Wednesday 5 July 2023

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! There's been nothing exciting going on here, I am spending lots of time resting and reading, and I hope it helps!

Today I am sharing a hybrid tag made for Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday, which is hot colours. The tag was cut from a leaf photo, and the young lady is a very distant cousin called Emily. That's all I know about her, I just have the photo. The original pic is sepia, I just changed the colour to fit the theme. The flowers and butterflies were added digitally:

Then I decided to use the tag on a journal page for Alison's 'come fly with me' challenge at AJJ . The background was painted, the extra birds and butterflies  and the sweet fairy were all added digitally:

Some thinkies and funnies:

I would LOVE one of these - wonderful vibes from the 70s:

Some photos from Hariksee, a nice place with lots of waterways, water fowl, and shady places to sit and relax. And of course, cafés and restaurants where good food is served are not far away!

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love how you added the old photo to the tag and then to the page! What a wonderful way to preserve vintage photos! Great photos and scenery, thanks for sharing !

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Love your tag and journal page, beautiful, hot colours and a great design. The photos are fantastic, too. Our time here in London is going by so quickly! Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks! Enjoy the rest of the week, hugs to all!

  3. Good Morning Valerie! Sometimes rest is just what we need. There's no point pushing ourselves on with just too tired. We need. time to recuperate. Meanwhile, do continue making your lovely art. I know. For me, it is extremely therapeutic. I'm sure it is for you too. Sending healing hugs. Deb

    1. Hi Deb. You're right. I keep trying to push myself so I get everything done that's on my daily plan, but just now I have given up and am resting. Let the dust flourish! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Liebe Valerie, so geht es mir auch, ich kann nicht mehr dann heisst ausruhen ob ich will oder nicht Moment haut mich das Wetter um so kalt und das wechselhafte ... wunderschönes Journalseite hast du wieder gemacht .
    Hoffe dir geht es bald wieder was besser und apss auf dich auf mit der kommende Hitze!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich hoffe ich komme gut durch die Hitze, Du auch! Hugs!

  5. Resting and reading are wonderful things - I hope it is helping on your healing journey sweet Valerie. Your hybrid tag is great and makes a lovely journal page too - loving the butterflies , the orange and yellows against the blue, and the special details. Love the car - I would like one too! Fab pictures as always! Hug

    1. The are indeed. I don't need excitement any more - an afternoon with my feet up and a good book is just perfect! Orange, yellow and blue are wonderful together. Take care, dear Nancy! Hugs!

  6. Now that’s a great way to repurpose an old tag, Valerie. Miriam tells me that she is trying to repurpose her husband but hasn’t come up with anything yet! Maybe she’ll adorn me with butterflies or something. I hope the rest and relaxation is turning out to be beneficial. Maybe Heike can come over and chat for a while. Thanks for all the birds in this post, especially the geese with their young. That is very encouraging. The coot on the nest is great too. I hope that her brood was healthy and survived those critical early days. It was very hot here yesterday, 32.5 degrees at one point - far too hot for man, beast and all living things. Not the kind of weather that inspires me to cook, so I picked up cabbage rolls at the Polish deli and along with sliced tomatoes and pickled beets that was dinner. It was very tasty too. I am not sure what we will have today since the same kind of heat is in the forecast. In the meantime half of northern Canada seems to be on fire, destroying wildlife, it’s habitat and releasing carbon into the atmosphere. We sure know how to ruin a good thing. Stay well, stay calm, stay cool, stay beautiful - Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! If Miriam does decide to cover you with butterflies and flowers, and perhaps a bird on your cap, do get her to take a photo, that would be THE sensation here on my blog. And I could make a life size poster to hang on my wall - wow! Glad you liked the photos, that is really a wonderful place to wander round. So many birds and small animals, chickens and goats and all you can think of. Love it. When my husband was alive we used to rent a little cottage by the waterways for a week or 2 each year, a great place to relax. Polish cabbage rolls, yummy, I'm sure they were good. It will be very hot here again from Friday on - ugh! Those fires must be awful, I watched a TV programme about it, and it really is horrifying.. I can only hope that it stops sooner rather than later. Have a good day, look after yourselves, hugs! xxxx

  7. I like that tag and then how you used it to make your page. You certainly made both of these feel hot with those colors-smile- you nailed Pinky's color and Alison's wing challenge. I've scheduled my tag for Friday. I'm jealous you had some relaxing and reading time. Yesterday I did take a long nap though while it rained in the afternoon. Smile. Those duckling are adorable, and I like the field/thorn/flower meme. I'm the flower and my husband is the thorn to go with that meme. But I guess we need both views to make a whole-maybe.I hope you have another lovely day and you're feeling good too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. The big heat will be back here by Friday, so the tag fits! I'm having a nap as soon as I'm finished here, it seems to be doing me good. Ducklings and goslings are always gorgeous! I like how you divided up flower and thorn with you and your hubby, too funny! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Lovely tag, gorgeous photos and thanks for the thinkies!

  9. Your tag screams Summer which has finally arrived here today after weeks of grey gloom and rain. Oh, the little white kitten looks just like my Calli. Hariksee looks like a very beautiful and peaceful place. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ, glad you have some nice weather, enjoy!

  10. this old fashion art is gorgeus:)

    1. Thanks Kathy, the dresses were so beautiful! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Emily was very pretty. And that dress looks like it's from the 1800s, an antique. Many nice things to see in Hariksee..

    1. The photo of Emily was taken in 1901. They had such pretty dresses! Hugs, Valerie

  12. Bardzo podoba mi się kartka z Emili i cudne fotografie. Życzę spokoju i zdrowia 😊

  13. Thanks Lucyna, peace and health are so important! Hugs!

  14. You really have gone hot! Cute cat, great photos.

  15. Beautiful bright and hot tag Valerie, love the kitten in the glass, she looks like my Holly, and I would love to gave that 70's scooter cart too, I can see myself flying off to the shops in one of those..take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. Still more gorgeous art work! I love the VW mobility scooter, I would love one of those. Gorgeous photos too. Wishing you a lovely creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

  17. What a wonderful piece you've created. Love the 'if I haven't offended I'll get to you shortly' meme. Ha!

  18. I do like your tag, such warm colours.
    Lovely photographs from Hariksee.

    Keep resting and relaxing ... there are times we need these sort of days.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  19. I love the colors on your tag, Valerie.Definitely summer! Rest and read a lot and hope it helps you feel better and soon!

  20. Hi Valerie, glad you are taking it easy. Hopefully you will keep your schedule light going forward. Atleast until it cools off, the heat is so draining, especially to us older folk. Nice hybrid pieces of your cousin! And Hariksee is very quaint. Hope your week is relaxing! XXO

    1. Thanks, dear Aimeslee, I am not a fan of this huge heat. Stay well, hugs, Valerie

  21. I love your art piece, the orange colors in it are beautiful. Also, I love how you added the other elements digitally to it. :)

    1. Thanks Quinley, I like mixing real and digital.

  22. Liebe Valerie, heute fange ich mal am Ende deines Posts an - all die kleinen Vogel-Flauschknäuel sind entzückend 😍 und Hariksee sieht ganz allgemein wunderschön aus. Von deinen Memes begeistert mich diesmal ganz besonders der Mini-VW-Bus und über die Katze in der Schüssel musste ich sehr lachen und staunen. Staunenswert und schön ist auch dein heißfarbiges Kunstwerk mit dem Foto der hübschen, weit entfernten Cousine Emily!
    Herzliche Juli-Grüße und alles Liebe, Traude

    1. Danke, liebe Traude! Flauschige Vögel und Tier Babies sing was fürs Herz! Meine Katze hat sich immer versteckt in unmögliche Gegenstände. Dir ein gutes Wochenende, Alles Liebe Dir!

  23. A beautiful page for my AJJ theme Valerie. I love the tag.
    Lovely photos of the birds too.
    Resting and reading sounds good, I hope it's helped.

    1. Thanks Alison, glad you like it. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  24. What an absolutely stunning tag. I always love your hybrid art. And adding it to a journal page makes it even better. I lie the color changes in the journal entry, too. It works great for Alison's theme at AJJ.

    Glad you are resting and reading. I would give anything for one day like that, too. Hope you have a super weekend. Yes, I am VERY far behind visiting.

  25. Hariksee sooks lovely, the kind of place I like to wander through
    I do like your page with your distant cousin on. She looks perfect in the setting you chose for her and although I am a blue and green person I do like to see the hot colours like those you have used here. Absolutely beautiful again.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. I also prefer cool colours, but when the challenge requires hot colours, what to do?


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