Sunday 15 December 2013

No sun Sunday

Hi everybody!
It's another grey, damp and misty day here, so I will have to wrap up well when I take my walk later on.
Yesterday was just the same, The Rhine had almost no colour and just faded away into the distance:

These photos were taken on my Friday walk - what a difference the sun makes!

The smoking chimneys are in Duisburg, a neighbouring town, which also boasts the largest river port in the world.

And I love this picture of the people and dogs playing on the beach:

I received some pretty cards and presents this week, which definitely put some sunshine into my day.
This card is from Yvonne, a very talented lady, who delights us with her creations on several DTs. The image is printed on fabric.

And this beautiful ornament came with it, it has a wonderful sparkle, which was hard to capture in the photo:

These lovely ladies came to me from another lovely lady, Chrissie , who makes lovely cards, tags, bags, and quilting, as well as doing lots of walking and gardening.

This beautiful card with the vintage image came from her, too:
 I also have birthday cards from both these dear ladies, but want to save them till my birthday!

This gorgeous card and a die-cut poinsettia came from Carolyn, who not only makes wonderful cards, but is very skilled at digital work on photos, which I always admire very much.

So, a big THANK YOU to Yvonne, Chrissie and Carolyn!

And these beautiful felt ornaments were a gift from the chemist's when I collected my medicine on Friday. They are made of red felt, and each about 4 inches - aren't they nice?

That's all for today, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your first two photographs look like old sepia-coloured photos, they look rather good.
    Great cards from your friends, Valerie, and I do like the little gifts from your chemist.

  2. Hi Valerie, what gorgeous cards and gifts, Yvonne and Chrissie are obviously far more organised than I am! The older I get, the more of a "last minute Minny" I tend to be! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  3. Love the photos, with and without colour! It's a lovely place. Great gifts from your friends too, they make wonderful cards, too - you are all so talented, and I can't even draw a straight line! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Don't boast! You are the best cook I know, and that is saying something!

  4. Ooh ich liebe die photos,das erste grau in grau und neblig sieht etwas Mysterious und geheimnisvoll aus,aber das mag ich sehr,die andren Bilder mit dem traumhaften blau des Wassers sind so erfrischend und lebendig,echt klasse.
    Ohh und schöne Weihnachtspost hast du erhalten,tolle karten.
    ich wollte meine Weihnachtskarten Anfang nächster Woche verschicken,hoffe sie kommen dann rechtzeitig zum Heiligen fest.

    Schönen 3.Advendt :-)

    GLG Jeannette

  5. Was für schöne Fotos, Valerie!

    Das Leben an einem schönen Fluss ist wirklich etwas, das man nicht in Geld aufwiegen kann, nicht wahr? Ich liebe es auch, so oft ich will, an die alte Donau zu spazieren und mir ihre vielen Gesichter anzusehen, die je nach Wetter wechseln. Aber sie sind allesamt schön, finde ich, und am Wasser zu sein übt eine wunderbar beruhigende Wirkung auf mich aus. So eine Art Kraft-Quelle, wenns im Alltag (oder aus Gesundheitsgründen) zu hektisch wird.

    Ich wünsche dir eine schöne letzte Adventwoche und einen besinnlichen 3. Advent!

    Claudia x

  6. Danke, Claudia! Für mich ist der Rhein ein teil meines Lebens, das ich nicht vermissen möchte.

  7. Its amazing the look of a familiar scene can change in even a small amount of time. Great photos again Valerie. You got a better photo than I did of that ornament, glad you liked it. Presents from your chemist as well, we are lucky if they stop talking to each other to serve us.
    Have a good walk today.
    Yvonne x

    1. Oh dear, that doesn't sound good! Here there are lots of chemist's, all trying to attract customers, so they are generous!

  8. Such beautiful gifts! I love them all! And your photos are stunning - yes, the sun does make such a big difference!!! I also want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  9. Lovely gifts and cards from your friends, and the chemist - ours never give us anything! Great photos, too! Keep well, hugs, Barb

  10. You received beautiful cards! They are all wonderful. Will have to take time a little later today to check out their blogs. I'm heading outside to help my husband shovel snow we had a snow storm yesterday. It's pretty today:) Happy Sunday, Shirleyx

  11. Stunning photographs Valerie and such beautiful crafts/gifts from your crafty friends.

    Hubby and I sailed the Rhine from Basel to Amsterdam a couple of years ago and we hope to return to the Middle Rhine, which was stunning.

    Have a fab birthday when it comes

    Best wishes
    Annie x

  12. herrliche Aufnahmen und eine wundervolle Weihnachtswerkstatt hier zu bestaunen ... großartig!
    schöne neue Woche liebe Valerie!

  13. Beautiful cards for a beautiful person! These are all lovely and look like so much time and thought went into them. So sweet of them to make them for you, I will have to pop by their blogs later today. ~Diane

  14. lovely gifts to make up for the dismal weather! Wonderful time of year!

  15. These are lovely they make definitely up for the weather. It is raining cats and dogs here at the moment

  16. Hi Valerie, you received some gorgeous cards. I am sure they brought some sunshine your way. Love the felt ornaments too. Once again your photos are beautiful. We got the sun here today with a bit warmer weather. Have a great week.

  17. Just look at all the pretty card you received. So pretty. And I kinda like the photo with the fog. But they are all fabulous. Thanks for sharing.


  18. Your photographs certainly show all the wonderful colours that you find on your walks and I so look forward to seeing where you 'strayed' to each day.

    Lovely cards etc. for a very lovely lady friend.

    Have a great day

    Chrissie x

  19. Gorgeous cards you received! hugs, Donna


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