Friday 9 December 2011

Paint Party Friday Week # 39

Good morning you all. We had a wild and stormy night here, so it looks like it's crafting weather again! Today is Paint Party Friday again, hosted by Eva and Kristin. Do try to look at what the other participants have made, too.

I am sharing a picture that I made back in 1991, that's 2o years ago! How time flies. It's was painted with tempera and felt tip pens, at a time when I was trying to come to grips with a lot of sad happenings. Painting helped me a lot then, as it still does now. The title, *Spiel des Lebens*, means *The Game of Life*. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose!

I didn't have time to finish my current painting yesterday, as I had an appointment in Bad Honnef, a little town about 100 kilometers further along the Rhine. It's situated at the foot of the *Sieben Gebirge* - the Seven Mountains, where there are lots of castle ruins perched on the top of the mountains. On the way there I spent a lot of time in a big traffic jam on the motorway, but on the way back I drove for a while along the Rhine, which is really very pretty. I never had time to take any photos today, but here are a few I took when I was there last year.

So, that was all for today. Have a great day, whatever you are up to, take care, and thanks a lot for visiting!


  1. Your journaling pages are brilliant Val, always interesting andfunny and make me smile. Love all your photos too! Not sure if you noticed one of my last comments, but some of the "old" girls have started to post again on the DC forum, Gina too, so just thought I'd mention it, as some people have been asking for you, so if you fancied dropping by anytime again, it would be lovely to see you.
    Suzie xxx :)

  2. Lovely photos, and the painting comes over very dramatic, great composition. Have a good day, Hugs, Sarah

  3. Morning Valerie. A very powerful picture. It is great that you have your artwork to see you through the sad times. Fab photos. TFS.
    Take Care,
    Florence x

  4. Oh My, Valerie! Your painting left me with deep feelings of sadness. I know it is wonderful therapy and it's great you are so good at it. It does give relief. Your photographs are beautiful ... the buildings such great examples of German architecture. Thanks for sharing. hugs, Donna

  5. Oh, such a sad painting Valerie but what a fabulous record of your life you must have in your drawings and paintings. Lovely pics, hope the weather is calmer with you today, it is here - it was horrendous yesterday. Have a good day. Suze xx

  6. Fantastic painting... "game of life".
    Lovely work, Valerie :]
    Thank you for sharing these photos too. The view with water overlooking the homes across the way, beautiful.
    Happy Friday.

  7. I feel the pain in that painting. Poignant.

    Love your photos. I've not seen much of Germany - mainly Bavaria for me. I used to work for Siemens so went to their HQ in Munich a few times.

    Just to let you know, there is a picture on your blog of a wintry scene that seems to have become part of your background. It makes it hard to read the text. I'm using IE - so it may work OK with other browsers.

    Have a good day lady.

  8. Very powerful and dramatic painting, Valerie!
    Beautiful photos! I was in Germany last summer and fell in love with the architecture.

  9. Another very moving piece.

    Very pretty town you visited hope it was an appointment for nice happy reasons XOXO Zoe

  10. The Game of Life is powerful. So glad art was able to help you then and now. I am still surprised when I look back at a piece and it hits me how the piece helped me process life's happenings.

  11. Interesting painting! Love the tite :-)

  12. You can feel the emotions in the painting. I love the photos you shared this week too. Happy PPF!

  13. That painting is fabulous! You can really see the cry for help in it. Wish you well. :)

  14. Fabulous painting, its so emotional. Loved the photos as well.
    Yvonne x

  15. Your painting is so symbolic and I am sure must have been wonderful therapy for you. I loved seeing the photos. I made a river trip on the Rhine many years ago and was delighted to see all the gorgeous sights along the way. Faye

  16. lovely 20 yr old work and such beautiful photos!

  17. Valerie , what beautiful photographs you are so lucky to have so much beauty so close to you. Your paintings are very dynamic and quite thoughtful but the tinge of sadness is there.


  18. Excellent, great drawing. Wow, it is so beautiful there. Very nice pictures. Valerie, hope you have a great day and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you. Take care, see you soon.

  19. It is so wonderful that painting can keep us grounded and soothe us during the most challenging times of our lives.

    Wishing you all the best,
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  20. A very special piece of journalling Valerie, very moving. Happy PPF, x

  21. yikes 1991 was when my baby was born, where does the time go, lol..

    love the photos, it's so pretty where you live val...

    maria xx

  22. The span of 20 years includes so much... you were brave to paint then and to share now. I'm sending you a cyber hug.... I was deeply moved by your pages today.

  23. Wow..this piece is amazing..wonderfully vibrant..symbolic..beautiful and visually stunning! Brilliant work!

    and wow..what a spectacular series...such a beautiful place!

  24. Wow this looks like a photographer's paradise! I would love to explore the castle ruins too! I love your painting and the symbolism in it, very cool!!! Deb

  25. Beautiful photos, what a pretty place, and your painting is full of symbolism, very interesting! Hugs, Barb

  26. What lovely photos! Happy Paint Party Friday, thanks for stopping by!

  27. I enjoyed this post. . . and how you handled situations and issues in your life through your painting. Love the pictures and seeing where you live. Thank you for sharing. Blessings, Janet PPF

  28. Very striking piece Valerie, it must have been a very sad time in your life. Very much touched my heart reminding me of the loss of one of my twin girls, who was stillborn. Great art touches hearts and emotions and stirs all sorts of feelings to the surface. You are a beautiful and expressive artist.

  29. Your painting is so profound, being able to express your sadness must have helped you so much.

    I love the photos of the little town, what a lovely spot to pass through, makes the travel to and from boring appointments worthwhile.


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