Sunday 4 December 2011

A Crafty Day

Yesterday the weather was bad, and that was the signal for me to put on my warm slippers, and settle down in my arty-crafty kitchen to play. I started off by making some little note books for presents. I used some hand painted ATCs I made some time back to decorate the covers. The black ones have pictures just on the front, and the others have pictures on the front and back. Then I made a pocket-book using some pretty coordinating papers for the pockets, and some printed acetate for the covers. I used water-colour paper to make the pages.

These are the black ones:

The inside of each one is the same:

And these are the double ones from the front and then the back:

And this is the pocket-book:

Then I made some Christmas cards:

And a little wooden bird, which has been painted gold, stamped and decorated:

It was rather difficult taking the photos today, as it was really dark and dismal, and the pages in the pocket book look like they are green striped, although they are blue....Sorry!

Today I am planning on finishing the journal pages I started, with a collection of all the things I found on my table while clearing up and sorting out, and apart from that, I think I would like a nice, lazy day.

Here's wishing you all a good Sunday, whatever you are up to. Take good care of yourselves, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi Val, lovely work, I love all those notebooks, they are very pretty. Have a nice Sunday, I am still in 7th heaven off being on my own, till this evening, anyway! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Beautiful little note books XOXO Zoe

  3. Wow, you have been busy making these gorgeous pieces, the books are fantastic.
    Yvonne x

  4. Everything is so lovely, Valerie. The little note books - love the covers. I need to come for lessons. The reindeer card is my fave. Have fun. hugs, Donna

  5. you have been busy - wow really like your books and cards my fav has to be the little bird - I have a thing about birds lol; lucky people who receive these gorgeous gifts.


  6. Those books are wonderful gifts - I know what you mean about the light. I so dream of a full photo studio with the massive lights and reflectors to help me some day with my photos. For now I am using the natural light (whenever possible) of the sliding glass door.

  7. Wow! Wonderful creations ~ loving them ~ Great job! ~~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey)

  8. Lovely notebooks and the Xmas cards are so professional!

  9. So cute! What lucky people to be on your gift list! :-)

  10. WOW you have been busy, so many lovely projects
    Lindsay xx

  11. Beautiful work as always Val. Love them all..:)
    Hope you have a nice restful Sunday.
    Hugs xx

  12. Hi Valerie, hope you've had your longed for lazy day! I've been shopping with my daughter and my feet are throbbing! Beautiful cards and notebooks, love your painted ATCs. Enjoy your evening. xx

  13. Nice work, those little note books are gorgeous, the cards too! Hugs, Barb

  14. A very productive day with lots of beautiful notebooks and cards to show for it.


  15. Loving your little notebooks they are fabby and the rest of your ever creative work x

  16. Wow, you had a very productive day!
    Just to let you know - you won a magazine on my blog give-away yay!

  17. wow busy busy certainly deserve a rest day...don't you ever go to
    Wonderful notebooks and love everything else as well. x

  18. Wow Valerie your note books are awesome :) very arty
    Von xxx

  19. Those are beautiful notebooks you made!!! Yes, rainy days are perfect for crafting!


  20. Val, everything is wonderful, but those journals are absolutely outstanding !!!

  21. Stunning post today.The journal pages, the cards...cant decide what I liked most. Beautiful work my dear!

  22. Oh and I love your new blog look up.....quite stunning, Val.

  23. You have been busy! I those first notebooks- hoe cool. Love all the wonderful things you make in that crafty kitchen in the cozy slippers!

  24. Love them all Val such lovely gifts for anyone to receive. xx

  25. Wow! You do make the most amazing things Valerie.
    Regards Florence x


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