Wednesday 16 August 2023

Where in the world....Midweek\Thursday Post

Hi Everybody!

Just a quick post today, time has run away again....

Today I have a piece for Chris' 'where in the world' challenge at AJJ.  I am showing you a picture and I want you to tell me where in the world it is. And it's easy!

And I have some funnies /thinkies:

The next 2 are specially for people like me:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Hi Val, good evening. Or should it be good morning as midnight has passed!? Whatever, I love your fun post! I know which place you mean, I have been there. But I am not saying anything, my lips are sealed!.Love all your funnies , too, thanks for sharing, I liked the last one best! Have a good sleep, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, you were up early again, at least earlier than me! Glad you are keeping Stum! Hugs to all!

  2. Well, I'm no good at guessing, so I'll have to wait until somebody tells me.
    We do owe so many words and phrases to Shakespeare don't we? I know that when new words first creep into our language today and people complain about them, I very often wonder what would Shakespeare make of them? He'd probably have invented them!

    1. We do indeed owe a lot to Shakespeare, perhaps there are even more phrases. Yes, I'm sure Shakespeare woud have invented some good ones!

  3. I have no guess as I'm not a traveler, but all those Shakespeare quotes are part of everyone's daily language I'm sure. Who knew? I absolutely LOVE that photo of the child and that tiny bird, and especially the financial advice! Too funny and sadly all too true in this world today.

    1. I had no Idea that so many quotes were from Shakespeare, either. The photo of the little girl and the bed is wonderful. Have a great day, hugs!

    2. Bird not bed! I must be tired!

  4. I shall be in funk all day, because I can’t figure out “where it is” and this after being told it is easy. How will I face the world? How will I cope with my ignorance. Probably thousands of your avid and dedicated followers, all smarter than me of course, are smugly saying, “Oh yes, that’s ………… Everyone knows that!” I will be having lunch with Josh today, so I’d better show it to him and see what he thinks. If he identifies it right away I will immediately poke out my eyes with the tines of my fork. This is what you have set in motion, Valerie. I hope you will feel remorse when I am blind and bloody, tapping along the cobblestones with my cane. But while I still have use of my powers of vision let me say that the image of the child with the sparrow is just priceless. My smile upon seeing that was enormous and I showed it to Miriam and her face cracked from ear to ear and her teeth sparkled. I would love to be able to take that kid to hand feed a chickadee. In the meantime let me wish you a good day filled with coffee, laughter and Heike. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Now, now, David, stop these tantrums. Not even you can know everything! Calm down and stop stamping your feet immediately or I'll have to spank you!
      The photo of the little girl with the bird made me cry because it's so lovely. Glad you and Miriam enjoyed it, too!
      Enjoy your lunch with Josh, and perhaps he will realise where it is!
      Hugs, Valerie xxxxx

    2. Yes, you really are a naughty boy!

  5. I like the 3D look to your page. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ. I cut the photos up and rearranged them with foam dots to make them look 3D. I like playing about!

  6. Hi Valerie, I know where it is, but I won't say anything! Great idea for the theme! Have a nice afternoon, hope your sciatica is a bit better.. Hugs, Martha

  7. Valerie, lol, at first I thought England. Then, it looked German, then Danish. So I'm now certain it's EUROPEAN. HA! heehee Anyway, very nice collage! And good thinkie funnies, hope you are feeling less exhausted. XOX

  8. i adore this art with buildings;)

  9. You'll have to tell me where it is lol

  10. That place could not be Roman as there are no round arches, so I am thinking a little Gothic. Perhaps England or France? Haha. I really don't know. I love that priceless pic of the little girl and the tiny bird.

    1. Yes, that photo of the little girl is priceless. Have a great day!

  11. Okay, I'm clueless. Enjoyed the funnies. Hugs, Sandra

  12. I love your page Valerie, but I'm stumped. Geography was never my best subject :D
    Like everyone else, I am enchanted with that sweet photo of the little girl and sparrow. My husband loved it too.
    Alison x

    1. Don't worry, geography was not my subject either, all I can remember was learning about the coal fields of England and Wales! That photo has everyone under its spell. Hugs!

  13. unverkennbar Düsseldorf, ein Tolles Journalseite liebe Valerie und die Witze und Denkanstösse hast du toll ausgesucht!
    Hoffentlich macht das Wetter bei dir nicht so Probleme!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Endlich! Ja, natürlich ist es Düsseldorf! Wir hatten Gewitter in der Nacht, sehr lout! Heute ist es normal, grau in grau!

  14. I missed this cool building piece. I love the layering, and those are cool buildings too. Is it somewhere in Dusseldorf? Hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, it's part of the old town, seen from the river. I just changed the photo a bit.

  15. It looks like Erika has guessed Dusseldorf, and I am in agreement. However the lion looks like the Braunschweig Lion Iris often shows.

    LOVED the funnies, especially the last three. And thanks for another wonderful entry for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    1. The lion of Düsseldorf is far superior to all other lions, every one knows that. And especially Brunswick lions!

  16. Well, I love Dusseldorf but did not recognize it. Now had there been a child doing a cartwheel I might have. I did guess Germany so was almost there. Anyway, it is a lovely page for your journal, I enjoyed looking at it all very much.
    Loved the funnies, you always have the best ones around.
    Hugs, to you, Neet xx

    1. Well, I did my best to disguise it with a view thaat only people who live here would recognise! Thanks Neet, have a great week!

  17. No mistaking those building shapes -it's your town, Dusseldorf. What a great idea for my AJJ theme, Thanks Valerie. Yes these are the wonder years! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, glad you guessed. And yes, let's keep wondering! Hugs!

  18. This is absolutely wonderful art and great quotes. Have a good day today.

  19. ...where are things is a constant problem. Could my age be a factor? Thanks valerie for the funnies! Take care and be warm and well.

  20. Well, I am going to go out on a limb and guess ... it has to be somewhere in Germany and that is as close as I can get. And, if you tell me I am wrong, I will just write it off to being and old poop, but I have to admit the challenge got my blood running :) Your Funnies and Thinkies really hit home today. The little girl and the little bird are priceless and surprising. Makes you wonder how that little bird knew he was safe :) As for Shakespeare, who knew that we wouldn't be able to converse intelligently without him. And, I truly appreciate the reference to the "Wonder Years" ... been there and still doing it. As always, Valerie, you have hit a home run. (And I agree, David is a naughty boy :0)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. It's Düsseldorf, where I live! And I have decided not to spank David, he would probably enjoy it! Hugs!

  21. I'm definitely in the "wonder" years lol!!! ☺☺

  22. ...Anna Quindlen is one smart woman! Valerie, I wish you a wonderful weekend.

  23. Hi Valerie, thanks for sharing this with FFO. I hope you are feeling well.


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