Thursday 1 December 2011

Calendar Challenge and more post....

Today is the first of December, the last month of the year. The year has flown by so quickly, I can hardly believe it. It's time for the December Calendar Challenge over at Kate's *Kathryn Wheel*, to which I am linking. I painted the background of the pages with blue, white and gold, and then added the penguins, which I cut from paper napkins and glued with golden gel. The snowballs have been cut from white drawing paper - by hand, as I couldn't find my circle punch! I inked the edges with stormy skies to give them more depth, and spread some blue ice stickles over them, which I also used on the snow and penguins to give some glitter. The snowflakes were in the mail I got from Sandi yesterday. I will definitely be carrying on my calendar journal in the new year, as it has been fun planning a new theme each month, and seeing what other people have made.

Yesterday I had to get up very early to go to the dentist. It was still pitch-black night when I got up, but just before I left the sky was beginning to show the first streaks of colour. I made 2 snapshots, which are not very good quality, as I have to take my photos with my cell-phone camera. But I rather like the grainy look of the sky to the east, and the second one shows the lights of the Düsseldorf airport twinkling in the distance.

I won't bore you with the gory details of my session with the dentist, suffice to say that after 4 injections and 2 1/2 hours being *treated* I was feeling rather groggy and very happy to get home again....and I have to pay for it to boot!

Today is the first day of Advent, so B & I *broke in* to her Mum's house yesterday afternoon to hang up the advent calendar we made for her. (We did have a key, though!) Now she has lots of little presents to open each day till Christmas. The finished calendar is just over 1 meter long.

And last but not least, here are the pretty things Cindy sent to me - a crystal bracelet in a pretty blue bag, and a beautiful tag and card, both with my initial on them. Thanks a lot Cindy, I very much appreciate your kindness.

And while I was at the dentist's, the postman came, and as I wasn't home, he left me a notification that 2 enveopes are waiting for me at the post office, so I will go and collect them this morning.

Hope you all have a good day, take care, and thanks for dropping by!


  1. Gorgeous penguin pages - Ouch I hate going to the dentist and 20mins is enough for me at one time -you are sooo brave!


  2. Lovely work again, Val - my dd can't take her eyes off your penguin pages! Have a better day than yesterday! Hugs, Sarah

  3. The penguins are absolutely spectacular. I just couldn't quit looking at them. What a fun way to begin your new journal. B's mom will be over the moon with her advent calendar. I have never seen one quite like that .. great. Lovely goodies from Cindi and more parcels waiting. How exciting. Enjoy your day, Valerie. Can't wait to see what you've come up with manana. hugs, Donna

  4. That was one mega D visit Valerie, hope you're feeling ok today. Fun calendar pages and I just love the advent calendar, such a great idea. Beautiful tags from Cindy and lovely photos. Hope there are some nice treats for you in your envelopes. Have a good day. xx

  5. Love your calendar pages, the background is full of energy and love the penguins. HOpe you feel better soon. :)

  6. Lovely penguins and so colourful great pages x

  7. love your cheery December page and I know that cant find feeling, spent ages last week looking for something I know I have but to no avail, and now I cant even remember what it was, DOH, what am I like .. Siobhan

  8. Love visiting and seeing the different things you share with us. The advent calendar for your friend's Mum is brilliant she is so lucky to have this to explore each day. Dawn pictures stunning almost worth getting up for the dentist! December Journal page great fun your decoupage/collage work is always delightful XOXO Zoe

  9. fabulous, enjoy your december and hope you are feeling better after your visit to the dentist

  10. Lovely calendar page and beautiful photos. Love the Advent calendar, too x

  11. Love the penguins and the snowballs and the hanging Advent calendar for your Mom is great, too!

  12. Cute little penguin art but the project that really captured my interest is the advent calendar. What a fabulous idea!! I have to steal that idea and make it for family members next year. LOVE IT.

  13. Good evening Valerie. Another fab post. It is always a treat visiting you. I know I probably tell you that all the time but it's true. Love the penguins. Great to see the advent calendar finished it is totally fabulous. The photos are amazing. Hope you feel better soon after the visit from the dentist.
    Take Care,
    Florence x

  14. Love the penquins! Your page looks fab, love the photos as well, i love the effect. Your advent calendar present looks lovely. I have the dentist next week and I have an awful phobia of them, lucky my sis works in the reception so she can hold my hand! x

  15. Had to comment back to you as my birthday is the 22nd Dec!!Thats why i love yule so much as some years it falls on my birthday too so I get to celebrate my birthday and yule on the same day! x x x

  16. Hi Valerie, Ooh I hate the dentist and how awful it is that we have to pay for the torture!! I hope you're not too sore tonight! Lots of beautiful stuff on your blog today, fab photos and lovely gifts, your advent calendar is smashing and I'm sure it will be loved, Gay xxx

  17. Your snowballs look perfect considering they are hand cut! And you photos are gorgeous, love the colours.

  18. Super cute penguins! I do hope your dentist trips end soon, they sound such an ordeal. What a fabulous advent gift. x

  19. Love your cute Penguin pages and the photos are beautiful. Hope you have recovered from the 'D' visit.
    Yvonne x

  20. I love your theme for your December calendar. It looks fun to make.

    I also am loving your advent calendar. I keep telling myself that I will make one each year, but never do.

    Have a wonderful December.

  21. Those penguins are adorable! What a perfect choice for December. Loved the photos of the early morning. Thank you for sharing so much of your day. It's like having a mini-visit with you! Big Hug!

  22. You are all set for December now!
    I agree, I like that grainy picture- really cool sky!
    The countdown to Christmas begins! Weee! And that advent calender sure is fun.

  23. Lovely imagery for your December pages. Enjoy Christmas

  24. Love your cute penguin calendar pages Val and all your gifts. You must have been so brave to sit for that long in the dentist chair!! I love the advent calendar you made too. Such a novel idea. Big hugs xx

  25. Hi Val,
    Oh gosh, I hope that all went well at the dentist--and I'm glad that is behind you. That was so sweet of you to show the bracelet--wear it in good health!

    I love all your creations and those photos are gorgeous!!!

  26. I'm so sorry to hear about the dentist. Hope you are back to yourself today. I am LOVING those calendar pages and wanted to say thanks very much for linking to the Kathryn Wheel. I had found that a few months ago but lost track of it. I definitely want to participate next year.

  27. Those penguins are gorgeous so cheeky looking. I see you have added breaking and entering to your long list of skills ! Whatever next fabulous photos of the dawn breaking ! And the advent. Slender and the beautiful gifts from the very thoughful Cindy are just divine.


  28. Those penguins look amazing on your journal page! ooo-er to the long time in the dentists chair :(

  29. Wonderful winter page for your journal. Such beautiful pics of the city at night.

  30. I love your calendar page, the penguins are great fun and I love the snowball idea, so bright and cheerful. Dianne.

  31. Although I came to see your December calendar pages, I was struck by your lovely advent hanging. As for the daily calendar, I was very impressed. Those are the cutest penguins and I love the idea of circles for snow.

  32. Love your journal...but its the photos that took my breath away!

  33. Gorgeous pages, love your photos and other projects also. Fabulous work!

  34. sooooo funny pengouins ! I love your december pages !!

  35. Ha ha! I love the penguins! Great pages :-) Well done for keeping up with the challenge - almost there now! So glad you are going to keep going 'cos I am too! Kate

  36. OOHHHHH I love those penguins they are a wonderful addition to your pages.

  37. love the penquins! By the way, your art and photos are just fabulous!

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