Tuesday 25 July 2023

New challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, snd this time the lovely Valerie is hosting - yes, that's me. This post should have gone up hours ago, but someone forgot  all about it!

Our theme this time is books, and you can make tags with bookpaper, or as Bookmarks, or using characters, themes, or quotes from books et etc. I'm sure you will all have lots of ideas.

Some of my tags are very grungy, I just needed to make grungy things just now, I have been doing so much with birds and flowers lately and I need a break! As always you have 2 weeks to join us and tags of all formats are welcome. I hope to see lots of you joining in - have fun, and stay creative!

A wonderful mural:

Some thinkies/funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks for coming by!


  1. This is a theme that I will love, Valerie. I am an unrepentant bibliophile and I cherish good bookmarks too. I have never been keen on odd scraps of paper as a bookmark, and to turn down the corner of a page would be grounds for finger excision! Some of my well- used reference books have eight or ten bookmarks poking up from their closed pages and I am very fortunate that many of them have a story to tell, and some are cherished little works of art given to me by friends, some of them blogger friends I have never met. My stock is always in need of replenishment, so if anyone has the urge (hint, hint) I’ll gladly give you my address! Shameless, I may be, but that’s the way it is! While I am on this topic, let me give a shout-out to Jeanie in Michigan, who a couple of years ago sent me two beautifully done bookmarks with foxes as their theme, after I had done a blog post about an encounter with a family of Red Foxes. They are little works of art, truly beautiful, and they are used only in my favourite mammal reference book. You may perhaps be able to imagine the pleasure it gives me each time I see these objects. I treat them with great care, as befits their status, and they are still near pristine. There - this post has been all about me! Thanks for providing the soapbox! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Okay David, I have understood what you mean. And for the rest of the world - DAVID WANTS BOOKMARKS! I will see what I can do for you! Sorry no time for more, the dentist is waiting for me, sigh! Big hugs! xxxxx

    2. I was so subtle I was afraid you wouldn’t notice!

    3. Liar, liar, pants on fire 🔥! I will make you a bookmark 🔖🔖 or 2!

  2. I love both tags, they are both so YOU. The grungy one is full of energy. Hugs, Sarah

  3. Loved your tags.
    Enjoyed the funny ones 😄

  4. 'The lovely Valerie'... haha and for sure! Lovely art and mural, good thinkies.

    1. Thanks, it's just the truth, whoever you are!

  5. I love your tags! I like grungy.

  6. I love how you include old photos into your projects, and that tag you call grunge with the stitching and old postcards is fabulous! The wall mural of the man with his dog is just amazing to see, but the evening sunset almost takes my breath away with it's beauty! Have a great Tuesday!

  7. Super są te zskladlo do ksiażek. Mural to prawdziwe dzieło sztuki. Dobrano wieczoru😊

  8. Hello Val, lovely tags, and I love grunge, as you know! Hope you are feeling better. Take care, hugs, Martha

  9. Love your Vintage and Grunge tags-love the wine bed lol
    Carol x

  10. Congratulations on being the hostess! I love bookmarks. I have quite a few from all over the world: bought ones, homemade ones, I think. almost every book I own has a proper bookmark in it. I do draw the line at chunky and metal bookmarks though, because I find they can damage your books. Hugs Deb
    p.s. how do we follow the tags?

    1. Tha tags are on the tag Tuesday blog:
      I am not feeling happy - painted all evening and then spilled my paint water over it, grrrr! I've dried it off and hope I can salvage part of it when it's really dry! I have lots of bookmarks, too, I often buy when I see a nice one somewhere! Hugs!

    2. Yikes, I hope it's not badly damaged. I did that the other day over a book I'm making. Thanks for the link, will check it out! D.

    3. I have had to re-paint a lot of it, and paint round the edges where the water had left stains. Have a great day! Hugs

  11. Your bookmarks love fabulous. Love the look! Hope you have a wonderful week. :)

  12. Hi Valerie, I am in love with your tags. Great collection of funnies too. I must pop over and have a look at the tag challenge. Happy creative week Angela xXx

  13. Gosh, that fortnight went fast, I 've just got mermaids out of my head, but love the theme of books and will get a tag done today, I think your tag is wonderful, I love the papers and stitching and cute Mums and girls..fabulous..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Th Thanks Chrissy, glad you like the theme. It's bed time here, so goodnight or good morning as the case may be!

  14. I especially loved that first piece. And the funnies--hilarious, especially the cat memes:)

    1. Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  15. Good luck with your challenge. Sounds interesting.

  16. Very nice book marks. Love that mural, too.

  17. Lovely tags and thinkies. Happy you dropped by my blog.


  18. I'm loving those grungy tags and the ones not grungy either. I started a tag the other day and hopefully I'll have some time to get back to it either later today or tomorrow. And your funnies are great, especially all the dog jobs. One of my dogs would also say you need to add dishwasher in there...Smile. Hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. My dog would have gladly been my dishwasher if I had let her! Hugs!

  19. Ice tags, thanks for the funnies!

  20. That mural is wonderful, isn't it? Hope your day is pain free and filled with joy.
    Hugs Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

  21. Great post.
    Lovely tags, that is a super mural and I enjoyed the funnies.

    Happy end of the week wishes.

    All the best Jan

  22. Loving all your Tags Valerie, such a great selection. Great theme too. xx

  23. So schönes Tag und ein tolles gemaltes Tassenbild und die anderen lsutigen Sprüche usw.
    Ich wünsche dir hoffentlich eine bessere Woche, durch das komische Wetter macht mir das auch zu schaffen.
    Lieben Gruss Elke


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