Monday 31 July 2023

T sTands for sTill Tired

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend! I stayed home and had a restful time, and am hoping I will get more done this week. Just now I am having problems with standing up, walking, climbing the stairs etc. I hope this is just a flare up and wil go away sooner or later. Sorry I didn't visit anybody at the weekend, I wil not be able to catch up but will try to do my 'duty' this week!

Today I have a tag for  my 'books' challenge at Tag Tuesday. The challenge runs for another week, so hope to see YOU there. This should have read T A G!!:

This evening we will be starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. For my party ticket I have a painting inspired by Kim Dellow  in one of her courses. The background was made with soft pastels, then I used acrylic paints, inks and paint pens;

Last Monday I got some flowers and then watched them grow and develop:

And they are still doing well, as is my balcony garden:

On Friday we had stormy weather, thunder, lightning and a rainbow:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. So sorry you're feeling under par too. It's rotten to be so tired all of the time. Your flowers are really pretty. Look after yourself and feel better soonest. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks so much Deb, have a good, new week, take care!

  2. Lovely art and flowers. I do hope you improve soon.

  3. Nice tag with the corrugated exposed. And beautiful pastel piece. Valerie, hope hope hope you are not going to have to go stay at the clinic any time soon. I know Honey and I both have days it's hard to walk. His is mostly vertigo. Of course mine is arthur flares, hard to walk when you might step down and it feels like the bones in your foot or ankle are breaking. then next step is okay. Right now I am having a problem with my feet feeling numb and swelling in my shoes. Time to go change the shoes and trudge on. I've been really working on maintaining and increasing my daily time on my elliptical glider. The endomorphins make my hip pain go away for a little while so I exercise in short burst throughout the day. This heat got me dragging, though. Hope you get to feeling better and can move better soon! xoxo

    1. Hi Aimeslee, we seem to both be rather under the weather just now, hope you and Honey feel better soon. Glad you can reduce the hip pain by exercising, well done 👍! But it's no fun when your feet are hurting so much, sorry. So we just have to keep going.... Tomorrow I will be going to my doctor again. Okay, enough sick talk! Have a great week in spite of it all, hugs!

  4. Hi Val, Good morning! Hope you soon have less pain and start feeling really better. Please look after yourself, and keep your appointments at the doctor's! We are all well and happy, and have again been buying school things for the new term. Have a good day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks so much. Have a great week, hugs to all!

  5. If you are having trouble standing, walking and climbing the stairs, Valerie, that just about encompasses anything you might have to do. These are the times when I wish I lived around the corner when I could come over and give you a hand, make lunch for you, maybe run a few errands for things that you need. Perhaps Heike will drop by and fill in for me. Take good care and get well soon. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. That would be great if you lived round the corner! But at the moment it's unfortunately a rather large corner of the world! Have a great week, hugs! xxxxx

  6. Pleased you had a restful weekend sounds like you needed it. Loving the artwork. I was out all weekend but you'll find out what I was doing at the end of this week. Off to see my mum now. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. Hmmmm, I wonder what you were up to?! Hugs.

  7. Sorry things are not going well for you and I hope it passes, but at least you had a restful weekend. Beautiful tag and photos, especially that double rainbow. In the first photo of the clouds, it looks like an airplane flying above it all! Interesting! Take care and enjoy this day!

    1. Thanks Carol, that little cloud really looked like a plane! . I always love rainbows 🌈🌈. Have a great week! Hugs!

  8. I like the designs on your stacked mugs. Your skies are lovely with rainbows. I hope you fell better and have more energy this week.

    1. Thanks so much. I love painting cups and mugs. Have a great day!

  9. Not just a rainbow, but a double rainbow. Ausgezeichnet! Your stacked mugs are so pretty and inviting. Had to laugh at the squirrel's comments. Get some rest and feel better. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks for the Ausgezeichnet, much appreciated. I love rainbows and double ones even better. There's a German saying, 'doppelt genäht hält besser'. Happy Tee Tag!

  10. i hope that you will rest a lot and all your movements problems go:0

  11. Beautiful double rainbow! I love your flowers. Nature in all its glory!

  12. Praying for you my friend! Your tag is good! I hope you can rest today.

    1. Thanks Debra, that means a lot to me, hugs!

  13. I'm sorry to hear you're still feeling tired Valerie. Rest well.
    Your art and flowers are beautiful, I love your tag and coffee cups.
    Have a great new week.

    1. Thanks so much, Alison. Have a great week!

  14. Your painting is wonderful and colorful. Your flower photos are amazing! Love the squirrel funny! I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Happy T Day.

  15. So sorry to read you are under the weather again Valerie, I do hope your restful weekend has given you a bit more energy. There is always so much lovely artwork to take in on every post so uplifting, super tag with it's glitz & gold and I do love those cups.. Coffee filled im sure. Sorry my visits are random as ever there;s so little time left in the day after care duties and appointments and this month has been such a stinker..
    Here's to happy healthier days Hugs TRacey xx

    1. I love it when you visit but I know how busy you are with your care duties, anyway, thanks So much!

  16. Valerie, I really hope you will feel much better soon and don't have to go back to the clinic. Not being able to stand up, walk and climb stairs sounds very limiting. I feel for you - I injured my left leg recently which limits my walking as well, and on the other leg I feel my sciatica more than usual. Getting old is not for sissies, that's for sure. I'm sending you healing thoughts (kind of for both of us).

    1. Thanks, I had somehow envisaged my old age rather differently! Thanks for the healing thoughts!

  17. I hope you will soon be back to normal and doing all the things you normally do. I like your teacup image.
    best, mae at

  18. Love the tag/tab - always love everything with cardboard, gold and details. Fab cups in your art too. Wonderfully done. So sorry you are having a flare up - hope it pasts very fast. Great flowers and pictures - the rainbow is fab. Happy T-day and hugz

  19. So sorry to hear about this latest twist. I'll keep my fingers crossed that this is just a short term issue. and that's a fun T day post. I love all the circles and spots and spirals... very cool Valerie. And we had rain and rainbow last week. I guess we're all having the same weather. That is a great double rainbow you had. I'm sending positive healing energy your way. Take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we often seem to get the same bad weather! Thanks for the healing energy!

  20. Sorry to read you are still not well. I hope this soon passes. That tag is beautiful. I love how you used recycled materials.

    That coffee mosaic is wonderful. Nice you were able to share it with us. I love seeing a recent cappuccino, too.

    Beautiful flowers. Love the ones on your balcony. Also I was drawn to the cow with the bell on your window sill. Thanks for sharing your art, your coffee mosaic, and your wonderful rainbow with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. My place is full of cows! The one on the window sill was a present from Heike!

  21. Beautiful flower. Now since I'm retired I can take part in more creative things. Hopeful I can join in Art Journey Journal.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  22. Hi Valerie, I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. Do what you need to do to get back to yourself and most of all rest. I love your art and the photos. Sending healing energy.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I'm resting as much as possible. Have a great week, hugs!

  23. Pearshapedchris - I love your tag Valerie. I'll try and get my head around tag making!
    Your painting of those pretty mugs is fabulous. The plants and flowers on your balcony look wonderful. We have had our fair share of grey skies too - weather forecaster said it's going to improve next week - we'll see! Look after yourself, Happy T Day, Hugs,Chris

    1. Thanks Chris, I had fun with the re-run of the Kaleidoscope Tasters! I don't mind when it's cool and rainy, I like it better than the big heat! Hugs!

  24. Your tag is lovely!
    I really loved seeing those beautiful pieces of glass in the background behind your flowers. The red is perfect against the blue glass. I think I remember you sharing your glass collection a while back, but I loved seeing it, even if it was in the background.
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. What a fantastic textured tag Valerie, love the colours and sparkle..gorgeous.
    Rest well,and take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  26. Love the tag and all its glitter and the squirrel, there are definitely a lot of them about! I was watching one of Kim's videos this morning, love the cups! Good idea for T on Tuesday! Have a great week and get beeter soon ((Lyn))

    1. Thanks Lyn, Kim makes lovely tings, and I love the way she builds up layers! Happy T!

  27. I hope you´ll feel better very soon dear Valerie. I loove the wonderful tag and the painting too with the cups. Happy belated T-day ! Those cappuccinos and cakes are.... so yummy...lovely flowers, and fantastic photographs. Thanks so much for sharing.
    I wish you a nice Wednesday, take cake, and big hugs

    1. Thanks so much, Caty, have a great week and take care, hugs!

  28. Beautiful flowers and also a rainbow. It is nice to see these photos from your balcony. I am sorry to hear that you are not so well. I hope it will be better after a good rest. The artwork is creative too. I enjoyed looking at it.
    I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable time. Wishing you a great week ahead as well.

  29. What a lovely post. I enjoyed seeing all those gorgeous flowers. (gladioli and lilies) and the flowers on your balcony. You must love sitting there.
    And seeing all those cakes and pastries is making me peckish!
    Do take it easy. Listen to your body. Don't overdo it. (easier said than done, but you know what I mean). I do hope you will feel better soon,


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