Saturday 17 December 2011

The Good and the Bad....

This is the umpteenth continuation of the still not ended story of *My Dentist and I*. First the good news - I now belong to the crowned heads of Europe. Well, the crowns are now on my teeth after many long struggles. The dentist has so much patience, he kept filing till it all fitted, and all of a sudden it was done! But now for the bad news - I have to go back again next Thursday, for a final check up and control....And then, I hope, it will be over!! Yoooohoooooo! After weeks of living off food like semolina and mashed potatoes, I will be able to bite again! I was really knocked out by the time I got back home, it is very strenuous lying there open mouthed for over 2 hours. I bet the dentist and his 2 assistants were tired out, too. Anyway, I treated myself to an afternoon on my recliner with Harry Potter for company. In the evening I managed 2 little note books; one with a Claude Lorrain cover again, and the other in gold-leather look with a wire binding. Then I spent the rest of the evening lazing, too; sometimes it is just necessary.

As I was up early this morning, I managed to catch another beautiful sunrise from my balcony, although t was freezing cold outside!

As I am writing, a band of cloud has already covered it up!
And this is a You-tube Video sent to me by Narda again, it is from the Carlson School of Management in Minnesota. Enjoy!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. I am so glad that you have finally seen an end in site with the dentist!!! And your photos are sooo gorgeous!!!

  2. Lovely photos Val, and the video is fun! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

  3. This really is the 'just one more visit' dentist. Perhaps that's how he makes his living, otherwise he would scare everyone to death ... Love your little notebooks. Hope you are feeling better today. The sunrise is so pretty. hugs, Donna

  4. Oh Valerie I think the dentist fancies you !!! He just cant bare to see you go .......such lovely notebooks you are unstoppable ! The sunrise is just perfect such beautiful colours. Loved the video so much fun a great start to the day.


  5. So glad your dental ordeal is almost over! Love those note books that you have been creating! Hope you have a restful weekend!
    hugs Alyson x

  6. Love your sunrise photos, and the books are fabulous. Your dentist is gonna' miss you more than you will miss him.
    Yvonne x

  7. Just catching up Valerie and so glad to hear the end is nigh on your marathon of dental treatment.
    Fantastic photos and artwork and hoping you have a lovely relaxing weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  8. Oh my, just that view is reason enough to get up every morning; lucky you, it is breathtaking.
    Your artwork is magnificient as always.
    Wishing you a peaceful holiday season, and may 2012 bring you healthy teeth and a break-up with your dentist :-) love, G.

  9. Stunning sunrise show. So pleased the treatments are finished your checkup next week should be a breeze. XOXO Zoe

  10. So glad you're able to see the back end of the dentist! Gorgeous pics, Valerie. I can't believe you were able to even craft yesterday :)

  11. Fun video Valerie - thanks for sharing.. :)
    Beautiful photos of the sunrise - I'm not usually up that early.
    Love the notebooks and am happy the end is near for your dentist saga.
    Have a relaxing weekend.
    Hugs xx

  12. I so feel for you and surely it will be such a pleasure when you can finally sink your teeth into something more exciting! Wonderful journal pages. Have a great weekend!

  13. Hoping that's the end of the dental work for you! Love the sunset and flashmob... what a great start to the day!

  14. Beautiful little gold leather notebook, it looks perfect! I love your smash album in the other post as well. Your sunrise photos are fab, we are going to a special place to watch the sunrise on Thursday (yule) so I hope I get some photos like yours.ARGHHHHHHH to the dentists! Ive had 2 trips in a week because the tempory fillings keep falling out! Hopefully you are done now and can enjoy your xmas! x x x

  15. I love that gold leather look. and what a spectacular sunrise, they don't last long do they?

  16. wow, that sounds like not fun, ( the dental job) .Hopefully its all over.
    What a view from your balocny wow, its amazing.
    I watch Harry Potters when I need to destress, we have that in common, lol

  17. Beautiful sunrise Valerie, and the flash mob is such fun.
    I do hope your dentist means it this time, when he says 'just one more visit.....' :o)


  18. Sounds just awful, fingers crossed next visit will be the last. Lovely notebooks and fab pics xx

  19. Just like the movie Oklahoma - "oh what a beautiful morning!" Hope you've had a nice restful Saturday and enjoyed some tasty nibbles with your new crowns! Suze xx

  20. I love your blog header and background.... its so sweet.

    Poor you and your visits to the dentist.... hopefully Thursday will be the final one. Don't eat any toffees over Christmas!!!!! I have an appointment due in January :(

    I love your picture of the sunset and your notebooks....

    btw I loved the German markets - they were so special.... magical.

    Happy Christmas :)


  21. YAY! The end is near in the Dentist saga! Love your new creations and that beautiful sunrise...magical!

  22. sorry to hear you have another dentist appointment val, fingers crossed that will be the last for a while...

    books are fab as for the sunrise, it's stunning, thank you for sharing them...

    thanks once again for the lovely card and tag, hugs

    maria xx

  23. here's hoping your teeth will be ready for Christmas dinner :)
    Stunning sunrise photos valerie! So beautiful. Love your festive header too xx

  24. Oh dear Val, so hope this is the end of the dentist for you and you can finally enjoy the "good food".
    You and your teeth and me and my car. I got it back today and went out of town. So far it is starting up and staying charged. Tomorrow however is another day.
    Take care, love all your books and must take a gander at that vid.
    Happy weekend dear friend.

  25. Hi Valerie, Wishing you an end to the dental visits and hoping that you can eat solid food again, not funny really!
    Your little book is gorgeous, love the photos too, you caught a bird mid flight in the fith pic, very artistic!!
    Great inspirational video from Narda, makes you go all tingly, thank you, Gay xxx


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