Friday 28 July 2023

Facing up to Friday

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday - TGIF -  and that means it's time for Nicoles FFO and Gillena's AFFF and more. I'll start with the 'more' - another tag for my books challenge at Tag Tuesday:

For this one I used a pic of me when I was 5, taken on my first day at school. If you look carefully at the background you can see some faded faces there - my grandparents. And that thumb with the dirty fingernail was cut from a magazine:

I painted this colourful hound after a fun lesson with #Emma Petitt, who does such a wonderful job rescuing dogs in Spain:

And then I changed it a bit in my magic programme and added some butterflies for Alison's come fly with me challenge at AJJ:

And some face funnies:

And some painted faces:

Sorry I was hardly around these past 2 days, I had  a couple of very stressful days and needed some rest.

Have a  great Friday, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love all the faces and the tag too. That's a cool dog face too. And happy Friday.I hope you've had a great week and start to your weekend too. hugs-Erika

  2. Hi Val, sorry you had a couple of bad days, and hope you are feeling better. Love your art old and new, that dog is fabulous! Have a great day, I will try to ring you this evening. Hugs, Sarah

  3. I love the dog painting, it's a lot of fun. I also like the face with the die cuts down the sides. Have a good weekend, Valerie. hugs. Deb

  4. up, I've been exhausted too.

  5. Bardzo mi sie podoba twoja praca z fotografią.z dzieciństwa . Portret psa zachwyca ilością barw i wyraża radość . Miłego dnia i weekendu:)

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  6. Looks at that cute little five-year old starting school. Little did those teachers know what a brilliant mind was entering their establishment, a future boffin, an intellectual powerhouse and a great beauty and bonne vivante in the process. Such is the way of the world. A little girl destined to become the greatest ornithological discoverer of all time, engaged in relentless exploration of the strange and uniquely beautiful birds of that hotspot of endemism, Balconia-by-the-Rhine. Wait! That’s not all. She also became an artist of great renown, creating multi-coloured dogs with long snouts, and long-necked women with come hither looks and mystery in their eyes. There is more. She can take a piece of corrugated cardboard and a tag from the blouse she just bought in the thrift store, add a little gesso, sprinkle some glitter and, voilà, there you have a piece of avant-garde modernism to rival Andy Warhol. There is no end to this woman’s talents. She can down a rain barrel of beer with the best of them and demolish a pizza in short order. She walks through the park and captures birds in her lens, having the good sense to focus on Canada Geese. Flowers don’t escape her attention and if there’s a coffee shop near by, cappuccino is slurped with gusto and delight. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, comrades and friends, may I introduce my good friend, Valerie-Jael Tups. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David for this fantastic praise, which made me cry because it's so nice, even if it could be a trifle exaggerated....Ah, the thought of a rainbarrel of beer is good, and pizza as well, I might just have something similar for lunch today, thanks for the inspiration! At primary school my first teacher didn't like me because I could already do everything she was trying to teach us. And once, when she asked if I thought she was stupid, I said yes. After that I came in another class which was much better for us both! Thus began my academic career! Today it's grey and drizzly, so I will need an umbrella when I go out. I hope you are doing well, and that you are enjoying life. Two days ago I got my new hearing aids, and now I can here a fly fart when it's still a mile away. I need to get used to this very loud world again! BIG hugs to you and Miriam. xxxxxx

  7. I love how you managed to get your grandparent's pictures into that creative tag! What a fun project, along with your painted hound. Sorry things were stressful for you but hopefully today is going to be much better. Happy Friday.

    1. Thanks Carol. thiings have quieted down and I am getting back to normal, whatever that is! Hugs xxx

  8. Sorry to read about the couple of stressful days. I have been overwhelmed for nearly a week, which also led to stress. I hope you are doing better, now.

    LOVE your tag with your grands in the background. It's really well done, too.

    I always LOVE your faces. They are always so well done. That dog is different and unique, unlike your normal faces.

    You had me laughing at some of your funnies. Have a super rest of the day, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E. I had fun with the hound, perhaps because it's different! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  9. I love all your art posted today, especially the colourful hound, seeing through a glass darkly, and your final red-themed tag!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Great collaged tag and love the pic of you and the zebra head. Love Davids comment about you and hope you are feeling better
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. David's comment is indeed lovely. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  12. You were a darling 5 year old. I love your colorful hound.

  13. Such a sweet photo, those moments from the past. Photos help bring them back :)

    1. Thanks, it's good to have 'visible' memories!

  14. All of your art is beautiful, especially you at 5. That dog face is brilliant. I love it. Thank you for sharing all of the faces today with FFO. Have a great day.

  15. Hi Val, I LOVE that dog! Great funnies, too! Hugs, Martha

  16. Wunderschön gestaltet das Bild mit dem Foto und der süsse Hund, der ist ja ausgefallen!!! Und all das andere... erhol dich gut jetzt ab Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke , liebe Elke. Dir ein shcönes Wochenende!

  17. Your face in that picture reminds me of Anne Frank. Beautiful and so wistful. I love your painting of the dog. Nice work!

  18. Oh ~ you are soooo prolific artistically ~ Wow~ All wonderful!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. I love all the texture and layers on your tag Valerie, and weren't you a cute little girl..gorgeous colourful art work too, have a happy and safe weekend..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, that cute little girl was sooooo long ago. But I still remember having that photo taken on my first day of school!

  20. I so love your artwork and this is no exception. I love the tag but the hound is just out of this word....brilliant! I enjoyed the funnies too. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks so much Angela, glad you like my hound, I think I will make another one in other colours. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  21. Great selection of art Valerie!
    I hope you're feeling rested now.

    1. Thanks Alison, hope you are keeping well, too! Hugs!

  22. Looks like you been having fun being creative.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  23. Love this tag, you were such a cute child too.xx

  24. Love love love your childhood photo and your dog painting too! My health has gone south this past week and with the heat, everything is just in slow motion for me. Hoping for a restful weekend and a reset, lol. Happy weekend to you, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. Sorry the heat got to you, that's not good and I'm sorry you had a bad week. Hope the next one will be better. I've been resting up today, just painting and enjoying myself. Take care, hugs! Xxxx


  25. Liebe Valerie, das Foto von dir als 5jährige ist entzückend und mir gefallt auch sehr gut, was du daraus gemacht hast. Der gerettete spanische Hund - ist das ein Galgo? Für die habe ich schon mehrmals gespendet - aber du hast ein wahres und farbenfrohes Kunstwerk aus einem dieser schönen Hunde gemacht. Toll und teilweise sehr lustig auch all die faces für FFO!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

    1. Damals war ich ein braves Mädchen, aber jetzt nicht mehr!.Es macht mich wütend wenn Leute Tiere so schlecht behandeln! Bis nächste Woche! Hugs!

  26. Simplemente hermoso todo el post🤩🤩👏👏👏👏💐muchas felicidades
    Me encantó la textura y combinación de elementos
    Desde Chile un saludo scrapero☺️

    1. Muchas gracias! Que tengas una semana muy buena. Embrazos!

  27. Another post of wonders. I could just make out your grandmother.
    Have a joyful weekend.

  28. I love all the faces.
    The dog painting is fun!
    I enjoyed all your thinkies as always.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

  29. Thanks so much, dear Veronica! Hugs and blessings to you, too!

  30. Valerie, that tag is so precious. What a sweet picture of you as a five-year-old. The dog- and cat faces were funny, too, and I also liked the other faces very much. A beautiful collection that you shared.

  31. How fabulous you used a picture of you! I love that tag. The dog is cool too - such interesting details and a cool head - super well done. Super pictures, funnies, and paintings (did you do all the paintings?). Super post. Feel better my friend! Hugz


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