Tuesday 1 August 2023

New challenge at AJJ - Where in the world?

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Art Journal Journey, and this time our lovely Chris is hosting. Chris travels a lot, and is almost always  somewhere else, so I think that was the inspiration for her theme - where in the world?! At AJJ we accept journal pages  or paintings of all sizes, real or digital, but NO cards or tags unless they are part of a journal page. And I would like to thank dear Alison who hosted our last challenge,'come fly with me', and who inspired us with many , beautiful journal pages.

The page I wanted to show you today has disappeared, I hope I find it before the challenge is over..... Anyway I have a painting made some time back when I was visiting Bodensee, or Lake Constance as it is called in English. Bodensee is in Germany. I enjoyed sitting by the lake and painting with watercolours while I was there. I mounted the picture on some matting. The bike, dog and flowers were added digitally:

I look forward to seeing your entries for our challenge!

A few thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love this first entry you have chosen for Chris's theme. What a lovely painting. Nice addition of the digital elements, too. Thanks for this great first entry at AJJ using Chris's Where in the World theme.

    Enjoyed the thinkies and the funnies. I especially liked the one about finding intelligent life in Washington DC.

    Hope you are feeling better, dear Valerie. And I hope you find your lost journal page, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I used to paint a lot outside, it was fun.. I just hate the people who ask what it is and why etc etc. Have a great day! Hugs!

  2. How frustrating to have lost the journal page. I hope you find it so we can see it, and for your peace of mind. I like your painting of you on your bike ;it's very different from your normal style though, I suppose it's how our art changes over time? Hope you're feeling more rested now. Hugs Deb

    1. I used to paint with watercolours and gouache, now I use them rarely, and my style has changed a lot. Take care, hope you are well!

  3. Beautiful painting for your journal challenge Valerie. I enjoyed your funnies and thinkies too - I wonder - is there any intelligent life in Washington D C??

    1. Thanks, Sue. I am thinking that intelligent life there is rare....hugs!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Love your sweet watercolour, so pretty, it makes a great journal page. Hope your pains are lessening. Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day, hugs to all!

  5. This is suchba beautiful

  6. I'll start again... this is such a beautiful painting Valerie and I love the digital additions. Bodensee must be a peaceful place to visit. It's a great start for my AJJ theme, I hope you are feeling better. Hugs Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, glad you like it. There's the lake, castles and much more to see and enjoy. Hugs!

  7. Great challenge... from all over the world... where in the world?
    Your Lake Constance picture is wonderful.
    Oh yes, Lake Constance... it was our first holiday back then, after the opening of the borders in 1989 and in Konstanz I walked across the border - all by myself - to Switzerland, something previously unimaginable was allowed to be...

    1. I can understand what a wonderful feeling that it to be free and able to walk across the border, that's very moving. I loved being able to cross many different borders around the lake, it's a great place! Hugs!

  8. Good morning Dear Valerie: The mere thought of sitting on the shores of Lake Constance creating watercolours seems the most idyllic thing one might do, and you would forge a connection to all those who have gone before you and done the same thing. There are probably hundreds of paintings that hang in family homes, some done by members long since passed on, but leaving a legacy of themselves on the wall. These simple works of art become to their owners far more precious than a Van Gogh or a Picasso, a Jackson Pollock or a Marc Chagall, simply by virtue of their familial connection. What could be more poignant than to be able to say, “That’s the painting Mom did when I was still in her womb.” I envy your creative skill, your ability to preserve the moment in ways that a digital image never can. As for find intelligence in DC, better continue the search of Mars. Far more likely to find it there. Enjoy the rest of the week. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David. It was a lovely time at Bodensee, with the possibility to take photos, to sit and paint, and to visit all the other little countries round about. I am not a good painter, but I still love all of my hand painted memories, and can really remember the moment when I look at them, how I got there, etc.
      And intelligence in DC? Yes, Mars coud be a better place to look. Hugs! xxxxx

  9. I love your bicycling girl. Funny, I've made a bicycle page for this month too. I think we have really been on the same wavelength between the rainbows and the bikes. Mine will be posted one of these days. And I had to smile with your meme about life on Earth and Life in Washington. Ha ha. So true. I hope you have a great start to August. hugs-Erika

    1. Great minds think alike! Have fun with this challenge and happy T Day, hugs!

  10. Lovely page, enjoyed the thinkies!

  11. What a peaceful and serene painting and I love the digital add-ons! Great things to think about with some fun chuckles too :) Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Carol, it's fun changing things with digital bits and bobs! Hugs,Valerie

  12. I love your painting. I hope you're feeling better today.

    1. A little bit, thanks, it seems to be improving, thanks!

  13. What a lovely painting Valerie I can just see you sitting there by the lake painting away, hope you are well, take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, when I feel more myself again I will do some paintings here in our little town! Hug to you and Honey!

  14. Had to snort about intelligent life;) Love your painting. Well done.
    Hugs, Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. You and me and a few million others, too! Hugs!

  15. I do like your painting.
    I hope this first day of August sees you feeling a little better.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  16. I love your lake painting. Love those pastels. It would have been good even without the digital add ons.

  17. A beautiful painting for your journal page. I hope your lost page turn up too. Michelle x

    1. Thanks, Michelle, I found it in the middle of the laundry pile! Hugs!

  18. Hi valerie, I like the sound of the challenge and your art work too. The funnies are good and there's some very mindful thoughts there too. Wishing you a great week, hugs Angela xXx

  19. I like your page very much and the challenge theme. The funnies are terrific, especially the animal in bed. Story of my life..

    1. Oh yes....my dog cuddled me all night and the cat tried to squat on my head....Hugs!

  20. I always enjoy your posts. Especially your thinkies \ funnies.

    Hugs and Blessings

  21. I love your art and the thinkies are just right on. Hope you are feeling better.

  22. Your page is beautiful Valerie! We loved Bodensee when we visited in 2019. Our lucky daughter was working there for a few months.


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