Saturday 21 December 2013

Another year older but not wiser

Hi everybody!
First of all I would like to thank all those who left birthday greetings on my blog, or mailed, or sent nice cards and presents - thanks a lot, you lovely people! I will show pictures next week of all the nice stuff I received.
I made myself an apple pie with caramelised apples instead of a birthday cake.
Help yourselves to a slice....

Perhaps with a cup of special cappuccino....

I made a little card for the snowflakes challenge at Moo-Mania, where it is now allowed to make other things, and not just Moos. I am also linking to Artful times - fave Christmas card. The background cardboard has been peeled, painted and glittered. The image was a present last year, and I mounted it onto black card. I kept the embellishments simple, probably because I have already packed the Christmas stuff away, and want to keep my table tidy for a few days!

Here I saw someone trying to break in to one of the houses today....

At Halloween someone put a Jack O'Lantern pumpkin on the art work at the roundabout. I wonder if it was the same person who has now decorated it for Christmas?

Have a great day you all, tke care, and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Fun post today, that pie looks good and I wonder who is looking at me from that cup of coffee? Hugs, Sarah

  2. Belated birthday wishes from me Valerie and love your card and the pie looks very yummy.
    Great pics too.
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Ha, ha, you are a whizz on the computer Valerie, how on earth did you get your face onto that froth! Thanks for the pie, but where's the custard! Lol! And you definitely are a lot wiser Valerie, think of all the things you have learnt this year - for example you are now proficient in the language of duck! Hope you've had a quacking birthday! Big hugs xx

    1. Quack! You have to supply your own custard....thie is Germany!

  4. The pie looks delicious, I wonder how much is left by now? I can almost smell the aroma of it baking.
    Now that frothy coffee looks amazing, you would make a fortune if you could market that idea. Imagine seeing your face in the coffee you just ordered in a cafe.
    Loved the card and photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  5. Belated Birthday Greeting Valerie. That pie looks scrumptious, I love cream with my Apple pie. Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy Crafty New Year. Hugs Rita xxx

  6. Glad you had a great birthday and that apple pie looks so delicious! Adorable card with such a sweet image! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and Christmas! Hugs!

  7. Delicious looking pie and decorated so beautifully too. Hope you are enjoying being another year wiser, I know we are! Love your face in the coffee cup, Starbucks should give that a try. Beautiful card, love how you make the cardboard so beautiful. Happy Birthday! ~ Diane

  8. Happy Birthday Valerie! The pie looks delicious, have a slice for me. Beautiful photos and card.

  9. Terrific card Valerie and so pleased that you joined in with my first time on the DtT there.

    You have certainly made me wiser over the last year and many others as well :)

    The pie and coffee must have both been a joy to eat ,smell and admire and I really hope you enjoyed those. Clever thing putting a face on the coffee.

    Have a good day today

    Love Chrissie xx

  10. Love your frothy ethereal coffee Valerie and scrummy looking apple pie. Birthdays seem to come round so quickly these days.......... Glad you had a good one.
    Festive greetings and only three more sleeps.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  11. Oooh Val, ich bin ganz verrückt nach apple pie,ganz leiben dank für die süsse mail mit dem kuchen,hab mich seeehr gefreut,gestern habe ich das erste mal shortbbread genascht,boooaaaahhh sind die leeecker yummy.
    was für ein witziger cappucino,wie hast du da denn das bild rein bekommen,tolle idee.
    ich hoffe du hattst noch einen tollen burzeltag und viel spass mit deinen geschenken *knuddel*
    wünsch dir heute einen schönen sonntag,wir werden wohl unsren großen baum schmücken,mal sehen,und frikadellen möchte mein schatz heute gern essen,heute kann ich ja wider raus,hoffe die demo ist vorbei.

    GLG Jeannette

  12. Happy Birthday to you Valerie :) enjoy your apple pie looks yummy neat coffee !
    Von ♥
    Merry Christmas to you xxx

  13. Wieder ein wunderbarer Post! Der Cappuchino ist wirklich sehr speziell! Tolle Idee! Auch eine wunderschöne Karte hast du gezaubert! LG, LonettA

  14. That's a lovely apple pie, I can smell it from here, yum, but I'm a bit frightened by the coffee - haha! - I'm not used to seeing a face in my coffee!
    That's a very pretty snowflake card, almost minimalist for you.

    1. Usually you see faces in coffee if you have put too much Irish whisky into it....

    2. And I'm hoping Santa brings me some, but a malt Scottish whisky please, Santa.

  15. And I hope you have a wonderful birthday year.

  16. Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Valerie!
    Ich wünsche Dir die nächsten 365 fantastischen Tage auf Deiner Reise um die Sonne!

    Ein toller Post ist das wieder mal ..
    Du bist immer für Extraspäßchen gut Du Liebe!

    Eine traumhaft schne Karte ist das auch wieder
    Danke meine liebe MOOMA(nia)!!!

    hab noch nen eschnen Sonntag..
    bin leier mit dem Kreislauf hinüber und geh kaum online...
    hoffe das legt sich bis zu Weihnachten, war schon beim Arzt...
    na wenn nicht kann ich auch nichts machen, dann muss
    meine Tochter und mein Mann eben kochen....



    1. Ich hoffe es geht dir bald wieder gut, tut mir s leid, dass es dir nicht gut ist - und ausgerechnet jetzt!

  17. such a lovely pie that i could barely help myself to a piece! but yummmm!
    sweet to have a peak into your life and art with wonderful photographs.
    wishing you a new birth year that feels wonderful to you.

  18. Great post..... and that pie looks gorgeous!

    Karen x

  19. Dear Valerie, wishing you a wonderful birthday as you are a year wiser for sure. Your pie looks so good and now has me wanting a taste. Lovely card you designed and the Santa climbing in the window is an awesome pic.
    Wishing you a special Christmas.
    Big Birthday Hugs!!

  20. Der Kuchen sieht zum Anbeissen aus und ich hoffe Du hattest einen wundervollen Geburtstag...Falls ich noch nicht gratuliert habe, tue ich das hiermit..Alles Liebe :) Hach mein Kopf ist so voll und leer zugleich in diesen Tagen ;) Der Cappuchino ist ja zum Schießen ;) und diese Einbrecher sind aber auch wirklich am hellerlichten Tag und auch noch einen Sack dabei, hihi...ja wer schmückt denn das Kunstwerk..eins weiss ich, Du wärst auch verrückt genug dazu, hehe..LG Conny

  21. Awe, HAPPY, happy belated birthday! Your pie looks amazing (I would choose that over cake any day ;) and I LOVE your sweet card. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! xoxo

  22. Ah, dann haben wir also auch noch einen Knapp-vor-weihnachtlichen Geburtstag gemeinsam neben unserem Hobby, Valerie ;)

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich. Ich hoffe, du bist zwischen all den Vorbereitungen auch gefeiert worden bzw. hast dich feiern lassen ;)
    (Ich jedenfalls tu es heute und nehme ganz bewusst "frei" vom Vorbereiten und werde die Auszeit mit lieben Freunden genießen ;).

    Ich wünsche dir auch ein frohes Weihnachtsfest mit deinen Lieben und alles Gute für 2014!
    Liebe Grüße,
    Claudia x

  23. Love that image Valerie - what a beautiful Christmas card it has made. All the silver sparkle looks quite frosty and is so appropriate for this time of the year.
    Thanks for sharing your pie (pastry looks scrumptuous) and for the other photographs you shared with us,
    Have a lovely Christmas
    Hugs, Neet xx

  24. This was just what I was looking for - a good pie!!! But my oh my, I would be afraid to drink that spooky hot chocolate!
    The image on your card is so sweet - I am glad you had to keep it simple because she is the star of the show!
    What fun pictures!

  25. The Santa ---- brrraaahahahahah! I want one. Wish I was closer - the apple pie and coffee look incredible. hugs, Donna

  26. Der Kuchen sieht wirklich zum Anbeißen aus. Schade, dass ich zu spät bin, der ist bestimmt längst verputzt. Aber vielleicht habe ich ja Glück und bekomme noch einen Cappuccino? Die Karte ist ebenfalls sehr süß geworden!
    Den Einbrecher haben sie hoffentlich auf frischer Tat ertappt, äh geschnappt. Ertappt hattest du ihn ja schon. ;-)


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