Friday 14 July 2023


Hi Everybody!

Today it's time for Nicole's  FFO and Gillena's AFFF, so I have a selection of 'my' faces to show you!  Have fun browsing!

The first piece here is a tag made for Michel's  mermaid / merpeople challenge at Tag Tuesday. And the mermaids have faces!

And more faces from my 'vaults':

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. A wonderful collection of faces!

  2. I like the bird with cup. Quite colorful.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  3. I simply adore those mermaids. They are charming. And I always love your faces. "Bloom and Grow" (shades of Mondrian) and "Air Mail" are both wonderful.

    I hope you saw the comment I left on your Wednesday post. I am running a bit late (story of my life lately). I need the 7 Dwarfs or their equivalent to help me with my chores, so I can make art.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you like my ladies and faces. Yes, I did see the comment, thanks! I always have my comment list open so I can check things. I think you need more than 7! I am also always chasing my own tail these days, and have stopped joining in several challenges as I just don't manage it all. Hugs!

  4. Those mermaids seem to have a really good time! And what a great collection of gorgeous faces, Valerie. They are all fabulous, but I'm really drawn to the birdlike creature that looks into his/her cup of coffee. I simply love him/her.

    1. Thanks Carola. That bird-like creature was a very quick piece that I gave to a friend - we both always had our beaks into coffee!

  5. Great artwork today, Valerie, but your mermaids are truly something else. You have surpassed yourself with those. Have a lovely day hugs. Deb

    1. Glad you like them. When I was small I wanted to be a mermaid....that says it all. Have a lovely day, take care, hugs!

  6. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  7. ...Valerie, you have an amazing collection today. I find your one eye ladies intriguing and I need to be a tuff bird! The psychedelic elephant id a blast. Take care care and be well, have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom. I love painting one eyed ladies with long necks! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  8. So many fun faces in this post Valerie. I remember many, but not the blue background with the white flower die cuts. I like that one. And I like your tag too. I hope it's cooled off for you, and that you have a super weekend-and I should add, relaxing weekend! hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I can't remember if I showed the blue white one. Have a great weekend ❤️ take care, hugs.

  9. Fabulous faces! Love your whimsical and colourful style!

    1. Thanks Debra, have a great weekend ❤️ hugs 🤗

  10. I love the first face "from the vault." Ha my face is one "from the vaults" also

    1. Thanks Gene, we all need our storage solutions! Hugs

  11. Valerie ~ your faces are awesome ~ wonderful creative series ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Oh my goodness, those faces are all interesting and fun to see! I'm especially fond of the John and Yoko faces - all you need is love! Great creative work and have a fabulous weekend as well.

    1. Thanks Carol, here's wishing you a great weekend , too! Hugs

  13. Beautiful collection, I like the tuff bird and the portraits with their wonderful colors and expressiveness... Thank you Valerie... so beautiful.
    "All you need is love"... only then can you really create something.
    Hug of Viola

  14. This is truly a fascinating series of facial art. Really nice work, Valerie.

  15. Hi Val, love your art and pics as always. Have a good weekend, hugs, Martha

  16. Wow! Valerie. I can't believe how beautiful each face truly is. I will say my favorite is the first one after the mermaids. She is gorgeous. Thank you so much for joining FFO and have a lovely weekend.

    1. Glad you liked the faces, enjoy your weekend!

  17. OMG! Luvved everyone of them. Happy Friday. Thamks for linking to AFFF


  18. Gorgeous art work Valerie, it's a pleasure to come here and see such gorgeous projects. I can't say I have a favourite but still love your ladies. You asked about the old school in my village. The school is still in use but is now just for juniors from age seven to eleven. When I was there it was eleven to sixteen and I thern went to another school to do A levels. When my mother was there, all year groups attended the same school until two other schools were built for Infants and Juniors when it became Secondary. Once the coal mine started producing coal in 1913 the owners started building houses and I believe the school opened in 1924. Hope that answers your question. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks for all the details about your school, it's a lovely place, and I'm really happy that it's been well conserved and not replaced with some horrible, concrete monstrosity. A lot of schools used to be for mixed ages, and I think it was a good idea. The school I went to in London from the age of 7 was a huge Victorian building, and as so many buildings had been destroyed in the war, it was rather crowded, with an infants school a junior school, and a secondary school. We sometimes had to go to another school for PT and we always went round to the church nearby for our music lessons. The playground was divided into zones for each age group! Hugs, Valerie

  19. Gorgeous mermaids Valerie, the colours are stunning, so bright and vibrant and as alway love all your faces..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks, Chrissy, glad you like my bright mermaids! The faces I paint are mostly much prettier than mine!

  20. Love all the faces and beautiful Mermaids
    Carol x

  21. Beautiful mermaids. Love all the artwork.

  22. Fabulous art.
    Lovely faces and the mermaids looked wonderful.

    Hope you had a good Friday, good wishes for the weekend.

    All the best Jan

  23. Nice mermaids and faces, Valerie. I LOVE the elephant, great for the grand finale! Hope the dentist went well, xoxo

  24. Oh Valerie, Valerie ... I love your one-eyed Ladies, every last one of them and I must say, you have done many. Every one brings a smile to my face ... even those with a tear leaking down the face as I know tears to be a comforting release of tensions that is often needed at those times. I think you should publish a book of your ladies. I know I would buy it. In fact I would probably buy many of them and hand them out to my friends so they could enjoy them as much as I do. And this week, an elephant. I have loved elephants since I was a tiny Tot. My first toy (at least the first toy I remember) was a Dumbo and I carried that love all through my life. I had a huge elephant collection at one point, though before our last move I sold most of them to an antique dealer as I couldn't ask my son to be responsible for finding a place for them. But, I have pictures and I still have some of my favorites. So you struck gold this week, my friend ... and you probably do it every week because you are sooooo awesome. Thank you for this wonderful post ...

    Andrea @ F rom the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, you are so kind! I have really painted lots of one eyed ladies, so glad you like them! Hugs!

  25. You overall seem to have a definite style with faces -- I think -- and then I see something so diverse and different it makes me appreciate that you have many styles!

    1. Thanks Jeanie! I would say they are all more or less the same, but different!

  26. Gorgeous Mermaids Valerie. Your tags are just amazing. Hope you are keeping well and are now back in to the swing of things so to speak,lol. Hugs xx

  27. Wow this post was a feast for the eyes for sure Valerie!! I absolutely love your mermaids too. Hugs Pinky

  28. Your mermaids are lovely and I was especially pleased to see some of the faces from the past that I remember. Like the bird and the blue lady which were favourites at the time. Nice to see so many, you know how I enjoy your portraits.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  29. Thanks Neet, glad you liked my ladies! Hugs!


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