Sunday 8 December 2013

Duck Tales and Owls

Hi everybody!
Today was another rainy Sunday, but it was much milder than the past couple of days, so I enjoyed my rainy walk. I went to Schloss Kalkum again. As I got to the duck-pond, they all started squawking and trying to push each other out of the way to come over to see me - perhaps they knew I would have some bread and lettuce leaves in my bag? They were behaving really human, like people at the sales, so funny!
I then walked down to the Rhine, and along the tow path. As I got to the corner of Market street, 3 ducks came waddling out at top speed, ran to the edge and sprang into the water, quacking most indignantly. They were followed by a large, brown dog, pulling his 2 legged Tin-Opener on the leash behind him, and the dog yowled with frustration when he saw that his prey had escaped. The man, however, seemed  relieved, and tugged the dog off in the other direction.

At Mix it Monthly, Conny wants to see the colours red, yellow and green (yikes, Conny!) and an owl.
I painted some pages, which had already been prepared with book scraps and gesso, with various yellows,greens and blues, and sprayed in some red ink. The owls have been made using templates which I won last year and haven't used yet, shame on me. I made one white one and one dark one, as I wanted this to fit to the theme of light and dark at AJJ, too. I added some texture to the white one using some puff paint, and the black one got all excited and said he wanted some too, so I gave him a few spots on his ears, eye and nose.

 This was fun to make, perhaps I will use those templates again!

Have a good day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I really enjoy the photographs of your walks Valerie...........and ooooh loving those owls, Annette x

  2. My OH has gone out, so I have the computer for half an hour! Love your duck picture and tales, and the owl pages are lovely, too! Like that verse, so true! Hugs, sarah

  3. Ooohh ,deine Eulchen sind ja Zucker süss,schön finde ich auch den tollen bunten Hintergrund dazu,einfach ganz,ganz großartig deine seiten.
    ich bin heute leider noch nicht dazu gekommen,kekse zu backen *schäm*hatte noch soviel im Haushalt zu tuen,dann habe ich Gulasch gekocht*puuh*
    Jetzt gönne ich mir erst mal ein Päuschen und trinke einen Cafe.

    wenn du nicht soweit weg wärst,hätte ich dir ein paar kekse vorbei gebracht.morgen backe ich aber definitiv.

    wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend :-)

    GLG Jeannette

    1. Okay, Gulasch ist auch was feines, aber ich habe mich auf Vanille Kipferl eingeschossen!! Morgen backe ich auch, diesmal Shortbread, yummy!

  4. Superschön geworden, deine Eulen. Und du hast so eine tolle Handschrift!!
    LG Gabriele

  5. Valerie mir geht das Herz auf, wenn ich Deine zwei Eulchen fluffig und weise, wie sie da sitzen ;) Auch der Hintergrund ist echt stark und der Spruch ist sowas von meiner :) ganz wunderbar!!! Bei Deiner Entengeschichte musste ich ja auch schmunzeln, wie süss...ich bin immer begeistert, Deine kleinen Geschichten zu lesen! Danke für Deinen herzlichen Beitrag zu Mix It Monthly ♥ Conny

  6. fabelhaft -- das sieht aus, als würden beide auf ein und demselben Baum sitzen.. einmaliges Gestaltung Valerie...
    und der Spruch....
    extrem WEISE!





  7. Great that the ducks know you now and wait to be fed--

    What fantastic pages for your journal. Love the owls anf the ivy leaves

    Pleased you had a good day

    Love Chrissie x

  8. OOOOH, I love those owls, they look fabulous! Like your little ducks too. ~Diane

  9. Oh fabulously made owls, very good, they look very wise and the black one does look quite excitable and he's maybe a bit more talkative once he's had a few.

    1. Yes, I think he was getting high on the fumes from the Edding pen!

  10. I really love your owls Valerie and they're perfectly balanced being black and white and your duck story is so funny. Xx

  11. your owls are so cute! High adventure at the pond!

  12. Love your owls on your painted pages and what fun with the ducks. x

  13. Hi. Valerie love those gorgeous owls and the background is amazing. Those ducks are so cheeky I have 3 crows that wait for everyday on our local Heath where I walk my dog those cheeky crows love dog treats lol

  14. Those owls are such fun and I like the addition of the puff paint.

  15. Your Duck tales and Owes have me smiling.. I LOVE the way your owls turned out. Well done my friend.


  16. Wie zauberhaft deine Eulen sind!! Großartig ... auch dieser weise Spruch! Wieder ein so wunderbarer Post! LG, LonettA

  17. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Deine Eulen sind so besonders in weiß und schwarz. Ich gestehe, die weiße Eule hat es mir angetan, bin richtig verliebt in sie und wie sie gemalt ist. Dazu noch so schöne Worte und schon lächele ich : )
    Viele liebe Grüße zu Dir und eine wundervolle Woche! Deine Erika

  18. Liebe Valerie,
    Deine Seiten sind der Hammer. Mir gefällt der farbige Hintergrund ebenso gut wie die tollen geliebten Eulen, ich bin ja bekennender Eulenfan! Die Seiten wirken insgesamt wunderbar lebendig.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine tolle Woche,
    lG Anja

  19. A fine walk and I am so glad the weather was a little more kind to you. Would love to see more of the village or town take your pick! What a you cooking on? You have to be making some good veggie soups in all this cold and rainy weather.
    Love your owls, especially the one winking. You got that right - I need to be more like an owl and then maybe I would become more wise! wink - wink! I do love the colorful back ground with the ivy. Very attracttive!

  20. Valerie, I love your owl pages and added snowy texture! That winking owl is quite the hoot! Beautiful photos and yes, dogs will do that! Have a wonderful week! Hugs!

    1. I know, my dog used to chase everything with wings, although I am pleased she was never successful!

  21. Oh I love your owls.....what a sweet spread. xox

  22. We can all learn a lesson from that wise old owl sometimes! Very pretty pages!

  23. Valerie what a great walking story. Love your owl pages and the saying. Really cute and I love the winking fellow! Have a great and creative day.Hugs

  24. Love your little owls, wise words indeed. Beautiful.
    xx Monique

  25. Brilliant pages Valerie, I love the puffy paint and the 'two legged tin opener ' made me splutter my coffee lol xx

  26. I think your owl was waiting for just the right occasion ~ these pages are fabulous!

  27. Beautiful pages, love your owl templates!!

  28. What a lucky girl you are to have those cute templates and I love the art you made with them!

  29. WOW! Love that owl template, but mostly I like what you didwith them, making one black and one white with that colorful background!

  30. Valerie, quote is perfect on your page. Great background, and cute owls representing dark and light!


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