Monday 17 July 2023

T sTands for always Tired, need coffee.

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it was once again too hot for my liking, so I had a quiet weekend - coffee and gossip / chat with Heike, lots of resting, reading, some art time and some balcony time in the evening. I enjoyed being out in the cool, evening air - so did the mosquitos, and they seemed to like me, too! And my balcony spider seemed to be jealous that the little blood - suckers were coming in my direction and not his/hers!

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who come by. And today is the 10th anniversary of this gathering, so congratulations to Elizabeth! Well done!

 As always, I have a mix of photos for you:

A number ten made with coffee beans for the celebration - what else?

And 10 paintbrushes:

My little balcony garden:

More crazy earrings:

I love this cup and saucer!

A friend sent me this tin kitchen sign for my coffee corner:

Heike and the cat are sharing the same pose, but Heike is smiling:

More gifted mugs:

My kitchen pin board:

And I always need coffee in my favourite mug when I'm sitting at my desk:

I painted this card (8x8") in acrylics for a friend's birthday:

Some photos from 2013 again, 10 years ago:

That's all for now, folks!
Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Kartka, którą namalowałaś jest śliczna. Uwielbiam kolczyki a te z lotami są super. Kubki z notkami też bardzo mi się podobają. Udanego tygodnia😊😼😼

    1. Thanks so much, dear Lucyna, have a great day!

  2. Beautiful post Valerie, I have coffee over on my blog-I love the ear rings too. Very hot here as well-we did get a little bit of rain today-not allot but I am grateful. Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks so much Kathy, glad you got some rain. Hugs!

  3. Sorry to hear it's still too warm Valerie. But it still sounds like a nice weekend, and I enjoy seeing snapshots of your home. Your patio garden seems like a great place to sit and not only enjoy the sunrise/sunset but your flowers are pretty. It's nice to have friends to visit with also, isn't it? I hope you have a great T day and start of the new week too. hugs-Erika (Oh and your T earrings are perfect for T day too. )

    1. Thanks so much, Erika. The sun has been good for my plants. I hope you had a great weekend, now have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  4. Love your card and the happiness mug!

  5. I do love your little balcony garden especially the big pot of succulents. Succulents are one of my favourite plants, and I don't have anything like enough of them in my garden now. It's been too wet and they don't like the wet. I am so sorry the heat is reaching you, it looks dreadful on our news. I wish I could send you some of our cooler weather, but without the rain {unless you would like some rain too?} Hugs, Deb

    1. Hi Deb, glad you like succulents, too, they are so pretty. It feels less hot today, but please send some cool weather and rain! Have a lovely week, keep as well as possible, hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning ☀️! Love your little garden, and I know who got the beautiful card, thanks so much 💖! Have a good, new week, hugs, Sarah xxx

    1. Hi Sarah! Glad you like your card! Have a great week, take care, hugs to all!

  7. Hi Valerie: we have been sharing the hot, muggy weather with you here in Ottawa. We went for a walk in a wetland and the mosquitoes were biting there too, but the deer flies were even worse. They hurt when they bite! Yesterday we went downtown to visit the Holocaust Memorial, a sobering experience, but one that everyone should make. The designers did a great job with it. Sadly the call to Never Forget has already been forgotten. This morning we will be heading for home so keep your fingers and toes crossed for us that there will be no traffic delays. Door to door, with washrooms breaks, it’s about a six-hour trip, and that’s already long enough. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! I'm happy to say that it has cooled off today, and I hope it stays like this! I think I don't want to meet those deer flies, their bites sound really bad.. I'm sure you have enjoyed being with our daughter. I know what you mean about the memorial, people forget things so quickly. The right wing party here is growing in strength, and that scares me! I hope your journey home is /was good, without problems etc. 6 hours is a long time to drive! Take care, hugs xxxxx

  8. Happy 10th T Day Anniversary! I love your cow bank in her pen. Both pair of earrings are so twee especially the teacup and saucer. At the annual family gathering this weekend, we were talking about mosquitos, too. I read an article that said they are attracted to people with O type blood. Your sky photos are amazing. I hope the heat and humidity breaks for you soon.

    1. My blood group is A, but they still love me! I love my balcony cow, too, I have lot of cows, one day I will take pictures of them all! We have wonderful skies here, and today was really cooler, I hope it stays this way. I wish I could send you heat and rain

  9. i also need coffee... I feel so tired during those hot days

  10. I like that birthday card you painted, love the green, which really stands out. What a pretty balcony! You are truly blessed.

    1. Thanks so much, I live in a beautiful place.

  11. Valerie, your balcony garden looks so pretty and I'm glad you have the cooler evenings. I'd pay good money right now for them! lol Skeeters are no joke though. Spraying a 50/50 solution of Pine-Sol and water helps us. Don't know if you get that over there, it's pine oil and insects, snakes and mice hate it. Also, wearing coconut oil or fragrance is supposed to help. I've been doing both and have not been bothered by them, which is a miracle here, so we are continuing to do it because I cannot stand to wear commercial insect repellant. That's a beautiful painting for your friend! Keep making time to rest, even though I know you want to be on the go. :))) XXO

    1. Thanks Aimeslee! Gad you like my little garden! Now, you won't believe this, but today was cool, with heavy rain showers, thunder and lightning, and it has cooled down outside, wonderful! In my apartment it's still too hot, it takes time for the walls and rooms to cool off. This week should be okay. I will see if they have pina-sol by Amazon. I hope tomorrow will be a more restful day, that would be great. Hope it soon cools down for you. Hugs, Valerie

  12. I love all the cat items, those earrings are so cute. Hope all is well. Have a great week. Anesha x

    1. Hi Anesha, nice to see you here! Glad you like my earrings! Have a great week! Hugs!

  13. Beautiful creations, cards and paintings, and how I wish I could still enjoy a cup of coffee, but my tummy always rejects it so I have to forget it! Stay cool and enjoy those gorgeous flowers on your balcony. That's a wonderful little slice of heaven right there :)

    1. Thanks Carol. I love my little balcony and it has a wonderful view! Hugs!

  14. Beautiful painted card,love the sky pics and brilliant cat/coffee sign love it
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you like the card! Yes, my coffee cat is great. Hugs!

  15. Hi Valerie, the photographs are lovely and the clouds are beautiful colours. I know that your friend is going to love that flower card, it's gorgeous. Thank you for the commenmt over at mine too, just got back from visiting my mum. Hope your week is full of creative fun. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Hi Angela, hope your mum is doing well. My friend loved her card indeed. I must paint some more card-size things! Hugs, Valerie

  16. I love how you shared a 10 with coffee beans. Very clever. I also like the 10 brushes. Really fun to see your take on 10. I love those cat earrings and all your lovely mugs. But the cow on your balcony had me laughing. LOVED it. Thanks for sharing your various mugs, earrings, 10s, and lovely photos from 2013 with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks E! The cow is Gilly, she loves living outsde in summe! Happy T Anniversary!

  17. Happy TSFT 10th Anniversary wishes dear Valerie! Wishing you cooler weather so you're more comfortable. Loving the 10 coffee beans and those teacup and saucer earrings, such fun 😊. Your balcony garden looks like the perfect place to sit and I'd happily enjoy a beer with you and your friend, it looks very refreshing! Take care and Happy T Tuesday wishes! Big hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, it wwould be great if we could enjoy beer and Pizza together, that would be fun!

  18. Your photos of clouds and blue and grey skies are lovely. Our sky is currently not ok because of the wildfire smoke again, but I hope it clears up soon. Have a good week with lots of coffee — no, on second thought, with JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT of coffee!
    best, mae at

    1. Wow, just the right amount - coffee all day!!!

  19. You had me at coffee beans! :) What clever ,cute cat earrings too!! Happy T day! And Happy Anniversary! Hugs! deb

  20. Great way to celebrate the 10th anniversary, with 10 coffee beans, 10 paint brushes, and photos from 10 years ago. Have a great T Day, and anniversary.

    1. Thanks so much Sharon, happy T Day anniversary, happy 10! (10 words!)

  21. Valerie, I hope temperatures will be lower soon - I don't like it either when it's hot and in Germany that also means it is humid. Those little beasty mosquitoes are a pest. Thankfully we don't have that many this year, but instead the yellow jackets are already here and keeping us company at our al fresco dinners. It's fascinating to watch though how they cut off tiny parts of meat and then take off with them. I like your kitchen pin board - is the card in the middle on the left by Uli Stein? In this house we love Uli Stein, and sometimes I take a picture of his to German class and my students have to write a story about it. It's always a lot of fun. Happy T day and stay cool!

    1. Martin Perscheid made that post card, and lots of other ones, too, he was a great cartoonist. You can find lots of pics if you look him up on the net! Hugs!

  22. Lovely pictures for the 10th anniverary - very creative! Love your earrings and mugs. Heike is perhaps smiling in her pose as she has beer instead of coffee - I could not resist - lol. Hope you get a break from the heat soon - we had a little break the last few weeks but now it is horribly hot. Your painting for your friend is beautiful. Many hugz and happy T-day anniversary verson.

    1. Heike likes coffee, too, but we both smile when we get our non alcoholic Weizen Beer, yummy! It's cooled down a bit, this week should be okay! Hugs!

  23. I here early for me so Happy T day! It kept saying I was annonipuss again. Think that's sorted now! Love the pictures and I love the cow with the fence around her! Super cute!! ((Lyn)) Happy 10th Anniversary!

    1. Oh yes, I'm often an annonipuss, too! Happy T Day, hugs!

  24. Happy 10th T Tuesday anniversary. The number 10 made of coffee beans is just great. Creative idea for T Tuesday. And, I enjoyed all the photos including the sky views. Thanks for the share.

  25. Glorious post, Valerie.
    Your balcony garden is lovely.
    Those earrings are so cute.
    And your paintings are beautiful.

    Hugs and blessings

  26. Happy 10 years of Tea Tuesday! - Anne (Cornucopia)

  27. Valerie I love your balcony garden and as always your photos, gorgeous earrings and coffee mugs. Great idea with the coffee beans Jan S

  28. Schon wieder 10 Jahre vorbei , wie die Zeit vergeht, dazu schöne Ideen gehabt! Ein schönes Posting mit Fotos und Kunst!
    Schönen Tag und hoffentlich besser für dich heute!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, Die Zeit vergeht sehr schnell. Es hat etwas abgkühlt, das ist schön! Dir einen schönen Tag, hugs!

  29. Oh what a great post with lots of tens in it. Even the photos were ten years ago. I counted them, expecting them to be ten photos. But no, they were thirteen! That made me smile.
    I love your balcony plants. It must be a lovely place to sit in the evening.
    And the ear rings are so gorgeous. You have shown us some before. Are they yours? Or did you photograph them in a shop?
    Heike with her cool beer is a delight for the eye. As you know I have sampled the German Weissbier and I am smitten! And it really comes in those huge glasses!
    Happy anniversary T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisa, glad you liked my tens, I should have used only 10 pictures! My balcony is really a pleasant place to be. Yesterday I bought a huge pot of lavender, so lovely. Happy T Day, take care, hugs!

    2. And yes, that beer is the best thing on a hot day!

  30. Ooh, what beautiful photos. That tin sign is a hoot. Hugs,

  31. PS Your balcony garden is beautiful. Sandra

  32. It's definitely not so warm here and we have had a little rain every day for over a week! I love your coffee bean 10. I love your balcony garden It's great to see your photos from 10 years ago. Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Hope you had a happy 10th T Day anniversary, too!

  33. It's been hot here, too. Your balcony garden is inviting :) Happy 10th T Anniversary

  34. Previous anonymous comment is from me, Divers and Sundry

  35. What fabulous photos, and I know exactly how your grumpy cat feels! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Oh yes, I feel like that every morning! Hugs!

  36. Happy T-versary! I love your selection of t-things (especially the cat-related ones!) Happy week!

  37. Here the weather is also very hot Valerie, even if we live near the sea, so we have AC every day since 3 weeks yet. Hope you had a lovely T-day, and a happy 10th anniversary TsfT, with Bleubeard & Elizabeth, and all the wonderful T-party ladies. Your paintin is really gorgeous, love your cups with cats, and those beautiful earings. Your balcony garden looks fantastic, with suculentas, and I have the same cow, but mine has a baby cow over it, If I remember I´ll take some photograph of it to show you.. Great your kitchen pin board. Great to have friends to talk with. Thanks so much for sharing those beautiful photographs of your walks.
    I wish you a great day, have fun
    with big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks so much, Caty, BIG hugsxxxxx
      Please take a photo of your cow!!

  38. I love those cat ear rings, they remind me of some fabric I have seen but cannot remember the name of the designer now (old age is getting to me although the nurse tells me it is brain fog and to be expected after pneumonia).
    Love your coffee cat sign also, hope you have hung it in your coffee corner.
    Some beautiful photos and the skies on your photos are magnificent.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  39. I do like your balcony garden.

    All the best Jan

  40. Loving your 10 paintbrushes and coffee beans. Your scenic photos are beautiful and I love that acrylic painting for your friend, it is so lovely.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,


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