Thursday 22 December 2011

Thanks a Lot....

Hi You all! First of all many, many thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes you posted on my blog yesterday, and also to all who sent cards and presents. Makes a nice contrast to my dear family, who once again oversaw the date.... But I suppose they are not worth worrying about, although somehow it still hurts!
I spent the day with my friend Inge. I bought some nice cake from the bakers in the afternoon, which we enjoyed with coffee, and in the evening I made us fried potato cakes with smoked salmon and a sour cream dip, very nice, even if not exactly haute cuisine!
Now I just have to get through the coming holidays, and then I will have survived it all for another year. Yoohoo!

The journal pages I have made on and off over the past few days. I had the music of the song *Windmills in my mind* going round in my head and these pages were the result. I have written the text of the song along the dividing lines *in my head*.

Here's wishing you all a great day. Hope you have all finished with your Xmas preparations now. One of the positive things of being alone at this time, is that it saves a lot of work.... Take care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Belated Birthday wishes Valerie x
    Beautiful journal pages again love the theme- now I can't get that song out of my head lol - will be humming it all the way around the supermarket this morning as I have to do the Christmas food shop :-( be glad to get back home.

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog this year and I hope you have a creative crafty happy Christmas

    Maggie x

  2. Lovely pages, that tune is fixed in my head for today! Hugs, Sarah

  3. most interesting journal pages both the verbal content and the visual .. wow! Glad you had a nice Birthday with Inge. Enjoy your day .. hugs, Donna

  4. Good morning Valerie:0) Glad you had fun despite the relatives (shame on them!) Great pages, always lots of interesting content and great images on your Journal pages.
    Thank you so much for visiting me this year and all your lovely comments, I wish you a Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year, hugs Gay xxx

  5. Happy Belated Birthday Valerie. I'm glad you had a lovely day with your friend.
    Your journal pages are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  6. Wonderful pages for the song Valerie a favourite of mine too :)
    Pleased to hear you had a wonderful birthday spent with a very dear friend
    Keep smiling
    Von xxx

  7. Glad you had a nice day yesterday Val. I actually really the liked the sound of your meal :)
    Try not to worry about your family, I'm sure deep down that really must hurt, but you don't get to choose your family, but do get to choose your friends :)

    Interesting journal pages, I like them! I have crumbled and just bought some smash books. Tried to make my own, but wasn't happy with it. I'm really looking forward to giving this a go.

    Suzie xxx :)

  8. Happy belated birthday!!! Mine is the 19th, who would have thought 2 buddies had December birthdays :) Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  9. Pleased you had a great birthday despite the relatives....
    Loving your great pages, Hugs Annette x

  10. Hi Valerie. Great to hear you had a lovely day with Inge. Love these pages. Enjoy your day.
    Regards Florence x

  11. I don't know HOW I missed visiting yesterday, but a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!! The goodies you spoke of sound delightful! These are really intriguing journal pages, too! I like them!

  12. Glad to hear you had a super day with Inge yesterday. It's sad when you lose touch with family members, for whatever reason, but as SueB says, you can't choose your family and it's certainly not good for us to have negative people in our lives. Hope you're having a nice day today too - it's a balmy 14 degrees here, the climate's gone potty! Suze xx

  13. Glad you had a good birthday, its a true saying that we can choose our friends but not our family. Love your pages so full of interest.
    Yvonne x

  14. Sending belated birthday wishes Valerie - sounds like you had a good day.
    Love the journal pages - very steampunk!!
    Hugs xx

  15. Glad you enjoyed your day despite your relies. Wonderful windmill pages. Thank you for all the times you've popped over to me for a visit. Looking forward to seeing all your new creative adventures in the New Year. x

  16. Poo to naughty forgetful family, hooray for Inge, a true friend. Supper sounds yum-scrum - I don't really do haute cuisine! I love that song, and -along with everyone else - I'll be humming it for the rest of the day!


  17. SO glad you had a Happy Birthday and here's hoping to many joyous day from here on!!!
    Very nice journal pages!!!!
    Hope your Holidays are bright and cheerful!!

  18. Beautiful journal pages, and your birthday meal sounds lovely! Best wishes for the season!

  19. Valerie
    I had no idea it was your birthday.
    Sending belated birthday wishes your way!!!!!
    So glad you spent a lovely day with your friend.
    Wonderful journal pages.

  20. Aren't friends treasures! Spending your birthday with a friend is a joy in itself. Another year is right. Where do they go?



  21. Hi Valerie, never mind family, they start to smell after a while, isn't that the saying or something like that. I come here often and not always post but I know you are well thought of in the blog community. Take care dear friend.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and a very creative New Year.
    PS you aren't missing much in the shopping, the traffic was bumper to bumper in town today, did I really need to get those meds...well yes I did.

  22. Glad you had a great bday! Love the new journal pages!

  23. Like you I'll be on my own (well with the cats) and loving it. Wish love and joy to those who have a big family celebration but glad not to be part of it. So glad you enjoyed your Birthday and in good company there are times when the old adage 'We choose our friends but not our family' has a lot of comforting meaning.

    Your journal pages here, the faces are beautiful XOXO Zoe

  24. Fab journal pages! Great designs!

  25. These pages are stunningly beautiful and so intricate, love them. So sorry your family forgot, I hope you had a lovely day anyway
    Lindsay xx


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