Tuesday 17 December 2013

Double Tuesday again

Hi everybody!
Today it's time for new challenges at Tag Tuesday and Try it on Tuesday.
At Tag Tuesday our theme this week is 'starry skies'. I thought of Van Gogh straightaway, and decided to do something in his style, at least a pale imitation of it. I had a square of paper painted with dark blues left over from last week, so went to work, and drew a similar picture freehanded, putting in some of the elements VG uses. I used black ink, pastels, felt pens and a fine, white highlighter. Then I could have kicked myself in the butt, because I remembered it should be a TAG! So, I hacked it into three pieces, mounted them onto gold card, and made a triptych 'starry night'.

At Try it on Tuesday our theme for the next 2 weeks is 'trees', so hope lots of you will be brimming with good ideas to join in the challenge.
I used a photo I took near the Rhine a couple of years back. This little path always reminds me of Narnia, because of the lanterns and trees, but it's not! I painted some peeled, corrugated card with white and put some glitter on it.  The photo has been matted with blue miri card and silver card. I added a vintage image of Saant carryng a Christmas tree, and various blue and silver embellishments, a shabby bow and some bobble band for snow. This is my December calendar page.

I am also linking to Fashionable stamping challenges, holiday spirit.

Today the sun rose at about the same time as I did, so I shot out onto the balcony to get some pics of the wonderful, clear sky:

This was a wonderful beginning to my day, and I was able to enjoy a long, sunny walk after I had drunk enough coffee to get going!

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Good Morning Val. What fabulous tags. I love the trees and the little Santa image is perfect. As always your pictures give me great joy. As I love the stunning scenery. Enjoy your Day. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  2. That is a wonderful clear sky! Lovely creative tags and page!

  3. Oohh was für schöne tags,das dunkle blau gefällt mir sehr gut,die karte ist auch klasse.
    tolle Bilder hast du wieder mit gebracht,gehst du eigentlich immer schon sehr früh los zum spazieren??Die aufgehende sonne ist traumhaft,ich sollte auch öfter mal in die Natur wieder gehen.
    hab einen schönen tag :-)

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Die Bilder am morgen mache ich von meinem Balkon, Ich brauche dafür nicht mal raus zu gehen!

  4. Love your Van Gogh tags, wonderfully made, and the Santa and the trees picture is great, too, lovely photo in the background. Your sunrise photos are wonderful! I can imagine you shivering on your balcony to get them! Hugs, Sarah

  5. Wonderful tags you made from the picture you created Valerie. The Calendar page is also stunning. I can't believe the photograph you used in the background as it is almost the same as one I took a few years ago and was working with yesterday--you will see that soon lol.

    Now to the wonderful photographs and the joy they bring. The ones today are wonderful. Wish we had the bright blue sky that you show there and the bright orange thing in the middle-I am hopeful that we may see that here today:)

    Enjoy whatever you are doing

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Chrissie, that bright orange thing is called SUN! Hope very much it shines on you today!

  6. Wow, great post today, love your tag triptych and the December Santa page is gorgeous too! What a glorious morning sky that is. I hope you enjoyed your walk. ~Diane

  7. Wonderful tribute to the great van Gogh! Deine Fotos liebe ich ja sowieso, wir haben heute auch strahlenden Sonnenschein.
    LG Anja

  8. Well your painting looks fabulous as a triptych and Santa looks fab walking in his winter wonderland. Xx

  9. Starry nights and fabulous skies. Beautiful. I am in a most happy Christmas mood after seeing your work. xox

  10. Valerie, your Santa card is fabulous. Love your photo used for the background.


  11. Fabulous Val-Gogh, and you proved the old adage true again (a mistake is a design opportunity).
    Your Santa picture, using your own photo is terrific, I do like all your embellis.

  12. das sind alles ganz wundervolle Arbeiten Valerie!
    sagenhaft schön!

  13. Valerie your tag trio is wonderful. Love the Santa design with your photo. Fabulous design.
    Walking pics are always wonderful too.
    XO Celestina Marie

  14. I am in love with your Van Gogh inspired Tags! I discover the dark blue too these days...I don´t like it so much in the past....the christmascard is soooo gorgeous! You are so creativ with it! and then the sunrisesky...how I looove these colors!! Und schon wieder Englisch...es ist einfach klasse, wie durch das Bloggen das Englische so in meinen Sprachgebrauch übergegangen ist, obwohl ich es nie so gut gelernt habe ;) Wünsche Dir ein schönes besinnliches Weihnachten Valerie ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  15. A lovely calendar page, Christmas Joy hugs Bee

  16. HI Valerie, Love the way you have used this photo with the Santa image, fabulous.
    Love the 'starry night' trypich too.
    Avril xx

  17. Good afternoon Valerie. Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite artist period, The minute I saw your work I knew what it was. You are indeed talented and I would say that your "kick yourself in the butt moment" really was a blessing because I think your triptych is fabulous. The gold tags are very elegant to go with your painting. I can see we have enjoyed some of the same books. And I certainly underdstand why the path reminds you of Narnia. Beautiful make and gorgeous pictures. Hope all is well with you. It is too warm to be Christmas here - oh dear. I so wanted snow.

  18. Great early morning shots Valerie - you early bird!! Love your narnia footpath - great combination of a photo and added elements. x

  19. Love your view on Narnia, and how you used one of your lovely photos to create a wonderful winter scene. The three tags look fantastic, very brave of you to cut the beautiful original piece to make them.
    Yvonne x

  20. Your starry night tags are awesome! I always think of the saying from an artist...no mistakes, only happy accidents. Your photo is a beautiful background for the Santa card.

  21. Gorgeous art work, Valerie! Love the photo you used to create such a lovely Christmas scene and thank you for sharing it with us at FSC! Would just love to go on one of your walks! Hugs!

  22. Das van Gogh Bild sieht phantastisch aus und die Idee, daraus Tags zu machen ist echt sehr inspirierend und einmalig! Einmalig sind auch jedesmal Deine Photos! Sind die immer in Kaiserswerth geknipst? Hach, als ich klein war, ist meine Omma ja manchmal mit mir auf dem Schiffchen von Düsseldorf nach Kaiserswerth zum Kaffee trinken gefahren. Das ist ungefähr hundert Jahre her, gehört aber zu meinen schönsten Erinnerungen und manchmal bilde ich mir ein, das eine oder andere auf Deinen Photos aus meinen Kinderträumen wieder zu erkennen. Also knips bitte weiter so schöne Sachen, auch wenn ich nicht oft Kommentare schreibe. Ich habe Deinen Newsletter abonniert und mache immer gleich die Email auf, wenn ein neuer Post da ist. Ganz viele liebe Grüße aus Bayern von Stefanie

  23. Love the trees and corrugate card board. Merry Christmas!
    Hugz, Z

  24. IN LOVE with all your cards and tags! Absolutely gorgeous. hugs, Donna


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