Saturday 7 December 2013

Rain, Mist and Mince Pies.

Hi everybody!

It's been a cold, grey and damp day here, but I forced myself to go for a walk this morning, and in spite of a very chill wind, in the end I enjoyed it. I had the Rhine tow path all for me, even the ducks were hiding somewhere! But somehow the grey and misty landscape is still most appealing, and I always feel very virtuous after walking in the rain - and very wet, too!

For AJJ I have made another journal spread for light / dark.  I painted the background with blue, purple and black paint remnants, and sprinkled on some glitter while it was still wet. The theme of light and dark reminded me of the Creation, where everything was dark and  chaos till God created light. The Hebrew text I have used is part of Genesis 1, verses 1 & 3 - 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...
And God said, 'let it be light' and it was light.
I drew the stars, suns  and planets with metallic pens in gold and silver, although in the creation story the heavenly bodies actually arrive a day or so later  - artistic license!
It was fun to do a different take on the theme.

At So Artful Challenges the theme this month is to design a  postage stamp with a holiday or winter theme. I have digitally altered some photos. The home made mince pies - which were really delicious! - have provided the stage for my scene, aided and abetted by my Christmas hat:

This was a fun challenge, especially clearing away all those little pies....Next time I will save you some!

Have a good day you all, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. eine ganz besonders schöne Seite Valerie zum Thema Licht und Schatten und Deine Rheinbilder sind so schön.... war schon erschrocken... Du weisst ja mein Englsch ist nicht das Alerbeste.... walkng in the Rhine... ich dachte schon Du gehst Kneippen bei den
    also dass Du mir nichts von diesen Plätzchen aufgehoben hast finde ich jetzt aber schon etwas ungalant! Du weisst doch was für eine Naschkatze ich bin...
    tolle Briefmarkenidee!!!
    schönen Sonntag Valerie!

    1. Ich gehe schon manchmal planschen, aber heute war ich nur auf dem Weg und nicht im Wasser!

  2. The photos are lovely, perhaps a bit melancholy, fitting to the time of year. Love your light/dark picture, and the digi-photos are great. How could you eat all those pies without me? Hugs, Sarah

  3. Fantastic designer stamp Valerie and another super page. Love the misty photos.

  4. Wenn ich mir deine Fotos anschaue, kann ich ja glatt dem Nebel etwas abgewinnen.
    Und deine AJJ Seite ist zusammen mit den Versen aus Genesis -um biblisch zu bleiben- eine Offenbarung! Danke für diese tolle Idee!

    1. Auf jeden Fall ein Versuch schöpferisch zu sein!

  5. Oh, great stamps, Valerie, complete with postmarks. Hope it wasn't too stressful making and eating the mince pies in the cause of great art. I like your twinkling stars and the red ones too. I did say this morning that it would be interesting to see your postage stamp and you haven't disappointed me!

    1. I am always ready to sacrifice myself for my art, but my neighbours helped with the mince pies!

    2. Lucky neighbours, the mince pies look delicious.

  6. What a wonderful take on the theme Valerie :)
    Von ♥

  7. What a wonderful page. And I LOVE your photos my friend..


  8. Just beautiful. Love this post and would love to be there at the Rhine on a starry starry night. Thanks Valerie. Your mince pies look delicious.:)

  9. lovely work, the mince pies are sooo distracting, I want one! Beautiful photos, they don't look freezing!

  10. Love the inspired journal page and your stamps are a digital masterpiece. Love them too.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  11. A mysterious mist on the Rhine Valerie--great pics you managed to take.

    What a wonderful light/dark page as well.

    I can smell the mince pies from here--yummy.

    Love Chrissie x

    1. The pies are all gone, next week I will have to make some more - but just to take more photos, of course!

  12. Hi valerie,

    deine Mond und Sternen Seite finde ich gaanz genial,hat es was vom planetarium.
    die Nebelbilder gefallen mir auch seehr gut,ich finde das hat immer sowas geheimnisvolles mystisches das mag ich sehr gern,und hach die kekse sehen ja leeecker aus*yummy*ich möchte heute auch welche backen,habe mir gestern schon alle zutaten gekauft,ich mache Butterplätzchen,Zimtsterne und Vanillekipferl.

    Wünsch dir einen schönen 2.Advnedt :-)

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Wenn es nicht so weit wäre würde ich mal schnell vorbeit kommen, Vanillekipferl sind meine lieblings Plätzchen!

  13. Wunderschöne Stimmungsvolle Fotos - und die Idee mit der Marke finde ich super!

  14. Sehr schöne Fotos und die Plätzchen sehen wirklich sehr lecker aus, liebe Valerie!

    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen 2.Advents-Sonntag!

  15. Love what you have made, a fantastic journal spread, and the photos and the stamps you have made from them are great - the post shoud have you as designer! Save me some pies next time! Hugs, Barb

  16. What a great stamp, and those pies look delicious! The journal spread is beautiful and meaningful too! ~Diane

  17. Hi Valerie, Your journal pages are wonderful. Love the color and the technique you used. The stamp is outstanding. You have certainly met the challenge. The pies look delicious.
    I enjoyed the pics from your walk too. It looks as cold as it feels here. We had a little warm up but cold again tonight and the ice still here.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  18. Beautiful journal pages and photo's. Love the stamps, especialy the Happy ... stamp. Happy indeed =)
    xx Monique

  19. Well you should feel virtuous - your walks are a real act of love and you know how I enjoy them. The river looks high and a little rough. Your pies look so good. You must be the best cook or did you fudge and get them at the Christmas market?
    Gorgeous journal pages and your writing in Hebrew makes it even more special. I love seeing the Hebrew letters - so mysterious to me since I can not read them. But in my heart I do believe that's the way it should be - mysterious. I saw some of the Dead Sea Scrolls one time - amazing.
    A good visit today Valerie!
    Hope you are having wonderful holidays kid!

    1. I NEVER buy cakes - much too expensive and mine taste better! And I know what I put into them!

  20. Your work here is gorgeous, Valerie! The Hebrew text you've used is beautiful.

  21. The best part of walking in the rain is coming home to a hot cuppa whatever and a little snack! The little mince pies are adorable! I love the creation piece.

  22. lovely page..havent made my mince pies yet but have been baking bread

  23. Those little pies look amazing, and I love your drawing of the universe. So dreamy and fun!

  24. lekker briefmarken;) gefallen mir sehr!


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