  6. Great pictures of the market with the snow and the flashes of colour.
    I like your ducks and I'm glad they have got themselves organised for a Christmas getaway.

  7. Pretty pictures and it surely does look chilly outside! Love the little ducks, so darn cute! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  8. That first photo with the snow is amazing certainly worth the cold feet amazing how you captured the flakes. The market looks like a fairytail simply magical.Love the humor in this really made me smile.


  9. Forgot to say wow for the gorgeous gifts from Lynne what a lovely generous lady she is.


  10. Loved reading this post, Snowy scenes, a traditional market, super pages with a fun quote, and a gorgeous piece of lace. All a delight to look at.
    Yvonne x

  11. the market looks magical now, too bad it got mushy, Beautiful gift card you got, wow. And cute pages!

  12. First snow is always beautiful and magical--the market looks stunning bathed in white! We may have a bit of a dusting by tomorrow morning ourselves. Have a great weekend!

  13. Diese verrückten Künstler die laufen barfuss auf den Balkon, um das Schneetreiben zu fotografieren, hehe....ich kanns verstehn ;) Das Bild ist auch ganz besonders geworden...hat ja sogar rote Flocken drin :D Wunderbare Geschenke, die Du da bekommen hast ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  14. The snow looks so pretty. I love the look of fresh fallen snow and enjoy a walk on a crisp winter day. However I'm always happy when Spring arrives again :) You have a wonderful view from your balcony and the market looks magical. The card from Lynn is gorgeous, I love her style. Your journal page is fun, it made me smile, great painting! Have a great weekend, Shirleyxs

  15. We are south of London and haven't seen any snow yet, some white frosts though. Love your pictures of the market, the scenery always changes with a white covering doesn't it? Great pages in your journal and a beautiful card and lace from Lynne.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  16. Oh you got snow--makes me feel cold just looking at the pictures. It does look magical as well sot hanks for sharing them.

    Beautiful card and London gift you received.

    The pages made me laugh-love the images of the ducks.

    Have agreat day

    Love Chrissie x

  17. OOoh der Schnee ist ja klasse,Bissi geschneit hat es hier auch schon.
    die Spitzendecken mit der kirche drauf ist ganz bezaubernd,schönen Weihnachtsmarkt habt ihr,unser wird nur noch zum saufen genutzt,das finde ich schade,und geh nicht mehr gern hin.
    die seiten sind ja auch witzig *gg*Süsse gänse.

    GLG Jeannette

  18. You took some beautiful photos of the snow! Stay warm and dry. And that card and lace that you received are the most wonderful and thoughtful gifts! I loved seeing your pages from your art journal, too. You are so talented!!!!

  19. It all looks so magical. We had a flutter of snow on Thursday, during that awful storm but it did not remain for too long.
    You are sweet sharing my wee card and gift. I immediately thought of you as, yes, I do know how much you miss London and also knew that in your hands you could transform this panel into something amazing.
    Your pages did make me laugh. I wonder if they will seek shelter in my home over Christmas, it would be safe enough for them :)

  20. Hey Sugar - it is nice to sit here, relax and go for our walk. You do the work and I do the enjoying. I am so appreciative of your photographs. I have heard for so long about the marvelous Christmas markets in Germany. At least with your photographs I can get some idea. I did not know you missed London so much and I am envying your life style. I would love to walk surrounded by history and wonderful architecture. Glorious gates and walk ways. Yes I know I am a romantic! But I also love the pictures of your delicious looking cooking and then there is your artistic side that brought me here in the first place. It really is a pleasure for me Valerie. Lynne's card is so pretty and very Unique. The lace with St. Paul's cathedral is spectacular.
    Your ducks made me laugh - if I had to eat duck I would be a vegetarian too - rich meat that's for sure. Your painting looks great!

    1. Thanks Sandy, It is pretty here, and I love it, but I am still always homedick for London, and would gladly go back there if it were possible!

  21. Fabulous Christmas market photos...I would love to see them...One of these years hubby and I will go have Christmas in your part of the world....just to see all the festivity. Love your ducks. xox

  22. Schöne winterliche Fotos... nur wenn´s matschig wird sieht es sehr trist aus! Deine Gänse sind klasse! Und schöne geschenke hast du bekommen! Ein schönes Wochenende für dich! LG, LonettA

  23. Hi Valerie,
    Love the pics of your first snow. The market is so Christmasy. The card from your friend Lynn is beautiful along with the lace. Your design will be so pretty with it. Love the sweet duck paintings. Too cute.
    Thank you for sharing your first snow. I am about to do a post on our first ice!! LOL
    Stay warm.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  24. I am so happy to see your snow first snow photos. It looks so pretty.. And I enjoyed your creations as well..


  25. I love your drawings Valerie! I am jealous I want snow instead of rain. Happy Paper Saturdays. ManonX


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