Monday 28 February 2011

A Door prize from the OWOH Blog Event

I had a wonderful surprise when the postie came on Saturday. He brought me a beautiful envelope, which had flown to me all the way from Canada, from Yvonne of ARTic Blonde Creations.
Inside I found 2 beautiful ATCs from Yvonne....

AND a little card and some things to play with....
I have admired the beautiful creations of Yvonne since I first saw them, and I am now very happy to have 2 of her lovely pieces for my collection.
Thanks a lot, Yvonne. I will also have fun with my *playthings*, as soon as I saw those packets of file tabs I could feel a mini-book coming on - watch this space! And even our postie commented on the beautiful envelope. I often give him the stamps, as he collects them, but this time I want to keep the beautully decorated envelope as it is, so he had to leave empty handed. But I did make hime a coffee-to-go, so he was happy about that!


  1. This is a lovely gift to receive.
    Love Dawn xx

  2. Lucky you, enjoy your new things! Hugs, Sarah

  3. So glad you like them, Valerie! You are a WINNER, in more ways than one :)

  4. Beautiful gifts Valerie, thank you for showing them. Annette x

  5. Lovely prize, so pleased YOU got something nice this time! You are always making things for others! Hugs, Barb

  6. Beautiful gift enjoy playing with your new goodies
    Chris xx

  7. oh lucky you val, enjoy and cannot wait to see what you do with it all...

    maria xx

  8. How nice, Valerie, and it'll be great to see what you make with these.

    your postie is in the right job if he collects stamps!



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