Tuesday 3 December 2013

Angels, Gingerbread Men and a Christmas Market

Hi everybody!
It's my 'Double Tuesday' again, time for a new challenge at Try it on Tuesdays and Tag Tuesday. At TIOT the theme is to make a gift card or a  handmade gift. I made a Christmas album using some wooden Gingerbread Men who have been pining away in my stash for years - they couldn't stop smiling when I brought them out. I covered them with some pretty paper, and 'iced' the edges, eyes and buttons - and the big smile - using puff paint, which puffs up when you put it in the oven use your heat gun. I cut the pages from some DP with stars and white card, and distressed the edges with gold ink before fixing it all together with a book ring. I dressed him up with some fancy ribbons, and gave him a Santa charm, which has also been in my stash for years, and hid away every Christmas  - but this time I got him!

You have 2 weeks to enter the challenge, so pop on over and link up some of your lovely creations!

At Tag Tuesday our new theme is 'angels' . I made another 3D angel tag using an old box which jumped out of the recycling bin at me. I painted the back and sides, inside and out with gold acrylic paint and added lots of glimmer. You can't see the sides here, but they will be visible when I hang it up - there is a loop on the back. I made a window from gold card. The inside back has been lined with blue miri-card and gold netting. Then I added lots of vintage angel scraps, who all seem to be musical, and the violin. And I had to use some gold and glitter using liquid pearls and Stickles.

Christine wanted to see pictures of the Christmas market, so here they are, unfortunately still no snow, which makes it look nicer.

Have a great day, take care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Deine Lebkuchen Männer sind ja zum an knabbern :-) und die Engel hast du wunderschön in Szene gesetzt! Mein Lieblingsweihnachtsmarkt steht am nächsten Wochenende auf dem Programm. Liebe Gruesse, Dagmar.

    1. Ich möchte auch einmal hin und was leckeres essen!

  2. LOVE your gingerbread album, what a lovely idea. Puff paint sounds good, too, must look for some of that for my kids. Your angel house is wonderful, and thanks for sharing the photos of the Christmas market - we are going with the kids next weekend! Hugs Sarah

  3. Oh I love the market pics--I am there in my mind right now and the smells are amazing lol.

    What a wonderful little tag book you made-great idea.

    Love the angel tag and the whole idea of your tags with boxes is fantastic

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  4. I love your gingerbread men and angel tags so much! Very festive, beautiful, and magical! But I can't even tell you how much I loved seeing your gorgeous photos of the Christmas market!!! Wonderful!!! We have a little market just like this in Bethlehem, PA, and I can't wait to visit it now!

  5. That gingerbread man is adorable! Thanks so much for the Christmas Market photos, what a treat to live so close to it! You really don't have much snow yet.

  6. yes I would be at all the food stalls!

    1. I'm still resisting temptation, but it's hard!

  7. Loving the Gingerbread men, two gorgeous Christmas makes today. But thank you for sharing the Market photos, its looks a great place to be at this time of year.
    Yvonne xx

  8. The gingerbread man album is so sweet. The market looks festive and fun, despite the lack of snow!

  9. The market looks so Christmassy and I love gingerbread men - both edible and non! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Xx

  10. Loving all your projects Valerie and the Christmas Market looks wonderful, Annette x

  11. A Christmas market...how wonderful! So are your projects posted today. I love the gingerbread boy book and your cards are beautiful, Valerie.


  12. Gingerbread men look good enough to eat and love the Angels. Wish I could come over and go to the market with you. We'd had fun. hugs, Donna

  13. Oh I love your gingerbread men :) so sweet
    Von ♥

  14. Der Lebkuchenmann ist ja einfach nur knuffig, liebe Valerie! Ganz toll!
    Dein Tag ist für mich schon kein Tag mehr, das ist ein richtiges Kunstwerk in seiner Dreidimensionalität. Das hast du echt drauf!
    Danke auch für die Fotos vom Weihnachtsmarkt.

    1. Hi Alex! Wie schön dich wieder im Blogland zusehen!

  15. You have been productive, love all of it!

    1. Thanks, and tomorrow I need to be productive at home and do the dreaded H*******K!

  16. That's the sweetest little snowman book ever!

  17. Something I have wanted to do for a long time is visit a German Christmas Market. Have visited Germany but never at Christmas.
    Your gingerbread men are cute enough to eat and what a brilliant idea to make them into notebooks.
    The angel tag is beautiful - yes, another wonderful post.
    P.S. I sent two Christmas envelopes to Germany on the same day yet my other friend has received her envelope, the one to you must be taking the scenic route! Definitely taking longer than I would have expected.

  18. What a lovely Christmas market even without snow! Your little gingerbread album is so sweet and the angel tag is gorgeous! You sure have been busy! Hugs!

  19. Hi Valerie, Incredible once again. Love your gingerbread album. So adorable. Gorgeous tag too. I love angels. The Christmas market is a magical sight. I just had to show the pics to my hubby who is half German. His grandparents on his dad's side are from Germany. He loved seeing these too.
    Thank you for sharing. Have a great evening.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  20. wunderbare Impressionen und tolle weinachtliche Kunst hast Du wieder kreiert.. dieses Büchlein ist herzallerliebst!

  21. Love your gingerbread men especially the icing, what a neet idea! Beautiful pics of the Christmas market, looks like a beautiful place to take a stroll, I can almost hear the music playing as I looke in. ~Diane

  22. Wunderbar dein Lebkuchenmann-Büchlein und der Engelsanhänger ist großartig! Schöne Fotos ... wie schön doch die Adventszeit ist!


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