Thursday 5 December 2013

Dark and light again

Hi everybody!
We had some nice days this week, very cold, but with sunshine, and I made the most of it and went out as much as possible. Today we have been promised storm and gale force winds, and in northern Germany they are expecting a hurricane and storm floods, so I hope everyone stays safe.

I have made another journal spread for Paint Party Friday and for Art Journal Journey. I seem to be using a lot of bright colours just now, perhaps inspired by the wonderful Autumn colours round about us.
The quote I have used is from J.K.Rowling, 'Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix', and is spoken in the book by Sirius Black, Harry's Godfather. I am enjoying using silhouettes without colouring them in, it's a different effect, and fits well to the theme of light and dark. The background has been painted with all the acrylic paints I had on the counter, and then sprayed with some home made inks. I stamped into it while it was still wet, just transferring colour from one place to another, and on the dark colours it gives a negative effect. I enhanced the colours with pastels to make them glow. This was a fun piece to make.

I walked along the Rhine a lot this week, it always does me good to be near the water, watch the gulls and ducks, and see and hear the ships and barges chugging by. Some trees still have a lot of leaves, others are almost stripped, and I think a lot of the remaining leaves will be gone with the wind after the storm.

I like this view of the castle ruins through the trees:

The Church of Saint Swidbert:

And this tree fascinates me with its abundance of colour:

Last but not least, a photo taken of the window of the cafe and bakery, situated by the Christmas market. I love the display of gingerbread men and houses,some of which are good one metre high, and all are edible....sigh! I like the reflections of the tree and street lantern, too.

Have a good weekend, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your journal pages are glowing like a sunny autumn day! Really beautiful, love the photos too. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  2. wow.. was für ein genialer Spruch und wie begnadet Du hier gespielt hast ! Grossartig!
    Die Bilder sind auch wieder wudnerschön - ich liebe die Impressionen..bei uns ist schon abslut WInter...
    zuerst Reif gestern ...wunderschön anzusehen und bitterkalt und heute Nacht war Schnee- ist alles angepudert ..auch sehr schön.. ich bange wegen dem Orkan , der angekündigt ist in Norddeutschland ...
    aber wenn ich ehrlich bin - ich glaube den Wettermänner nie was wirklich.. so eine brotlose Kunst wie das immer ist!
    Ich hab auch so Angst vor Sturm, als wir hier im August 2012 einen Orkan hatten und ich das erste Mal im Leben so eine Naturgewalt miterlebt habe ( wir hatten großes Glück --nur eine Riesentanne vom Nachbarn fiel in unseren Vorgarten und eine Fensterscheibe war kaputt -
    hier waren ganz viel große Schäden rundum....) seither ist mir Sturm und Unwetter näher in den Geist gerückt...
    ich drücke die Daumen, dass es sich verzieht über dem Meer....

    1. Ja, es ist hart, wenn man Angst um Leib und Leben haben muss, und ich hoffe auch sehr, dass es weniger schlimm wird als beim letzten Mal.

    2. Zum Wetter hier oben im Norden kann ich sagen, dass der Sturm nicht so schwer war wie angekündigt und Schnee war bei uns kaum dabei. Es sind schon einige Schäden entstanden. Die Halligen, Kleinst-inseln in der Nordsee hatten Landunter und Orte ohne Hochwasserschutz z. B. Häfen wurden überspült. Die Nordseeküste insgesamt ist sehr gut geschützt!

      Grossartige Idee und Umsetzung! Deine Fotos sind immer eine Augenweide!
      Liebe Grüsse

  3. Fantastic page ago Valerie and I was thinking about us all having a dark side and a light side yesterday--haven't a clue what sort of page I will end up with though lol I love yours and the figures you draw are terrific.

    The photographs are wonderful as usual-clever that you got the reflection of the tree in the window--love it

    Have a great day
    Chrissie x

    1. The figures here were drawn with home made stencils. It is always useful to have a stock of them ready for different projects!

  4. Großartig! Und dazu der wunderbare Spruch!! Ganz, ganz toll! LG, LonettA

  5. WOW,das ist ja großartig,diese seiten gefallen mir bisher am besten..hat sowas mystisches dramatisches,das mag ich unheimlich gern,mir bangt es auch vor dem Orkan,bisher stürmt es schon ganz schön doll und alles wackelt,ich hoffe das es nicht allzu krass wird.
    deine Bilder sind wider sehr schön,ich liebe die Natur und Tiere.

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Ich hoffe dass es nicht zu schlimm wird für Dich, bleib schön zu Hause!

  6. Ja,ich werde es versuchen,muss unbedingt noch zum Backen was einkaufen,und zum Weihnachtsmarkt wollte ich morgen auch mal,ich hoffe das fällt nicht ins Wasser alles *grmpf*

  7. Lovely pages, beautiful backgrounds, fall colours for sure. And what a fantasy window that is, like a fairytale!

  8. Love your burst of autumn colors in your journal pages! The white outlining really makes the people pop! We had a little bit of fall colors and now all the leaves have fallen! Beautiful photos and I do love that bakery window!!! Hugs!

  9. Those are lovely pages! I really like the starkness of the figures in white against a colourful background. Hope the weather hasn't been too bad :)

  10. Valerie your journal pages are amazing. I am enjoying this style you have been sharing with the figures. Love the colors. Your walk photos are beautiful and looks like it was a gorgeous day. The calm before the storm maybe? I hope all are safe through the storms you are expecting.
    We are bracing for ice and it is already very cold.
    Tis the season!!
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  11. Beautiful pages, I love the silhouettes, very striking colors and I do love your quote too. Beautiful walk, you make us all want to come visit Germany! The shop window is fabulous, post card perfect! Glad you got a chance to get some air. Hugs, ~Diane

  12. Love the photos! And I really like the silhouettes on colorful background. :)

  13. Love the silhouette people and the quote matches the pages so well. Super photos and those Gingerbread houses look rather special.
    Yvonne x

  14. Love the journal pages particulary how the light flows through the figures. Wonderful photos too.

  15. Striking pages Valerie and beautiful photos. TFS.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  16. Smashing pages Valerie and great photos. Happy PPF, Annette x

  17. Great pages and I love the photos!

  18. You created a beautiful effect in your painting! Smartly done:)

  19. Yes, very interesting background with silhouettes! The photos are gorgeous, especially the first!

  20. Very special! Love how you did the silhouettes!

  21. Wunderbarsind Deine bunten Seiten, besonders wo das Wetter zur Zeit oft so dunkel war.
    Besonders freue ich mich über die vielen schönen Rheinbilder *Heimwehseufz* ich wünsch Dir noch viele schöne Spaziergänge:-)
    LG Anja

    1. De werde ich haben! Und immer mit Fotoapparat dabei!

  22. Great subject ! Thanks for sharing the pics of the day trip. I wish I could visit during christmas - so festive.

  23. Dein Thema Licht und Schatten ist immer noch in so vielen Facetten zu sehen, das ist herrlich. Ich kann förmlich die vielen Gedanken aufblitzen sehen, wenn ich Deine Bilder anschaue! Danke schön liebe Valerie.
    Deine Rheinbilder entzücken mich auch immer wieder auf´s Neue. Ein herrlicher Fluß und das eine Bild, wo Du zwischen den Bäumen hindurch fotografiert hast, könnte auch an der Elbe aufgenommen worden sein. Aber hier gibt es natürlich keine Burgen, wie am Rhein. Ich vermisse diesen Fluß hier,
    Viele liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende wünscht Dir

  24. Wunderschöne Farben hast du gewählt, Valerie! Auch der Spruch passt wunderbar dazu.
    Danke auch für die stimmungsvollen Fotos.

  25. Hi Val, lovely journal pages again, gorgeous colours and idea as always. Great photos too! Hugs, Barb

  26. Your journal spread is really interesting. The people seem to be glowing with some mysterious energy. You are so lucky to be in Germany at Christmas going to the Christmas market. Those Gingerbread houses are so adorable! Happy PPF

  27. Hi Valerie. Wow it is beautiful there, just magical really. Love the silhouettes and in fact I'm working on a page with just that. I would love to be sitting there looking out that window. Thank you for the journey along your path. Have a wonderful day. ::hugs::

  28. These are wonderful journal pages and I loved your photos. (Would love to join you at those Christmas markets).

  29. Love those pages and love that quote! Beautiful photo's again. You live in a wonderful place =)
    xx Monique

  30. Love the intense colors of your pages and the contrasting simple silhouettes Valerie. And danke for taking us along on your walk-how gorgeous!!

  31. Beautiful art journal pages. Love you photography as well.

  32. I really like the silhouettes against the bright colours, the photographs are so rich and colourful too, the Rhine looks so pretty.

  33. Love those silhouettes and they look amazing with the colors you have used, I don't know but for some reason they remind me of something from Doctor Who !!!!!


  34. Love the journal pages♥♥♥♥♥ Great color and quotes! I always love looking at your photos... you take such lovely walks ♥

  35. Wonderful journal page art and true! Your photography is beautiful and the gingerbread houses look amazing. My son has just made one at school :)

  36. Wonderful quote and artwork!! Love love love the photos too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  37. I enjoy your pages so much. They are life inspiring. You sharing your time out in nature and sharing that with us is wonderful. It is so pretty there. Thank you

  38. So eyecatching the shapes and glowing colors you use! Your photos are amazing and very inspiring too!! Haha wieder Englisch...egal...das Bild mit der Laterne gefällt mir am besten :) ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  39. Hello kindred..I love your gorgeous art and the powerful message! Love the two intriguing figures and the intensity they hold..beautiful!
    Wonderful stunning...always a magical adventure you share!
    Wishing you a beautiful day!

  40. Wonderful pages and photographs!

  41. You truly make me want to be there. I love reflections, always trying to draw them, but alas, it's going to take a miracle. Beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing so much of your beautiful area. Blessings, Janet PPF

  42. What a wonderful post! Your journal pages look haunting and thought provoking, and the photos are beautiful! I especially like the gingerbread houses in the windows - ours are not the same shapes at all. We do not have the steep pitched rooflines on ours here in Missouri, USA :)


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