Monday 3 July 2023

T sTands for everything all together!

 Hi Everybody!

Hope you had a good weekend. I spent most of Sunday in bed sleeping, I was really out of it and just slept on and on. Now it's 5.20 pm and I am having breakfast while typing my post.... First up I have a journal page, 12x12" for our lovely Alison's things that fly challenge at AJJ. Here I used 2 large (8") tags made previously and sewed them onto a piece of scrapbook paper which I stamped with various dragonflies in Stazon ink. Then I added the transparent butterfly and the  white dragonfly. My home-help mended my sewing-machine, and threaded it for me, so now I can sew till the next catastrophe happens....The quote on the righthand tag is from Leonardo da Vinci:

And for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd (on the 3rd) I have some fitting journal pages:
These pictures were all made for a challenge  of 'Things with Wings' at AJJ way back in May 2014, and they fit well to Alison's challenge:

The quote in this one is from Shakespeare's Hamlet, and was spoken by Hamlet's Uncle/Stepfather, who had a very guilty conscience:

This evening we will start celebrating T Day, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. My photos for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday are also from some years back:

And these were taken last week at our fave Café:

Happy 4th of July:

And 2 animal funnies:

Have a great week, Happy T Day, Happy July 4th -
Happy Everything!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a fabulous art post Valerie. I love the latest dragonfly page. Those tags look super sewed down, and it's good you have someone who can get your machine threaded. It can be tricky just to get that thread in straight without it wrapping around the needle, even with a steady hand and good eyesight (like when you're 20). Smile. And those are really lovely second-on-the second looks too. I don't think I "knew" you back in 2014 as I didn't recognize most of these. And that kitty meme about Disneyland put a big smile on my face. And before I forget, I like your T day tags and photos too. Have a happy early T day and new week, and I wish I could have sleep all day today myself as it was really dark and wet. But I did take a nice long nap. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! When ou can't see well and your hands shake it is not possible to thread a machine! It's annoying but that's the way it is, so I'm happy that I have my help once a week. My Kitty would have been in paradise with so many cartons, they all love them. Have a great day, Erika, 'see' you later! Hugs!

  2. Beautiful art today Valerie hope the rest helped -Christine

  3. Hi Val, good morning!! Your post today is fantastic, love all the 'oldies', too, really fabulous. We visited friends yesterday, and it was great to catch up. Have a great day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, glad you are having fun in London, I wish I was there, too! Have a fun day, hugs!

  4. Beautiful art work Valerie and a great post.

  5. Super post this morning Valerie I really love your dragonflies they're simply stunning. I hope your Sunday spent sleeping has done you good, and you have woken up this morning, recharged and refreshed. As a result of my medication, my sleeping patterns are all over the place I've even almost dozed off while walking along the streets. That isn't clever. Keep feeling better! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I think we all love dragonflies! I am still tired, I will ask the doctor if I can change my medication so that I'm not so tired during the day. You seem to be having similar problems. Getting old is not alwaysy easy, is it!? Hugs!

  6. WOW so beautiful, I love your gorgeous designing and pretty colours x

  7. Wall to wall art and lovely too! Happy you got some good sleep and you sound pleased, which is good, too. I'm in that mode myself. Getting plenty of it. Hope your week goes well. xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I'm already looking forward to my afternoon sleep! Have a great week, hugs!

  8. Goodness, dear Valerie. Where do I begin? I especially love the dragonflies and the way you sewed the tags to the journal page. This is a super entry for Alison's theme at AJJ. I love the background colors, too.

    I remember most of those wonderful journal pages you shared with us as your second look. It's amazing we have known each other so long. It seems like yesterday and yet it is going on ten years. Thanks for this amazing second look on the 2nd.

    I love your coffee inspired entries very much. I still love your wonderful Alice in Wonderland and your coffee cups and pots you created from sunrises on your balcony. Thanks for sharing these wonderful drinks with us, as well as your other art, for T this Tuesday. Sorry. I started this earlier and got kicked off the computer.

    1. Time goes by so quickly, I can hardly believe it! Sorry you got kicked out, it wasn't me! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  9. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  10. Delicious eye candy. The dragonflies are just beautiful. the tea and coffee party looks so fun. I hope you are feeling better. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ, I need to get more rest and perhaps go to bed earlier! Happy T Day!

  11. Great journal pages and tags,love all the Dragonflies and quotes.Hope you are feeling better after your day in bed
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, I need to rest more, I will try to go to bed earlier, perhaps that will help! Hugs!

  12. A lot to look at. I love those dragon flies and the quotes. Very nice work, Valerie.

  13. Thanks Nicole. I keep falling asleep, I seem to need it. Have a great week, hugs.

  14. I have done many things in my life, Valerie (some I can't even talk about!), but I have never had breakfast at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It's not something I aspire to - but you never know. Birds and dragonflies are right up my alley as I am sure you realize. Dragonflies and damselflies are especially abundant at this time of the year and there are so many different species. They are so colourful and such masters of flight, to say nothing of their wierd sex habits. Amongst other things they are a much desired food source for many birds. A few species will make an appearance in my next couple of blog posts, some for the very first time. Today we got our computer back on line, but we we still have challenges with our old TV. We bought it 2013 and it still works well, but it is not compatible with new technology. Nor am I! Say hello to Heike for me. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! Technical thongs seem to get more and more complicated day by day. I am still fighting with my computer, but at the moment it's working, so that's something. My TV is from 2006, and also not compatible with new technology for the last 4 years. So I bought a Fire TV stick, and now it's usable. I don't watch that much so it's fine for me, and I will use my TV as long as it is possible. Dragonflies are beautiful, I had a damselfly - I think - on my balcony - with a blue body, so pretty. But weird sex habits? I think the habits of many humans will be still weirder! Breakfast at 5 pm is a sort of variation of English high tea! So, it's bedtime here, I'll say goodnight, sleep tight! Hugs, Valerie xxxxx

    2. Oh dear. Technical THINGS, not thongs! Actually I've never seen a technical thong! xx

  15. Gosh, what a fabulous selection of artworks Valerie I simply LOVE the dragon fly tags, my favorite today..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks, dragonflies are so pretty. Have a great week, hugs! xx

  16. Anything with a dragonfly is great in my eyes, loving the art work. We have lots of Dragonflies visiting right now as they like to fly round the pond and often land on the plants close by. I love to watch them and am often surprised how different they are. Take care and have a lovely week. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, they are indeed beautiful creatures, I had one on my balcony recently. Have a great week, hugs! xxx

  17. SO much beautiful art, Valerie. I love the journal pages and the tags with the stitching. Such a nice cafe.
    Happy Tea Day,

  18. The dragonfly pieces are wondrous. And the Rabbit Hole piece is darling.
    Hugs Sandra

  19. Fabulous post. Love your dragonfly tags on the journal page! Happy T day and Second on the 2nd.

  20. Amazing post and beautiful artwork.

  21. Dragonflies are so beautiful and I love the way you incorporated them in your designs!
    best, mae at

  22. Wow, Valerie, the dragonflies are fabulous. So many very cool details including your stitching and the really cool 3-D dragonfly. Lovely art and great funnies. Love your coffee photo from this past week. Hope you are doing well, my friend. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, so glad you like them. Have a great week, take care!

  23. So true about realms of fantasy:)
    YOU, have a pleasant one.
    Hugs, Sandra

  24. Dragonflies are colorful and amazing fliers. Your site is always an uplifting visit. Love ALL of your creations and photos. Praying for you to have a painless day, week and year.

    Hugs and Blessings always

    1. Thanks Jim, some pain free time would be great. Hugs!

  25. So much beautiful art! Oh Valerie, everything is fabulous. I love the dragonflies page on top, but the other pieces with the birds are also wonderful - well, everything is. The "Disneyland" funny had me laugh out loud, a dream for each cat I believe. What is it about boxes that they like so much? Have a good week, Valerie, and happy T day.

  26. What a lovely post! So much eye candy! I'm glad you slept a long time- sleep is so healing. I love the geese in your blog banner!

  27. What a fabulous post, so much to see here! I hope you feel better after your day in bed. If it's sleep that you need, nothing else will do. I'm so glad your sewing machine is working again, your help must have a magic touch! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  28. I like these journal pages. Those are creattive.I like the dragonflies and how they were used in these pages with valuable quotes.The cafe looks like a cozy place too. Beautiful photos in this post.
    Happy T day!

  29. The tag is fabulous, Valerie. One of my favorites, I think. And I loved all the art. Sometimes a woman has to sleep -- it's healing. Just keep at it. (Nice home helper!)

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Sleep is a great healer. My home help was just here and now everything is clean and shiny again!

  30. I love all your artwork, especially the dragonflies. And also those great quotes.
    Your funnies got me giggling. Especially the cat-disneyland. I hadn't seen that one before. Hilarious.
    Also love the coffee-related art.
    Sleep will do you good. I hope you are rested now. I slept for nearly 24 hours when I got back from holiday.
    Sorry I'm late. Tuesday is a busy day for me.
    Belated happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. Sometimes sleep is the best thing for a quick cure. Hugs!

  31. A fabulous abundance of artwork for my come fly with me theme Valerie! I love those gorgeous stitched tags.

  32. Great post, lots of thinkies/funnies and lots of flight pictures.
    The first one which shows the two tags is beautiful. I love the tages and then the background that you stitched them to. A truly beautiful piece of artwork. You must be pleased with it.
    I hope that the long sleep has done you some good. Mum always said sleep was the best healer.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Sleep helps a lot, your Mum was right! Hugs!

  33. die Seiten sind alle klasse geworden.


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